Car Stuff

Today I got a new safety inspection done on the car because mine expires every December. I also took the opportunity to get an oil change and fluid check done. The last time I had that done was March or something like that.

Most states that do safety inspections or inspections on vehicles tie them to the birth month of the registered owner, much like the vehicle registration. Makes sense because then you just do all the car stuff one month each year. My birth month is March, but my Hawaii inspection expires every December. Why? That’s when I got the first inspection done when I moved here. Hawaii inspections are done on all vehicles that operate in the state, even ones not registered in Hawaii (for example, military people can bring their cars here and keep them registered in their official state of residence, but they still have to get a Hawaii vehicle inspection). Because of that, the inspections aren’t really tied to anything but themselves. Get one whenever, just every year.

I’m looking at the original inspection paperwork and it says I had 60530 miles (97414 km) on the car when I moved here. When the inspection was done today, the new mileage reading was 62837 (101126 km). That’s right, I’ve only put 2307 miles (3712 km) on the car in the year we’ve been living in Hawaii.

There’s just no where to go. We took the car to Maui and drove the road to Hana. I’ve driven around the island many times. But most of the driving is around downtown Honolulu and Waikiki.

I think I will be taking the car out more to run it up to full speed, which I can do on H-3, then turn around and come back.