Samantha & Mom
My blogs
- Beau's Blog
- Secret Paws 2010
- Samantha & Socks
- M-Cats Club
- Wuv Kitty Klub
- Secret Paws 2014
- As The Squillion World Spins
- Floof & Fur
- Swap n' Tails
- Halloween Floof
- Check It Out For Free
- Secret Paws 2016
- Life From A Cat's Perspective
- *NEW* Tuxedo Gang Hideout
- Secret Paws 2015
Blogs I follow
- Ornj Magic
- Loretta's...She Spoke To Me
- Zoe the Himalayan Kitty
- Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats .....
- Angel Ginger Jasper
- *** Katiez Furry Mewz ***
- *NEW* Tuxedo Gang Hideout
- 1 Happy Cat
- 29-something
- 3 Kats and a Kwilter
- 365 Cat Ladies and Friends
- 4 Cats Make Me Crazy!
- 5-Cat Style & The Flyer
- 85th and a Half Dimension
- 9 Kai and Chani Hokulani
- <center>Angel Clarissa's House Of Cats</center>
- A Blip on the Radar
- A Cat called Freya
- A Cat called Freya
- a cat in gloves catches no mice
- A Cat Named Homer
- A Cat's Life
- A Cats Golden Years
- A Cats View of Life
- A Closet for Limitless Adventure, Limitless Possibilities
- A Dog and 2 Cats
- A Girl Of Many Interests
- A Grown-up. Really?
- A Home for Boo
- A Kitty Named Reese
- A Tonk's Tail... err, Tale...
- A Wabbit Walking
- A Wizard and Angel
- Abby Normal, the Stygian Panther, &amp; Sticks
- ABsharpeii
- According To Jimbo
- Acrazycatsthoughts
- Adan's Everyday
- Adventures in Cat Philanthropy
- Adventures of a Suburban Kitty
- Adventures of Admiral Hestorb
- Adventures of Enid and Hester
- Adventures with Jaydan
- Adventures with Pemberley
- Agent Oreo - Super Secret Agent
- Alastriona, The Cats &amp; Dogs
- Albert and Elvis
- Albert The Cat's Blog
- All About Lacocoon Dante
- Alley Cats and Angels of NC
- And Miles To Go Before We Sleep
- Andrea Dorn's blog
- Angel Cake
- Angel Prancer Pie
- Angus Mhor
- Animal Shelter Volunteer Life
- Aoise's world
- Ariel's BushyTales
- As The Squillion World Spins
- AsTheCrackerheadCrumbles
- Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty
- Athena The Torbie Cat
- Auctions for Petz in Need
- Autism Family Adventures
- Avalon Cat Cartoons
- Awaiting Angel
- Baby Mao
- BabyBakes
- Bad Kitty Cats
- Banana and Cheese
- Band of Cats
- BeadedTail
- Beefcake Billy's Blog
- Bengal Business
- Bengal Business
- Bengal Cat Domination
- Beware - Cats Live Here
- Beyond The Garden Gate
- Big Fat Ginger Cat
- Bingo's Big Adventure
- Black Pearl Nightclub
- Blog Jog Day
- Bloggers World Directory
- Blogville Community Calendar
- Blogville Fun
- Bob T Bear (esq.)'s Diary
- Boris Kitty - 4 Paws for a Cause Haz moved to
- Bottle Cap Mayhem
- Brian's Home
- Bryan's Cats
- BubbleShare
- Buddy Bear's Cats' World
- Butchy &amp; Snickers Blog-2 Wild &amp; Woolly Wire Fox Terriers
- Buzz from BZTAT!
