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We studied beneficial difference of the skin of two snakes. Two snakes were chosen from two different habitats and two families: Colubridae (Natrix tessellata) and Viperidae (Cerastes vipera). The investigations were performed by light... more
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The efficacies of specific Bothrops atrox-Lachesis and standard Bothrops-Lachesis antivenoms were compared in the north eastern Amazon region of Brazil. The main aim was to investigate whether a specific antivenom raised against the venom... more
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      MicrobiologyClinical TrialMedical MicrobiologyTropical Medicine
Study objectives: We seek to determine the short-term outcomes associated with the use of Crotalidae polyvalent immune Fab (ovine) (CroFab; FabAV) therapy for severe crotaline snake envenomation and to better define the incidence of... more
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      Treatment OutcomeAdolescentChildViperidae
Background: Envenomation by crotaline snakes (rattlesnake, cottonmouth, copperhead) is a complex, potentially lethal condition affecting thousands of people in the United States each year. Treatment of crotaline envenomation is not... more
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      AlgorithmsMedicineUnited StatesViperidae
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Background: Envenomation by crotaline snakes (rattlesnake, cottonmouth, copperhead) is a complex, potentially lethal condition affecting thousands of people in the United States each year. Treatment of crotaline envenomation is not... more
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      AlgorithmsUnited StatesViperidaeClinical Sciences
Snake venom peptidomes are valuable sources of pharmacologically active compounds. We analyzed the peptidic fractions (peptides with molecular masses o 10 000 Da) of venoms of Vipera ammodytes meridionalis (Viperinae), the most toxic... more
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      Drug DiscoveryViperidaePeptidesProtein Sequence Analysis
We investigated the putative toxins of Philodryas olfersii (Colubridae), a representative of a family of snakes neglected in venom studies despite their growing medical importance. Transcriptomic data of the venom gland complemented by... more
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      Molecular EvolutionSnake venomsPhylogenySequence alignment
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      Costa RicaPredationViperidaeSnakes
Aim: Snake bite causes a significant number of mortality and morbidity throughout the world. So, the current study was carried out to estimate the extinct of damage caused by intraperitoneal introduction of cobra venom on kidney, lung and... more
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      Proteomics And Mass SpectrometryProteomicsMultidisciplinarySequence alignment
Review of the human-snake conflict in Mexico: origin, mitigation and perspectives. The conflict between humans and snakes has existed since unmemorable times. Fear of and aversion towards these animals may have an evolutionary explanation... more
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      ViperidaeSnakesTranslocationSerpientes Venenosas
The Saharan sand viper, Cerastes vipera (Linnaeus, 1758), is distributed in all Saharan countries, being confined to sand and dune systems. This relatively small snake, up to 35 cm, is nocturnal, is active from spring to autumn (April to... more
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Recent times have seen a resurgence of interest in antidotes. New antidotes have been introduced and new developments on older agents have occurred. This article addresses antidote stocking, fomepizole, glucagon, hydroxocobalamin,... more
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      GlucagonViperidaePoisoningClinical Sciences
A fragmentary isolated vertebra from the early Pliocene of Megalo Emvolon (also known Karabournou) in Northern Greece is referred to the gigantic extinct viper Laophis crotaloides Owen. This taxon was originally named on the basis of 13... more
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      Vertebrate PaleontologyViperidaeSnakesNeogene
We report the proteomic analysis of ontogenetic changes in venom composition of the Central American bushmaster, Lachesis stenophrys, and the characterization of the venom proteomes of two congeneric pitvipers, Lachesis melanocephala... more
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      Mass SpectrometryProteomicsViperidaeSerine Proteases
A perícope das serpentes no deserto destaca-se do conjunto de escritos que recorrem ao simbolismo da serpente, ao utilizar esse elemento potencialmente enganoso para a fé de Israel, ambivalente. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi... more
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesNumbersBiblical Exegesis
Vipera ammodytes is the most venomous European snake, whose venom has been used as antigen for immunization of antivenom-producing animals. Same as venom of any other snake, it is a complex mixture of proteins, peptides and other... more
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      Capillary electrophoresisSnake venomsBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
The Balkan Peninsula is generally recognized as one of the hot-spots of European biodiversity, where vipers of the genus Vipera are represented by two subspecies of the European Adder, (V. berus), two of the Meadow viper (V. ursinii) and... more
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      HerpetologyConservation BiologyEcologyViperidae
Category 1 Continuing Medical Education credit for WMS member physicians is available for this article. Go to‫1281؍‬ to access the test questions.
