More from Men's Fitness South Africa

Men's Fitness South Africa4 min read
30 Ways To Get Stronger
Using machines to train can get you just as big as throwing up free weights, according to a recent study. Supplementing with casein — a slowdigesting protein powder — before you sleep has been shown to stimulate overnight muscle growth. Also, a study
Men's Fitness South Africa2 min read
Big Bells
MORPHING ARMS as scrawny as pipe cleaners into straight up pipes isn’t as easy as grasping a barbell and curling it until your arms go numb. Yes, barbell curls are a potent mass builder, but neglecting to train the triceps and relying solely on barbe
Men's Fitness South Africa1 min read
Ask Men’s Fitness
Q Beach resorts offer a few hours of scuba training, then a dive. Is that a good (and safe) way to learn? LLOYDB, DURBAN A It depends! Intro courses don’t provide actual certification, just enough knowhow to try things out, says Alex Brylske, PhD, au

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