- bwog of the genius cat
- Calico Contemplations
- Call Me the Breeze
- Camera Critters Meme
- Camie's Kitties
- Cancer Revisited
- Carmela's Home
- Casey, Meezer Diva
- Cassie the Cat
- castle diva
- Cat and DOG Chat With Caren
- Cat Banter with Kimo & Sabi
- Cat Blogosphere
- Cat Chatter
- Cat Directory Products
- Cat From Hell
- Cat in the Buff
- Cat Lovers Home
- Cat Photo Club
- Cat Tails by Myst &amp; Blackie
- Cat Whisperer
- Cat's Cats
- CATachresis
- Catastrography
- Catitude
- Catladyland: Cats are Funny
- CatLine Crew
- Catnip Corner
- Cats and Dogs Naturally
- Cats in Charge: <br>A Guide to the Training<br> And Education of Humans
- Cats in Clothes
- Cats of Wildcat Woods
- Cats of Wildcat Woods in Exile
- Cats Who Twitter
- Catsparella
- Cats~Goats~Quotes
- CatTalesatTigerlilyandpalsblog
- Cattywumpus
- Celestial Kitties
- Celluloid Diaries
- Chancy, Jake, Babe &amp; Ernie&#39;s Voice
- Chasing Home. Chasing Cats.
- Chat Aux Sphynx
- Chat et Essai
- Check It Out For Free
- Cherry City Kitties
- Chester &amp; Mickey
- Chester SmooshyFace
- Chey's Place
- Chez Cat
- Chloe and Cecil
- Christopher's Groove
- Clive Kitten's Surgery
- Clooney's Num-Num Fund
- Coco Charlize Taylor Sherwood
- Cocoa Posts!
- Coffe Time WIth Neko
- CoffeeCoffeeCoffee
- Cokie the Cat: Hollywood Insider
- Collectibles by Zoolatry
- Complete with Dogs...and Cats
- Confessions of a Junkyard Cat
- Confessions of the Plume
- Confucius Cat
- Cooper: Photographer Cat
- Cory Cat Blog
- crafty-cats-corner
- Crazy Cat Lady Carm
- Crazy Cats
- Creating A Likeness
- Crikey
- Cuddles and Catnip
- Curiosities&amp;Reveries
- Curlz and Swirlz...
- Cute Cat Elin!
- Cute Critters
- Cute Sweet Baby Animals
- D'Artagnan's Honor
- DailyGs... the Video Vault
- Daisy the Curly Cat
- DaisyMaeMaus &amp; the Feline Americans
- Dancing with Billy SweetFeets
- Danny &amp; Lymphoma
- Darling Millie
- Dash Kitten's Mewsings
- Dash Mouth
- Day to Day with Winchester Feline
- Devoted to Willow
- Dexter told Delilah
- Diamond's blog: by Sasha
- Digicats (and Dogs)
- Dissecting Society™
- DIY Catcare
- Don't Bite
- Donna's Designs
- Doodle Week
- Dr Tweety &amp; da Fab Five
- Duckie Songs
- Emma &amp; Buster
- Endless Whimsy
- entertaining views from cincinnati
- Everycat
- Everyday Living
- Expat Cat Oscar
- Fage
- Fat Cat Bean
- Feebee the tortoiseshell cat
- Finding Sirius
- Flawed
- Flock O' Fuzzies
- Floof &amp; Fur
- Food for Fools
- Four Crazy Cats
- Four Paws And Some String
- Free-Turning Kids n Parents Onto Photography (freetkpop)
- Friends FurEver
- From Kittens To Cats &amp; More...
- From the Misguided Mind of Buster
- From the Misunderstood Mind of Buster
- Fur Everywhere
- Furbaby Chat!
- Furriends of The Cat Blogosphere
- Furrsonality
- furry paws
- Furry Tails of the PDX pride
- Furry Tales: Adventures of Indulged Pets
- Galletta the Great
- gatti fili e farina
- Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
- George Online Cat. Author and Behaviourist.
- Gigi's Calico Corner
- Golden Years ~ Senior Cat Rescue
- Goodness Gracie
- Gotta Have Faith
- Gretchen and Sophie's Place
- Grrreta
- Halloween Floof
- Halloween Spooktacular!
- Handsome Samson
- Hannah and Lucy
- Hansel's Auctions!
