Denise Rabor is a make-up artist and beauty and wellbeing specialist (
Q My favourite moisturiser doesn’t contain any sun protection. Is it OK to use an SPF on top, or is that too much product? If so, which do I put on first?
A It’s important to choose your moisturiser and SPF to suit your skin type, after all, if you’ve got oily or combination skin the last thing you want is to end up with blocked pores. And if it is sensitive, look for a product with calming ingredients such as (£38, ). I recommend applying serums and moisturisers first and then sunblock, before foundation. Leave at least 15 minutes after moisturiser before applying the SPF. However, if you are using a chemical sunscreen, it needs to be applied directly to your skin, and your moisturiser would then go on top. Chemical sunscreens are absorbed by your
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