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      IndiaProspective studiesWildernessViperidae
The venom of the Lansberg's hognose pitviper, Porthidium lansbergii lansbergii, a species found in the northern region of Colombia, is poorly known. Aiming to increase knowledge on Porthidium species venoms, its proteomic analysis and... more
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      ColombiaProteomicsPlatelet aggregationMice
Mexico is home to a large number of reptile species and has one of the greatest diversities of venomous snakes, among which the rattlesnakes pertaining to the Crotalus genus stand out. Out of more than 40 species in the country, nine are... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyZacatecasViperidae
The eastern Russell's viper (Daboia siamensis) causes primarily hemotoxic envenomation. Applying shotgun proteomic approach, the present study unveiled the protein complexity and geographical variation of eastern D. siamensis venoms... more
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      Snake venomsVenomicsViperidaeSnakes
The assessment of the capacity of antivenoms to neutralize the lethal activity of snake venoms is the gold standard in the preclinical analysis of antivenom efficacy, and is routinely performed by manufacturers and quality control... more
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      ProteomicsSnake venomsAntibodiesMice
A blunt-nosed viper specimen, Macrovipera lebetina obtusa is recorded from Hıdırlık village, Divriği, Sivas province in Central Anatolia. Previously Erzincan-Kemaliye was the westernmost locality known for this species in central... more
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The scientific name Vipera ammodytes would indicate that this viper is typically sand-dwelling but the reality is that this habitat is unusual for the species. Though it was formally described by Linnæus (1758), earlier works portrayed... more
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      HerpetologyViperidaeViperaVipera Ammodytes
Vipers are among the most misunderstood and persecuted animals. They occupy most terrestrial ecosystems around the world, often at high population densities. However, certain aspects of their biology (e.g., low fecundity and slow growth)... more
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      ConservationViperidaeSnakesVenomous snakes
The Neogene vertebrate fossil record of Greece is famous for its rich mammal assemblages, which were documented as early as the 19th century. In contrast, the equally diverse but comparatively understudied coeval reptile faunas have only... more
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      Vertebrate PaleontologyViperidaeSnakesNeogene
An antivenom protein has been identified in the blood of the snake Crotulus durissus terriJicus and proved to act by specifically neutralizing crotoxin, the main lethal component of rattlesnake venoms. The aim of this study was to purify... more
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Snakes typically are not considered top carnivores, yet in many ecosystems they are a major predatory influence. A literature search confirmed that terrestrial ectotherms such as snakes are largely absent in most discussions of... more
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      Biological SciencesViperidaeSpecies SpecificityLiterature Search
Direct, dose dependent effects of the nose-horned vipers (Vipera ammodytes ammodytes) venom on various parameters of cardiac action in isolated rat hearts were examined. Biochemical (protein content, SDS polyacrylamide gel... more
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      Snake venomsBiological SciencesEnzymesEnvironmental Sciences
The West African Gaboon viper (Bitis rhinoceros) is a master of camouflage due to its colouration pattern. Its skin is geometrically patterned and features black spots that purport an exceptional spatial depth due to their velvety surface... more
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      ViperidaeSkinSkin PigmentationSpectrum analysis
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsZoologyPhylogeny
The presence of intraspecific color polymorphism can have multiple impacts on the ecology of a species; as a consequence, particular color morphs may be strongly selected for in a given habitat type. For example, the asp viper (Vipera... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsPigmentationPolymorphism
"Jadin, R.C., Townsend, J.H., Castoe, T.A. & Campbell, J.A. (2012). Cryptic diversity in disjunct populations of Middle American Montane Pitvipers: a systematic reassessment of Cerrophidion godmani. —Zoologica Scripta, 41(5): 455–470.... more
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      BotanySystematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyHerpetology
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      Biological SciencesViperidaeNoseTrigeminal Nerve
Bothrops xanthogrummuslas envenoming in Ecuador. P er, B. atrox and Lachesis muta are probably responsible for most cases of severe n recent years, the most widely used antivenom (<Myn' Ronti, imported from Mexico) has proved clinically... more
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      MicrobiologyClinical TrialMedical MicrobiologyEcuador
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A particular subgroup of toxins with phospholipase A 2 (PLA 2 ) structure, but devoid of this enzymatic activity, is commonly found in the venoms of snakes of the family Viperidae, and known as the PLA 2 homologues. Among these, the most... more
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      ViperidaeSnake VenomBiological activityBiochemistry and cell biology
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      Immune responseProteomicsMiceTaiwan
Envenoming by Protobothrops mucrosquamatus and Viridovipera stejnegeri accounts for the majority of venomous snakebites in Taiwan. We conducted a retrospective study to systematically examine the clinical manifestations and responses to... more
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      DemographyAcute kidney injuryTreatment OutcomeTaiwan
The climatic preferences of Pelias barani, a rare Pontic endemic viper, are analysed and a new locality record is reported. According to species distribution modeling, with the average test AUC was was 0.904 ± 0.068, bioclimatic variables... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)HerpetologyEcologyViperidae
Morphological variation of vipers of the Vipera berus complex in Eastern Romania, the Republic of Moldova and Western and Central Ukraine was studied using multivariate statistics. Discriminant analysis, based on ten meristic characters... more
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      HerpetologyMorphologyCentral and Eastern EuropeViperidae
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      Ancient HistoryHerpetologyArchaeologyEgyptology
Disclosures: HA and TK are both paid employees of BTG International Inc, manufacturer of CroFab Crotaline polyvalent immune Fab, ovine, which is mentioned in this article. SS is a paid consultant for BTG International Inc. The... more
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      AlgorithmsNursingMedicineFirst Aid
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      ZoologyHerpetologyNatural HistoryHerpetofauna
From 2011 to 2019, we visited 11 localities within the municipality of Huajicori in the state of Nayarit, Mexico, adjacent to natural vegetation such as low tropical deciduous forest, oak forest, oak-pine forest, and pine forest. We have... more
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      Faunal AnalysisNayaritConservación De Fauna SilvestreReptiles
We describe here the first known documented case of human envenomation by the burrowing asp Atractaspis congica. The patient received a single fang puncture in the index finger and suffered local pain, discolouration, blistering and... more
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      ZambiaViperidaeFirst recordEnvenomation
We report the comparative proteomic characterization of the venoms of two related neotropical arboreal pitvipers from Costa Rica of the genus Bothriechis, B. lateralis (side-striped palm pit viper) and B. schlegelii (eyelash pit viper).... more
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      Biological SciencesViperidaeTandem Mass SpectrometrySodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
The current treatment used against envenomation by Lachesis muta venom still presents several side effects. This paper describes the synthesis, pharmacological and theoretical evaluations of new... more
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      ThermodynamicsOrganic ChemistryMagnetic Resonance SpectroscopyViperidae