- Happy Cat Family - Blog
- Harley&amp;Lola
- Health Nut Wannabee Mom
- Helping Our Needy Furiends
- Hemi'sPhere
- Hemmingwaycat's Adventures in Family Life
- Herman's Hideaway
- HH and the Boys
- Holly Wags
- Holy Cuteness
- Honey Boo
- Hootin' Anni's Day Trippin'
- House of Carnivores
- House of Cats
- House of the Discarded
- House Panthers
- Housecat Confidential
- Huffle Mawson, Explorer Cat
- Hugz Before You Go
- I Have Three Cats
- I is Beethoven
- I Love Silver Meow Meow Cat 小花貓
- I Think My Cat Is An Alien
- I'm a Little Devil
- iMog
- Inner Insanity
- Insane-o-Cat
- Isis Meows &amp; Setra Says
- It Matters To Me
- It's all about the cats!
- Jackpot The Cat
- Jacqueline's Cat House
- Jans Funny Farm
- Jasper McKitten-Cat
- Java's Coffee House
- jeter harris
- Jo's World
- Jodi;s Book Reviews
- Journey of Cat in My House
- Just Cats
- Just Gotta Share This
- Karl and Oscar
- Karmen's Tales
- Kat Happy Haven
- Kat's Kats
- Kater Twinkle
- Katie Isabella
- Katiez Furr-E-Bay
- Katnip Lounge
- Katnippia
- Kattonic Cats
- Kazoku Neko
- KC &amp; The Giggleman Gang
- KC's Holly*Days Shopping Mall 2011
- Kellie The Orange Cat
- Kellykat's Korner
- Kilroy the Love Beastie
- Kittens 'n Things
- Kitty Limericks
- Kitty Mewsings
- Kitty Par-TAY
- Kitty Quartet
- Kitty's Cat Chat
- Kizzie Cat
- Kjelle Bus öden o äventyr
- Kolo's world
- Krasota Castle
- Krazy Kitty Rants
- Kritters That Twitter
- Kruse Kats
- Kwee Cats and Art
- Lainy's Musings
- Le Chat Domestique
- Life From A Cat's Perspective
- Life froo posie dorg's eyez
- life with Fae
- Life's a Trip!!!!
- Lilacs &amp; Cats
- Lilly Lu Iris, Callie Rose , Maxie and Mikey Tell all.
- Lily Le Mew &amp; Jan too!
- Lily Pad Quilting
- Linens and Royals
- Lisa Lisa and the Cat Jam
- Lone Star Purrs
- Look What The Storm Dragged In!
- Lookin' Fur Love with Scooby Doo
- Louche Tabby
- Luna und Luzie
- M-Cats Club
- Macadamya
- Margs pets
- Marie the Defender
- Mario's Meowsings
- Mariuca
- Mark's Mews
- Marley, Reggie and Me
- Marshwood Cottage
- marvin in boston
- Me, the islands and the world
- meeyauw
- Meezer Tails
- Megan Monster
- Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows
- Melody's Katz
- Memories of Eric and Flynn
- Meow Family
- Meow March! A Political Coup by Jerusalem Jones, Cat
- MeowChoice
- Merry and Pippin..two kitties with diabetes
- Mia and Mika...
- Mieow
- miezekatzen
- Milky Way
- Millie's House
- Milton's Life
- Mimi Writes.......
- Minion and Boffin's Not-So-Secret Lair of Doom
- Miracles For Maxie
- Miscreant Mewsings
- Misses Peach's Meowz
- Mom And Me, Kassey
- Momma Grace &amp; Company
- Mommys Little Fat Boy
- Momsbusy Y2K for Friends
- Monty Graycat Ponders Out loud
- Moonspun Cats
- Mowzer Land
- Mr Mews Cat Detective
- Mr. Puddy
- Mr. R.W. Emerson
- Mr. Tuck's Neighborhood
- Mrs. Banks has kittens!
- Muffin &amp; Raja
- Mumsy and Co.
