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Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The... more
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      CampaigningCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
Digital transformation changes the relationship between citizens and politics. The observation of this nexus is highly relevant for representative democracy. After the successful 2008 Obama campaign, a vast body of research that explores... more
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      CommunicationPolitical PartiesInternet StudiesDigital Media
Many advocates of deliberative democracy see in the Internet a new opportunity for the development of public spaces, public spheres, and places where deliberation can take place. An important element of the notion of the public sphere in... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesNew MediaPolitical Participation
Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesPolitical Participation
This paper lays the groundwork for a comprehensive typology in uncovering the factors influencing the degree of shift towards e-democracy. The paper proposes an interaction model of factors in the analysis of e-democracy by examining the... more
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      Human RightsInternet politicsEparticipationE-voting
The developing 'global' network of computers, popularly referred to as the net, has sparked enthusiastic claims that this new medium holds the potential to revolutionise democracy. Central to this rhetoric is the concept of cyberspace.... more
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      JournalismHuman RightsCultural PoliticsMedia and Democracy
"במאמר זה נערכת בחינה מקיפה של השימוש באינטרנט ככלי פוליטי אישי בקרב חברי כנסת. תחילה מפורטות ומוסברות המגמות החברתיות והפוליטיות המניעות פרלמנטרים ברחבי העולם ובישראל להשתמש בפלטפורמות אינטרנט אישיות כמדיום תקשורתי. תיאור המגמות... more
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      Israel StudiesPolitical Communication (Communication)Political ScienceseDemocracy
Electronic voting or e-voting is defined as ‘an election system that allows a voter to record his or her secure and secret ballot electronically’ (TechTarget, 2011). This paper seeks to examine the advantages and disadvantages of e-voting... more
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      DemocracyElections and Voting BehavioreGovernmenteGovernance
"Τον Ιανουάριο του 2009, η εφαρμογή κοινωνικής δικτύωσης Facebook έφτασε στους 175 εκατομμύρια ενεργούς χρήστες, ενώ το Μάρτιο του 2012 η εταιρία ανακοίνωσε ότι οι χρήστες της ανέρχονται πλέον σε 900 εκατομμύρια περίπου. Ο αριθμός αυτός... more
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      Social NetworkingHuman RightsSocial MediaEparticipation
Η δραματική εισχώρηση της τεχνολογίας σε κάθε φάση της ζωής του ανθρώπου έχει επιφέρει μια τρομακτική αλλαγή στον τρόπο με τον οποίο αυτός εργάζεται, ενημερώνεται, επικοινωνεί και διασκεδάζει. Αυτή η εξέλιξη φαίνεται ότι μπορεί να... more
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Il presente contributo, seguendo un percorso di riflessione pensato per la didattica, prende spunto da un articolo giornalistico basato su un azzardato parallelo tra Obama e Cicerone. In sé, esso non può essere affrontato se non nei... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryAmerican PoliticsComparative Politics
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesPolitical SociologySocial Movements
Ever since the advent of the Internet, political communication scholars have debated its potential to facilitate and support public deliberation as a means of revitalizing and extending the public sphere. Much of the debate has focused on... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesNew MediaPolitical Participation
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      Digital MediaParticipationDigital ActivismCyberdemocracy
Boas práticas em parlamento aberto na Câmara dos Deputados: uma análise crítica
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      Open InnovationDigital DemocracyeDemocracyOpengovernment
This is chapter 13 of the book on eGovernment in the Pacific islands. any comments are welcome
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      Pacific Island StudiesICT4DeDemocracy
In this chapter, we present a typology of the tweeting behaviour of candidates as a means of analysing the extent to which politicians are harnessing the potential of social media to actively interact with their constituents. Our... more
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      CampaigningMedia StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural Studies
El modelo de representación parlamentaria de las democracias contemporáneas empieza a envejecer. La participación política de la sociedad, limitada en gran medida al sufragio, se antoja insuficiente y se extiende la percepción de que los... more
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Twitter has become a convenient, cheap and effective beat for journalists in search of news and information. Reporters today increasingly aggregate information online and embed it in journalism discourse. In this paper, we analyse how... more
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      HistoryMusicCommunicationMedia Studies
Palabras clave: desrepresentación, voto telemático, democracia líquida, 15M, hackeo jurídico, procesos legislativos.
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      Legal PhilosophyEvotingeDemocracyPublic Policy
Partiendo de las reflexiones desarrolladas a lo largo de las secciones anteriores, en este capítulo abordamos finalmente los procesos de diseño y construcción de sistemas de Software Cívico, que son los que en último término constituyen... more
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      Participatory DesignCollaborative DesignOpen GovernmentEparticipation
The aim of this study then is to move beyond politically oriented discussion forums by also examining the communicative practices of participants within fan-based forums. The focus is on how participants talk politics in online informal... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
Conceptions of digital technology are contingent on particular conceptions of democracy (and vice versa), in that our perceptions of the "actionable properties" of the former are always already necessarily affected by our preconceptions... more
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      Critical TheoryPoststructuralismErnesto Laclau and Chantal MouffeeGovernment
The new wave of information communication technologies is transforming politics around the world. A growing international literature notwithstanding, however, scholarship on the relationship between politics and the internet in New... more
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      Internet StudiesHuman RightsEparticipationeDemocracy & eVoting
Microblogging applications are becoming a momentous element of the public sector social media agenda. The potential of Twitter to update the public with frequent, concise and real-time content has motivated many pubic authorities to... more
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      Information TechnologySocial NetworkingHuman RightsDigital Media
This book illuminates the role of crowdsourcing in policy-making By drawing on several cases around the world. From crowdsourced constitution reform in Iceland and participatory budgeting in Canada, to open innovation for services and... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementComputer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)New Models Of Participatory And Direct Democracy
While the newspaper industry is in crisis and less time and resources are available for newsgathering, social media turn out to be a convenient and cheap beat for (political) journalism. This article investigates the use of Twitter as a... more
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      HistoryMusicComparative PoliticsCommunication
Ensemble des dispositifs et procédures mobilisant les technologies de l'information et de la communication en vue de favoriser la participation des citoyens au contrôle, à la discussion ou à l'élaboration des décisions publiques.
