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How It Works4 min read
Laser Warfare
Laser wavelengths travel at the speed of light – around 186,300 miles per second Lasers can be used to target and destroy missiles. An example of this is Israel’s Iron Beam high-energy laser weapon system, which is planned for launch in 2025. The sys
How It Works1 min read
Fast Facts
In one hour, a photon could travel from Earth to Mars four times YouTube was first registered on 14 February as a video dating site Light from the Moon takes a small but noticeable about of time to reach Earth The oldest evidence of wine-making was d
How It Works4 min read
Dear HIW, How does the body generate its own heat? In extreme cold weather, do internal organs change temperature? Lisa Sinclair Metabolic processes in cells, especially the muscles and liver, generate the body’s heat. As cells convert food into ener
