The Issues Thrown by the Winning Proposals
Kee Hyosung director, Han-A Urban Research Institute
Kim Saehoon professor, Seoul National University
Lee Jaeseung professor, Seoul National University
Jung Sanghoon professor, Gachon University
Hwang Gayeon manager, Han-A Urban Research Institute

Kim Saehoon (Kim) Recently, a rough sketch of the basic design for the 3rd Generation New Towns was publicised. The President Moon Jae-in administration announced their Policy of Providing 300,000 Houses in the Metropolitan area in order to stabilise the housing market. These include the five different districts that have been designated as 3rd Generation New Towns: Wangsuk-Namyangju, Gyosan-Hanam, Changneung-Goyang, Daejang-Bucheon, and Gyeyang-Incheon; and public housing districts: Gwacheon-Gwacheon and Jangsang-Ansan. In general, what do you think of the location, size, and defining characteristics of the 3rd Generation New Towns?
In terms of their location and size, the 3rd Generation New Towns are different from the previous New Towns. First, it broke the unwritten law behind previous New Towns projects – that they would not encroach upon Green Belt land – by releasing large swathes of the Green Belt. Of course, it mostly released areas that had been determined to be third grade or less and of low conservation value. It must have been a decision made when searching for easily accessible sites within 20km from the centre of Seoul. In terms of their size, when compared to the previous developments that consisted of more than a 3-million-pyeong (about 991, 735m ), the 3rd Generation New Towns are to be developed on a smaller scale. Since they are close to Seoul and their ) private housing units, the 3rd Generation New Towns are cities of mainly 20-pyeong (about 66m ) public housing developments.
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