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      New MediaHuman RightsDemocracyThe Internet
Due to Covid-19, governmental bodies have been forced to digitally transform by adopting ICT technologies to provide citizens with better and faster services. However, factors, such as website performance, usability, accessibility, and... more
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      eGovernmenteDemocracyDigital MunicipalitiesDigital Transformation
As we start our journey through the twenty-first century, we will continue to be faced with two divergent trends, the rise of the Internet and the steady decline in the public sphere, and in political participation in general. The hopes... more
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      Internet StudiesPublic DeliberationCivil Society and the Public SphereInternet research
The aim of this chapter is to see whether online discussion forums dedicated to popular culture (reality TV) provide a communicative space, content and style for politics that extends the public sphere. Given their typically casual,... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural Studies
This article analyzes the nature of debate on “below the line” comment fields at the United Kingdom’s Guardian, and how, if at all, such debates are impacting journalism practice. The article combines a content analysis of 3,792 comments... more
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      HistoryMusicCommunicationNew Media
Theoretical and empirical research into online politics to date has primarily focused on what might be called formal politics or on how activists and social movements utilize social media to pursue their goals. However, in this chapter,... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesPolitical Participation
This chapter focuses on our attempts to overcome the methodological challenges of 'super-participation' in online discussion forums, focusing on the participatory patterns and discursive activity of what we call 'super-participants'. Our... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
Accessibility is an issue for everyone to overcome. Government Institutions are responsible from providing services for everyone, therefore; for eGovernment portals or platforms, to keep the information & services accessible to all, is... more
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      TurkeyeGovernmentPublic ServicesPeople with Disabilities
Ritaglio stampa ad uso esclusivo del destinatario, non riproducibile.
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Resumen Este trabajo bebe de la investigación “Jóvenes, Internet y política”, realizada para el Centro Reina Sofía sobre Adolescencia y Juventud. En él se muestra un resumen de las principales conclusiones acerca de las transformaciones... more
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      Political ParticipationInternet StudiesPoliticsYoung People
Empirical studies of online debate almost universally observe a “dominant” minority of posters. Informed by theories of deliberative democracy, these are typically framed negatively—yet research into their impact on debate is scant. To... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
Twitter has become one of the most important online spaces for political communication practice and research. Through a hand-coded content analysis, this study compares how British and Dutch Parliamentary candidates used Twitter during... more
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      Comparative PoliticsCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
Net-based public sphere researchers have examined online deliberation in numerous ways. However, most studies have focused exclusively on political discussion forums. This article moves beyond such spaces by analyzing political talk from... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
+47 22 85 25 00 +47 22 69 76 60 [email protected] [email protected] Parts of this work were presented at the Unitech2010 conference, see Halbach et al [1].
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      Human RightsInclusive DesignUniversal Design and InclusionEparticipation
As manifestações que tomaram as ruas de centenas de cidades brasileiras, em junho de 2013, foram convocadas nas redes da internet. O elemento mobilizador foi o aumento no preço dos transportes coletivos, que precipitou o rompimento de uma... more
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      Social MovementsInternet StudiesSocial MediaProtest
Creating public spaces that foster political talk amongst citizens is challenging business. Tell people that it’s a ‘political’ space and (however well designed) you will invariably find it is used by political junkies, and is largely... more
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      CommunicationNew MediaPolitical ParticipationInternet Studies
Governos democráticos têm adotado a Internet para criar iniciativas de fomento à participação política on-line. Neste sentido, a Internet provê oportunidades de consulta, participação e discussão para que cidadãos interajam com... more
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      Comunicação e PolíticaDemocraciaDemocracia DeliberativaInternet e Política
Taking forward a new agenda for online political deliberation – the study of everyday political talk in non-political, online ‘third spaces’ – this article examines the dynamics of political talk across three general interest UKbased... more
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      CommunicationNew MediaPolitical ParticipationInternet Studies
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      Web 2.0Public and Political CommunicationeDemocracy
What methods are used and what methodological issues are involved when Voting Advice Applications (VAAs) compare voter and party policy stances? This article examines these questions by describing a newly developed methodology to code... more
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      MethodologyPolitical CampaignsVoting Advice Applications (VAAs)Party Politics
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      Information SystemsHuman RightsInclusive DesignUniversal Design and Inclusion
Bu çalışmanın amacı, ilgili yurttaşlara ve çevrimiçi hizmet sunumu ve yönetimi sürecindeki Türk kent yöneticilerine bir kaynak sağlamak; konu hakkındaki benzer çalışmalar arasındaki boşluğu gidermeye yardımcı olmak ve başka çalışmalara... more
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      eGovernmentE-MunicipalityWeb Site EvaluationeDemocracy
It is news journalism that is commonly considered the practice that reports on the political and invites us to act as citizens. However, there are other media genres, forms and content that may provoke the citizen in us. They not only... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationMedia StudiesIntercultural Communication