My blogs
Gender | Female |
Location | Clovis, California, United States |
Introduction | I started out as a Republican because my parents were Republicans. Reagan was the president I first started listening to closely. He said it was not necessary to worry about the lower classes because there was a "trickle down theory" that would take care of them, and besides, they were mostly Welfare Queens and cheats anyway. Then one day I heard about how US corporations were sending their data entry work to third world countries via satalite in order to get it done for pennies instead of dollars. "Hmm. How did this fit the trickle down theory?" I asked myself, quietly. I started to hear a giant sucking sound- the sound of our losses- loss of opportunity, loss of individuality, loss of a voice to speak. Today we have George W. Bush, travelling around the country with his Wag the Dog and Pony show, speaking only to the converted. Read my blog and you will see what interests me these days. |
Favorite Music | That would be Van Morrison. |