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Una vez apareció la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño (CDN) en 1989, la producción académica e institucional subsiguiente se centró sobre todo en promocionarla y en celebrarla. A excepción de unas contadas miradas que la discutieron... more
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      Latin American StudiesSociology of Children and ChildhoodYouth StudiesChildren's Rights
Ombudsmanlık ofisleri kimi ülkelerde “genel” ofisler olduğu gibi, kimi ülkelerde belirli hizmet alanlarına (sağlık, eğitim, yerel yönetimler vb) odaklanmış ofisler olarak ve/veya belirli vatandaş gruplarına (çocuklar, kadınlar,... more
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      Children's Rightsçocuk HaklarıOrganisational OmbudsmanKamu Denetçiliği
This article examines whether international human rights law (ihrl) allows States to make exceptions based on the serious nature of the crime alleged and the age of a child accused of an offence. It specifically analyses the compatibility... more
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      Criminal JusticeJuvenile JusticeInternational Human Rights LawIndian Law
Purpose: This article draws on critical theory, specifically critical pedagogy, to explore the construction of childhood and the work of the Canadian Council of Child and Youth Advocates in rights based discourse. Approach: The article... more
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      Critical TheorySocial PedagogyAdvocacyUnited Nations Convention on the Rights of Children
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      Family LawUN Convention on the rights of childrenUnited Nations Convention on the Rights of Children
Çatışma bölgesinde yaşayan çocuklara yönelik tartışmalar 1992 yılında Çocuk Hakları Komitesi tarafından gerçekleştirilen faaliyetler bağlamında önem kazanmıştır. Takip eden yıllar içerisinde Birleşmiş Milletler silahlı çatışma... more
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      International RelationsChild protectionInternational LawColombia
BOLETÍN INFORMATIVO Comité de Servicios Internacionales Rotary Distrito 4945
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      United NationsRotary internationalRotary Club InternationalUnited Nations Convention on the Rights of Children
Two distinct ways of conceptualising disability are the medical and social models of disability. The first one takes disability exclusively as a direct consequence of physical and mental impairment or as a problem that requires medical... more
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      Child protectionChildren with disabilitiesModels of DisabilityUnited Nations Convention on the Rights of Children