With lockdowns now over, at least for the time being, and summer weather just around the corner, hopefully you’ve been able to get out on your bike more recently and are feeling more coordinated, fitter and confident.
These last few issues we’ve been encouraging you to set specific goals and really pursue them when your out on your bikes, and now we want to ramp that up. This month we’re going to look at slightly bigger goals like tackling events, hilly challenges, and perhaps some more complicated or subtle techniques. With the right mindset you’ll be able to achieve more this year than you thought possible during the last winter lockdown.
One of the best things about riding your bike more often is getting fitter. As your body starts to adapt to all this extra mileage, you can take on bigger and bigger challenges. In a nutshell, being able to climb more means that you can descend more, and as your lungs and legs get stronger and more efficient on the way up, your
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