Strings and Hammers for Fingers and Nails
ALCD 002
Music for three pianists
Lokomotiv Konkret
A Voice Still Heard
ALCD 003 Improvised and melodies
Söderberg Åberg
Contemporary Lute​​​
ALCD 004
Cage Stockhausen Reich
Sten Sandell
Music from a Waterhole​
ALCD 005
Keybords and percussion
Rikard Wolff
ALCD 006
French chansons​
Paul Pignon Ray Strid
Far From Equilibrium
ALCD 007
Reeds and percussion
Schola Buccina
Trombone Ensemble
ALCD 008
On authentic instruments
The Heathens​
ALCD 009
Swedish folkmusic
Amando & Desiando​
ALCD 010
16th cent. Spain and Italy
Kristine Scholz
ALCD 011​
Contemporary piano music​
Johan Petri
I Fear This War​
ALCD 012
Improvised and songs
Chrispell, Jormin, Strid
Spring tour 1994​
ALCD 013
Improvised music
Lars Forssell
Jag har två sidor​
ALCD 014
Sung by Ewa Fröling
Jan Levander
Trio and 10-piece band​
ALCD 015
Contemporary Swedish jazz
Saint Colombe
Concerts a deux violes​
ALCD 016
17th century gamba
​I'vo piangendo
ALCD 017
17th century Italy
Stig Larsson
Dror Feiler
ALCD 018
Poetry and music
Eva Ström
Akos Rosmann
ALCD 019
Poetry and music​
Claude Loyola Allgén
ALCD 020
Mats Persson - piano
Low Dynamic Orchestra
ALCD 021
Impro and compositions
Albert de Rippe
​Fantasies & Chansons
ALCD 022
17th century lute music
Birgitta Lillpers
Lars Sandberg
ALCD 023
Morton Feldman
Complete works...
ALCD 024
...for two pianists
Jörgen Gassilewski
ALCD 025
Low Dynamic Orchestra​
Stefano Scodanibbio
ALCD 026
Cage, Cardew and impro​
Lena Susanne Norin
Le secret des muses​
ALCD 027
17th century songs
Söderberg Peters
On the carpet of leaves
ALCD 028
Lute and Electronics