What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ

PEGylated nanoparticles in your vaccine

Harold Gielow had his first allergic reaction when he was in his 20s, while on active duty aboard a US naval ship in 1983. Had he or the Navy known he had allergies, he would have been precluded from fine operations. But he’d never experienced any symptoms before, and he didn’t know what was making him react

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What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ1 min read
Tenderising Lemongrass And Ginger
Gently pounding lemongrass and ginger helps break down the fibers and releases their flavours. For lemongrass, trim off the root end of the stalk and remove any tough outer layers. Then cut the stalk into pieces and use the back of a knife or a meat
What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ1 min read
Let Them Eat Fake
Kellogg’s is just one of many food companies that have marketed enriched foods as healthy choices (and often at premium prices) throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. The promotion of artificially enhanced foods hasn’t wavered despite the steady ris
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The ReCODE protocol
1 Nutrition Central to ReCODE is KetoFLEX 12/3—a heavily plant-based, nutrient-rich, whole-foods diet that focuses on local, organic and seasonal non-starchy vegetables combined with adequate protein and generous amounts of healthy fat. In 12/3, the
