
Women (around) Architecture

In spite of the fact that I was originally asked to write an article on ‘The Developing Path of the Feminist Movement in Korean Culture and the Arts’, I wanted to go back to the present – no, to the beginning – and to develop this essay through my impressions or analyses of the respective movements, situations, and events that are happening in different places, like a relay. It was at a talk in early September organised by a certain dance magazine that I got to hear about the current state of the ‘Me Too’ movement, which was beginning to gather momentum in the dancing world. I also heard the original opinion of Na Hye-seok was finally beginning to change, after attending a public hearing in mid-September regarding a certain art museum. Although the feminist wakeup call and its corresponding movement had emerged among young females since 2015, and has been featured in prominent articles and online platforms, and although some of its more significant events have been carved into our memories while many others have been quickly forgotten – and even though such events continue to occur around us – now, there are still those instances that remain merely on the lips of an ‘inner circle’ without every entering the public sphere, or receiving the attention of the press. Instead of bringing about a revolution, these calls for change, the movement, as well as its events, are either progressively or even simultaneously disappearing and becoming

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