Urban Allotments
Recent papers in Urban Allotments
DUŽÍ, Barbora - TÓTH, Attila - BIHUŇOVÁ, Mária - STOJANOV, Robert. 2014. Challenges of Urban Agriculture: Highlights on the Czech and Slovak Republic Specifics. In VÁVRA, Jan - LAPKA, Miloslav - CUDLÍNOVÁ, Eva (eds.) Current challenges of... more
The paper illustrates some grass-root allotment gardening practices in the Roman area, including the activities of Lavangaquadra (Nova Arcadia) active in the fifth municipality of Rome, focusing on the pollution of metropolitan soils and... more
The agrarian reform, promised by King Ferdinand during World War I and enacted shortly after its end, determined the introduction of the measure of allotment at a large scale, exceeding the rural context, as a specific instrument of the... more
ABSTRACT: The valuation of urban ecosystem services may be a valuable diagnostic tool for programming revitalization processes. At the same time, the specific nature of these processes and a multitude of their aspects, thus, a high cost... more
This article examines the development of the York City Corporation allotment gardens from their origins in the early twentieth-century to the immediate period before the First World War.
Using empirical ethnographic data, and citing UK allotments as a case study, this think piece examines changes in the use of urban growing spaces as a response to a national crisis. Despite established links between urban growing spaces... more
The aim of this paper is to introduce urban agriculture (UA) in Barcelona Metropolitan Region on four case studies including different types of UA at several scales and in diverse contexts. The seven analysed case studies were selected... more
Lettura e progetto di spazi urbani collettivi nel paesaggio: il ruolo della storia per il transetto processuale Alessandro Camiz Ph.D. ”Sapienza” Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto, Laboratorio di Lettura e... more
Urban Agriculture (UA) is a contemporary term that stands for the phenomenon of land cultivation within the urbanised environment of urban and rural settlements, including their peripheral parts and contact zones. The objects of UA are... more
W poprzednich artykułach cyklu poświęconego naszemu ogrodowi wspomniałem, że działki dają wiele możliwości do aktywnego wypoczynku i realizacji różnych pasji związanych z ogrodnictwem i przebywaniem na łonie przyrody. Nasi działkowicze... more
Dobrescu Simona_Expansiunea urbana si regenerarea oraselor
Urban gardening has never been a tradition in Greece. Their recent growing number is mainly linked to the economic crisis affecting particularly urban households. The deepening crisis and the increasing urban (neo)poverty began to... more
In response to rapidly changing urban conditions and planning systems that cannot reconcile speculative development with social needs, other types of urban allotments are emerging which differ from the conventional forms of the past. A... more
Pasieka w ogrodzie spełnia bardzo pożyteczną rolę. Oddziałuje na ogród i jego otoczenie. W znaczący sposób zwiększa plony owoców i innych roślin zapylanych przez ten gatunek. Trzy czwarte naszego pożywienia pochodzi z roślin zapylanych... more
Stan Angelica_Expansiune si conflict in contextul crizei economice
Urban gardening has never been a tradition in Greece. Their recent growing number is mainly linked to the economic crisis affecting particularly urban households. The deepening crisis and the increasing urban (neo)poverty began to... more
In response to rapidly changing urban conditions and planning systems that cannot reconcile speculative development with social needs, other types of urban allotments are emerging which differ from the conventional forms of the past. A... more
O referido trabalho objetiva a realização de um estudo acerca do processo de formação do bairro Edilton Fernandes, município de Marcelino Vieira-RN, enfatizando quais os elementos responsáveis por essa crescente expansão, atuando na... more
W bogatej historii ruchu działkowego rodzinne ogrody działkowe (ROD) w lokalnych środowiskach, w których są od dekad zakorzenione, spełniały istotne zadania socjalne, prozdrowotne, ekologiczne, rekreacyjne i wiele innych. Dawniej w myśl... more