I felt uneasy going into this year’s Maker Faire. During the application process, it seemed that our application for a booth to display our projects was rejected, despite our submitting it before the deadline. Although similar delays have been the “tradition,” we always managed to retain our previous location in the main hall.
Thankfully, the application was approved and the members of the “Not Your Grandpa’s Ham Radio” team at Maker Faire Bay Area (Photo A) was able to display their wares. “Not Your Grandpa’s Ham Radio” is the name and theme we have used for all of our Maker Faire events. The team is comprised of Joel Wilhite, KD6W; Brian Yee, W6BY; Pat Yee, Brian’s XYL; Paul Zander, AA6PZ; and me, Wayne Yoshida, KH6WZ. As you can see in the photo, Joel takes my advice about callsign branding seriously.
Projects at Maker Faire
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