Anthoinette Genheimer

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location , , United States
Introduction [email protected]
Interests I am a seasoned military wife who loves to cook I greatly enjoy learning how to cook the food of whatever area the military sends me. Being that I have a love of history, I find the origins of the recipe and only make changes after I know how it was originally meant to be. I also love to teach others to cook in a tasty and easy way. Please come join me on my journey. If I am in your area, I do private lessons.
Favorite Movies I love movies like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Master and Commander.
Favorite Music It really depends on my mood. My husband always laughs when my playlist will go from Bach to Ramstein then Miranda Lambert, etc...
Favorite Books Historic regional cookbooks

If there's no I in team, why is there meat?

Because God made meat tasty so we would season, cook and eat it!