- Mumsy and Furkids
- Mumsy's Critters
- Munchkin and Posse
- Munchkin Inspects
- Murphy's Law
- Musings on a Small Life
- My 2 Paws
- my babys
- My Cat Boys
- My Cats Rule
- My Daily Cat Fix
- My Grumpy Tail
- My Himalayan Cat Goma Blog
- My Kitty Adventures
- My Mind's Eye
- My Siberian Cats ---Mishka, Milakoshka, Zateynik and Barbossa
- My Very Own Cat Blog
- Nadine
- nasty paws
- Neko Blokes: Meow!
- neomeezer
- Nerissa's Life
- Nico The Poly Meezer
- Noir's Nook
- Notes from Hidden Springs Farm
- O DIÁRIO DO GATINHO EROS - 2012 (Este diário contém em arquivo todo o ano 2009, 2010, 2011 e 2012))
- Offishul CB VSquillions Shelter
- OK Cats
- Oliver's Weekly Scoop
- OMG! So Many Cats!
- One Cats Nip
- One Eye on the Future
- Orange Cat Blues
- Oregon Art Guy Blog
- Original Art By Lauren M. Davis
- Our family cat-a-blog
- Our Rainbow Friends
- Ozark Mountain Cats
- Palaver from Pellie &amp;; Genghis Khat
- Palomo
- paper bag &amp; string
- Paw Print City Times
- Paws around the world
- PB&J Is My Favorite
- Peanut Butter and Jenny
- Peeballs and Pooplogs
- Pepsi Max addict
- Perfectly Parker
- Petie The Cat
- Phoenix's Bloggie
- Pierro + Miles' Happy Place
- Pirulo Furry's Thoughts
- Pitter Pats of Baby Cats
- Pişi &amp; Squeak
- Plants of Florida
- Polydactyl Princess
- Poppy Q
- Princess Isis
- Prints of a Cat
- Purr-sonally Speaking
- Purrchance To Dream
- PurrEverAfter
- Purrfect Haven
- Purrfectly Pickle
- Purrs &amp; Purrayers
- Purrs, Meows, etc.
- Purry Cute
- Purs n' Snorts
- Queen Bailee's Views
- Quiltcat's Mewsings
- Rachel's Studio Blog
- Random Animals
- Random Felines
- randomosity
- Ratmammy's Kitty Blog - The Bob and Blackie Show
- Rattitude
- Raymond and Busby: Hoosier Cats
- Rescues and More
- Responsible Pet Ownership Blog
- Retro Girl: Surviving The Suburbs
- Romeo the Cat...and Pugsley too!
- Rose, The Royals and Angel Gentleman Beau
- Rose~ the Captivating and Curious Adult Kitten
- Rufus Raves
- Rumblebum
- Rustic Ranch
- Sam's World
- Sammy's Space
- Santa Paws Drive
- SASS .... Shelly, Sierra, Polli &amp; Boston
- Say What???
- Secret Paws 2009
- Secret Paws 2010
- Secret Paws 2011
- Secret Paws 2012
- Secret Paws 2013
- seriously amused
- Shana and, BEYOND
- She calls me Missur Spock
- Sheldon The Cat
- Sherkhan's Meowsings
- Simba's Antics
- Simply Siamese
- Simply Siamese Fall Contest
- Skeezix the Cat's 3rd Annual VD Contest
- Skeezix's Scratching Post
- Skittles and Sly's Wedding
- Smoosh Your Boobies
- Soul Meets World
- SoxyCat
- Sparkle the Designer Cat
- Spike William's blog
- Sprinkles Sweetie
- Squeaky Kitty
- start a love train
- Stillness at Cherith
- Stories From an Innocent Owner of Mad Cats
- Stormy and Friends
- Stunning Keisha
- Survival of the Furriest
- Sweet Ariel
- Sweet Purrfections
- Säg mjau till livet!
