More from What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ

What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ8 min read
Healing Herbs For Women
Medicinal plants can be used to treat all sorts of women’s health problems, from infertility and heavy periods to cystitis and hot flashes. Here are seven of my go-to herbs for women along with some DIY recipes you can use for herbal healing at home.
What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ1 min read
Tenderising Lemongrass And Ginger
Gently pounding lemongrass and ginger helps break down the fibers and releases their flavours. For lemongrass, trim off the root end of the stalk and remove any tough outer layers. Then cut the stalk into pieces and use the back of a knife or a meat
What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ1 min read
Drying And Storing Herbs
Bunches of herbs are best dried hanging up or spread out on trays lined with paper. The plants need plenty of circulating air to dry thoroughly and to prevent them from going moldy. I tie the herbs in small bunches and then attach them to coat hanger

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