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      Islamic LawIslamic EconomicsIslamic PhilosophyIslamic Studies
Kertas kerja ini bertujuan meneliti dan menganalisis hubungkait antara perakaunan zakat padi dengan kesejahteraan sosial para petani di Negeri Perlis. Penelitian dan penganalisisan ini dibuat berdasarkan buku panduan dan amalan perakaunan... more
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      ZakatZakah Accountingislamic accounting, zakat, Shariah audit, islamic banking and finance
The various sources of zakat accounting are actually going to provide an answer to the question of whether the accounting capable of acting stints zakat management. Zakat accounting will provide information or data of a general nature... more
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      FinanceAccountingIslamic Accounting, Shariah Auditing, Islamic FinancZakah Accounting
PENGERTIAN Yusuf Al Qardhawi menyatakan bahwa di antara hal yang sangat penting untuk mendapatkan perhatian kaum Muslimin saat ini adalah penghasilan atau pendapatan yang diusahakan melalui keahliannya, baik keahlian yang dilakukan secara... more
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    • Zakah Accounting
Today, poverty is one of the most important problems in the world. This is not only the problem of poor people living in specific regions but also the problem of all people in general. Poverty is expected to decrease as the welfare level... more
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      Poverty Reduction StrategiesReligion and EconomicsIslam and ModernityZakat
Zakat on income is one of the emerging issues among Syariah scholars where they might have varying opinions regarding it. The aim of this paper is to identify factors that may influence the Muslims behaviour towards zakat on income.... more
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      Zakat AccountingZakatZakah Accountingislamic accounting, zakat, Shariah audit, islamic banking and finance
This study is aimed to examine the factors that influence the decision Muzakki to pay zakat maal. Factors affecting the cultural, motivation, regulation, and understanding of the zakah. Respondents were sampled in this study is the... more
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      AccountingZakah Accounting
This paper aims to analyze the assessment of agricultural zakat among farmers in Malaysia based on manuals, fatawa and practices of various zakat institutions in Malaysia. According to the rules the assessment of agricultural zakat is... more
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    • Zakah Accounting
This paper aims to examine paddy zakah accounting in Perlis, Malaysia particularly in relation to its compliance with zakah requirements. Essentially, the guidelines for agriculture zakah accounting in the state of Perlis are contained... more
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      Islamic EconomicsIslamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic ArtIslamic Studies
The various sources of zakat accounting is actually going to provide an answer to the question of whether the accounting capable of acting stints zakat management. Zakat accounting will provide information or data of a general nature... more
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      Business EthicsFinanceAccountingSocial Science Research Network
Zakat sebagai kekuatan sosial di negeri ini terus menunjukkan perkembangan menarik. Sejak pergeseran paradigmanya di awal 90 an, zakat telah mampu memberikan warna dalam peta gerakan sosial di Indonesia. Meminjam istilah yang dipopulerkan... more
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      Development EconomicsAdvocacy and ActivismZakah Accounting