Serving all Tampa Bay FL Area counties.
Tree Trimming, Removals, Stumpgrinding
Call for a free estimate
Pinellas (727) 520-2582
Hillsborough (813) 270-3889
Copy any of the HTML codes and paste them into your ebay description box.
Then just add your descriptions. If you want to use this stuff to create a webpage Click here.
Everything must be pasted into the description box.
If you want the "camera icon" with your listing, you should add a small picture in the "Picture URL" box. (NOTE) This is not needed in the new SYI 2.0 form as there is a box that can be checked to give you the icon.
Click here to get some color codes for your text or background.
To start a new line add <BR>.
To add spaces (blank lines) below your lines or pictures add <BR><BR>.
The more you add <BR>, the more space (blank lines) you will get.
Pictures, backgrounds and sound files must be uploaded to your server to use, click here to learn how to do it.
Be sure you only have http:// once at the beginning of your URL.
<center><font size=+1><a href="">Click here</a>Type your text here</font></center>
<center><font size=+2><a href="">VIEW MY OTHER AUCTION ITEMS</a></font></center>
If your pictures are large, sometimes they will be forced to show one on top of the other.
Keep in mind that other viewers may have different size monitors and use different monitor settings.
If the pictures are too wide to fit on a small screen, you can make them fit on all monitors without scrolling like this:
Note: Be sure each picture is at originally least 1/2 of the screen as this will distort smaller pictures. Also, it's not a good idea to use this code inside a table.
If you still want them side by side and don't care if the screen scrolls copy the code below and paste it in the description box. Then add your picture URL.
If you want to put space between them, put your cursor in the middle between > and < Now all you have to do is hit your space bar and move the URL's apart.
DON'T HIT YOUR ENTER KEY, they must be touching and seperated using your space bar only.
You don't need to put anything in between. The further you move them apart, the further apart your pictures will be. This also works for more than two pictures.
Below are 4 options for clickable pop up e-mail boxes. The first one is a standard box, the second one has the subject line already filled in by you and the third one is handy if you want to know where the e-mail is sent from. The fourth one is a combination of the second and third. Instead of text, you can use a picture by erasing "E-MAIL ME" and inserting the picture URL like this: <img src=http://YOUR PICTURE URL> IMPORTANT Be sure to include all the quotation marks and < and > where I placed them.
Full page Fixed backgrounds This will allow the page contents to scroll while allowing the background to remain stationary Notice: you have to add the URL of the background in two places.
Note: Fixed backgrounds don't work on all browsers.
Full Page Background Colors NOTE: The standard "bgcolor=" code will not work for full page backgrounds on eBay.
You must make a small colored square in your paint program. Convert it to a .jpg or .gif file, and upload it to your server the same way you would upload a regular background.
<a href="">Click here</a> to turn on the sound.
<center><FORM><SELECT name="URL"
<OPTION value="">My other stuff</OPTION>
<OPTION value=""></OPTION>
<OPTION value=http://Destination page URL>1. Your text goes here </OPTION>
<OPTION value=""></OPTION>
<OPTION value=http://Destination page URL>2. Your text goes here </OPTION>
<OPTION value=""></OPTION>
<OPTION value=http://Destination page URL>3. Your text goes here </OPTION>
<OPTION value=""></OPTION>
<OPTION value=http://Destination page URL>4. Your text goes here </OPTION>
<OPTION value=""></OPTION>
</SELECT><NOSCRIPT><INPUT type=submit value="Go">
Note: HTML does not work in the location box of the Sell Your Item 2.0 form
You can add a picture in the location box the same way you put a picture in the Description box, using <img src=http://Your_Picture_URL>
The problem is, most URL's are too long to fit in the description box with the HTML needed to display the picture.
Fortunately other HTML codes will work in the location box.
<font color=red size=+5>Florida</font> will give you
Don't use quotation marks (") in the location box or the Add Picture box.
The picture will show on the preview page but won't be in the correct location until the auction is submitted.
Important!. This is meant to only put a small logo or very small picture next to your title. DON'T use a large picture as it will cover the title.
<center><table border="0" width="85%"
cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10" bgcolor="BLACK">
<tr><td valign=top><font color="WHITE" size="+2" face="comic sans ms">
Text on the left side.<br><br>Picture in the middle.</td>
<td align=center><img src=""></td>
<td valign=bottom><font color="WHITE" size="+2" face="comic sans ms">
And more text on this side</td></tr>
<center><table border="0" width="85%"
cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10">
<tr><td valign=top><font color="BLACK" size="+2" face="comic sans ms">
Text on the left side. Picture in the middle.</td>
<td align=center><img src=""></td>
<td valign=bottom><font color="BLACK" size="+2" face="comic sans ms">
And more text on this side</td></tr>
<center><table border="3" width="80%" cellpadding="8"
bgcolor=gold><tr><td align=center>
<font color=blue size=+3 face="arial">
Your Title Goes Here
</font><br><br><font color=blue size=+2 face="arial">
Your description goes here.
<br><br><img src=http://YOUR PICTURE URL GOES HERE>
Click here</a> to view my other auction items<br><br>
Got a question? <BR><a href="mailto:YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS">
Click Here </a> to send me an e-mail</font><BR>
Your Title Goes Here
Your description goes here.
Your description goes here. Your description goes here.
Your description goes here. Your description goes here.
<center><table border="3" width="80%" cellpadding="8"
bgcolor=cyan><tr><td align=center>
<font color=blue size=+3 face="arial">
Your Title Goes Here
</font><br><br><font color=blue size=+2 face="arial">
Your description goes here.
<br><br><img src=http://YOUR PICTURE URL GOES HERE>
Click here</a> to view my other auction items<br><br>
Got a question? <a href="mailto:YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS">
Click Here </a> to send me an e-mail
<br><br><a href=http://YOUR WEBSITE URL>
Click here</a> to visit my website.</font>
Your Title Goes Here
Your description goes here.
Your description goes here. Your description goes here.
Your description goes here. Your description goes here.
<center><table border="3" width="80%" cellpadding="8"
background=http://YOUR BACKGROUND URL><tr><td align=center>
<font color=blue size=+3 face="arial">
Your Title Goes Here
</font><br><br><font color=blue size=+2 face="arial">
Your description goes here.
<br><br><img src=http://YOUR PICTURE URL GOES HERE>
Click here</a> to view my other auction items<br><br>
Got a question? <a href="mailto:YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS">
Click Here </a> to send me an e-mail
<br><br><a href=http://YOUR WEBSITE URL>
Click here</a> to visit my website.</font>
Your Title Goes Here
Your description goes here.
Your description goes here. Your description goes here.
Your description goes here. Your description goes here.
Change the color & size to meet your needs. Font will only work if the viewer has the font installed on their computer, otherwise they will see their default font.
<font color=blue size=+2 face="adobe minion web">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="andale mono">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="arial">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="arial black">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="artistik">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="ashley inline">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="gill sans mt shadow">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="bedrock">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="broadway">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="carlisle">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="courier">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="courier new">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="comic sans ms">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="georgia">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="glowworm">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="harlow">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="impact">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="old english">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="lucida handwriting">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="lucida sans">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="lucida console">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="lucida sans unicode">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="helvetica">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="symbol">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="times new roman">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="trebuchet ms">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="verdana">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="wingdings">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="wonton icg">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2 face="Mini Pics Lil Events">YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</font>
Your Text Goes Here
<font color=blue size=+2><I>YOUR TEXT GOES HERE</I></font>