- Tails of A Therapy Cat
- Tales of 4 Kitties
- Tales of Tigger and the Teach
- Talk With the Paws
- Tears for Neala
- Ten lives and second chances
- Tesla and Hansel
- The 9 Lives of Wu-Dong
- The Accidental English Teacher
- The Adventures of <br>Merlin &amp; Abracadabra
- The Adventures of Chance, the Thorntown Library Cat
- The Adventures of Maxdog in South Africa
- The Adventures of Percy the Cat
- The Adventures of Rusty
- The Adventures of Space Paws
- The Anipal Times
- The Ballicus Blog
- The Blog of a Big Man Cat
- the Casbah Kitten
- the cat / dog log
- The Cat Blogosphere Auction Blog
- the cat nips
- The Cats P
- The Cheezits: Colby and Cheddar
- The Chesney Cats
- The Cincinnati Kitties
- The Coupon Goddess
- The Creek Cats
- The Cujo Cat Chronicles
- The Cupcake Bakery
- The Daily Cat
- The Daily Pip
- The Devil Dog
- The Devil is Prada
- The Directory
- The Fictitious Cat
- The Furative Narration
- The Furry Kids
- The Glummy Puddle
- The Hoops
- The Iced Coffee Bar
- The Island Cats
- The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee
- The Kaltsas Kats On The Prowl
- The Kewl~Kitty~Krew
- The Kittini Boys
- The Kitty Cat Tales
- The Kitty City Gazette
- The Land of Melting Shadows
- The Life and Loves of Blossom, Skye and our new brudder Puck
- The Life and Times of Bang!
- The Life of a Spoiled Cat
- The Life Of Our Furbabies
- The Marriage of Othello and Gree
- The Misadventures of Me
- The MisAdventures of Sooty Meow
- The Monkeys
- The Monkeys' Comics
- The Naughty Kitty Club
- The Painted Veil
- The Paw Relations
- The Phin, Feather and Furr Gang
- The PsychoKitty Speaks Out
- The Red Cat Society
- The Rocky Mount Meezers
- The Saturday PhotoHunt
- The Slimmer Pugs
- The Tails of Roman T. Cat
- the Whiskeratti
- The World According to Misha
- The World According to Princess The Cat
- The World of Hansel
- TheCatHerd
- Three Country Cats
- Three Little Kittens
- Tiger Lily's Pad
- Tiki's Blog
- TK and Pip- Furrever Home
- Tomcat Commentary by Tim
- Tommy and Teaghan
- Toulouse's Kozy Korner
- Traveling Cats - Travel Pictures of Cats
- Trixie's Place
- Troublin' Times
- TT&amp;TOT
- Tubs, Toys and Teeth - The Reminiscences and Rambl
- Turkey Cats
- twenty pound tabby
- Twinkletoe Tails
- Two Cats One Blog
- Two Greyhound Town
- Two Little Cavaliers
- Tybalt the Prince of Cats
- Us Three Coons
- Us4 Cats
- Victor Tabbycat and Nina Torbie
- We Three, Ginger cats tales
- WeezDaBadCats &amp; DaMeenDawgs
- Wendy's 3-D Cats
- West Country Critters
- When Cats Attack
- Where's that Whitey?
- Whimpurr's Whim
- Whiskers and Prozac
- William of Mass Destruction
- willow's cat blog
- Window Views... and doors too!
- wings and paws
- Would you like some fur with your wine?
- Wuv Kitty Klub
- clothes dress
- wyldechylde
- Yao-lin's Yawnings
- Young Mr Fudge: View From a Small Brown Cat
- Your Daily Cute
- Zeroichi
- Zoey and the furballs
- Zoolatry
- ~MeowMeowFamily~
- ~Tails from the Foster Kittens~
- ♥ SweetFurr ♥
Gender | Female |
Industry | Internet |
Location | United States |
Introduction | We are Samantha & Clementine. Two Cats who write about Life From a Cat's Perspective. We want to meet lots of furiends and people from all the world. |
Favorite Music | Harry Chapin, 70's and 80's, Country Western, 50's & 60's and a little bit of everything else |
Favorite Books | Cat Mysteries: Mrs. Murphy from Rita Mae Brown, Midnight Louie from Carole Nelson Douglas, Joe Grey from Shirley Rousseau, Ko Ko & Yum Yum from Lilian Jackson Braun |
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