Recent papers in Tyrol
Abstract english / deutsch Schloss Tirol, the old church on the hillside: The story of the Castle of Tyrol begins a lot earlier then its actual buildings. In today’s vineyard at the south side of the hill a church of the Early... more
Schloss Tirol: Architectural sculpture of the South palas and the chapel: technique and stile / catalogue The Castle “Schloss Tirol” near Meran was the main castle of the Tyrolean County. The architectural sculpture that is being... more
"""""During Mussolini’s fascist regime, the Atlante internazionale del Touring Club Italiano – produced in Milan (1927-1938) and widely recognised far beyond the borders of Italy – included among its plates two maps of European ethnic... more
Moorböden sind CO2-Speicher, deren Potential oft nicht bedacht wird. Viele Moorflächen wurden, etwa zum Zweck agrarischer Nutzung, inzwischen trockengelegt und sind daher gar nicht oder manchmal nur unvollständig erfasst. Da trockene... more
Tyrol, Stubai Alps, Archaeological excavation, Iron age, prehistoric high alpine structures, horse shoe, roman periode, anthropogeny structures in the high mountain region, Archaeology of mining
The Provisioning of the Court in Innsbruck under Frederick IV of Tyrol This paper is based of my diploma thesis, which was accepted at the Department for Historical Sciences and Ethnology at the University of Innsbruck by a. o.... more
Kurzvorstellung des an der Universität Innsbruck beheimateten Dissertationsprojektes
Fire is present in a number of celebrations and customs, in the form of fireworks, bonfires, torches, a wheel or wagon covered with flaming straw that is sent hurtling down a slope, or flaming wooden disks propelled into the air. There is... more
Il fuoco è presente in molte feste e usanze sotto forma di fuochi d’artificio, falò, torce, ruote o carrelli coperti di paglia fiammeggiante che vengono scaraventati giù da un pendio o dischi di legno incendiati lanciati in aria. La... more
This paper aims to analyse the expenditure and consumption of a noble family from Trentino, the Bossi Fedrigotti, in the nineteenth century. The origin and evolution of the family assets are traced from the fifteenth to the nineteenth... more
From the Germans of Danzig (now Gdansk, in Poland) to the Turks of Rhodes: the «Europa etnografica» map (1:6.000.000) of the Atlante internazionale del TCI (1st ed., 1927). For a later version of this map (3rd ed., 1929) you can see... more
La repercusión que la Paz de Westfalia tuvo sobre los vínculos dinásticos entre España y la línea secundaria del Tirol no ha llamado hasta el momento la necesaria atención de los historiadores modernistas. El análisis de los puntos clave... more
Hindrance policies" is the keyword for the local society, whose radius of action is presented for debate in this paper. Manifoldly interwoven between familial and local levels, the house could have had a demographic effect here. Several... more
Tyrol, High alpine survey, mining, Lechtaler Alpen
Tyrol, Flint tools, High alpine survey, High alpine archaeology
Dietrich Feil -Philipp Margreiter Bei Bauarbeiten für die Umgestaltung und Erweiterung der Swarovski Kristallwelten in Wattens wurde im September 2014 ein antikes Gebäude angeschnitten und dabei auch ein größerer Münzbestand gefunden. 406... more
Giornata internazionale di studi.
Giovanni Dellantonio. Un raro dipinto murale cinquecentesco raffigurante un imprenditore minerario (Hans Gadolt?) su Casa Tinol a Predazzo in Val di Fiemme (Trentino). Prime note dopo il restauro.
Giovanni Dellantonio. Un raro dipinto murale cinquecentesco raffigurante un imprenditore minerario (Hans Gadolt?) su Casa Tinol a Predazzo in Val di Fiemme (Trentino). Prime note dopo il restauro.
There were so many people along the way who have inspired me, and I would like to mention in particular Walter Hagg as Austrian Ambassador to Ireland, who has shown constant support to me and to my students at UCD. He came repeatedly to... more
This article examines attempts to develop research cooperation and the research sector in a European cross-border region (CBR), Tyrol–South Tyrol–Trentino. It reports the result of thirty-one expert interviews with key actors: senior... more
Der Inn durchfließt heute drei Staaten und ist die Lebensader einer ganzen Region. Durch seine schimmernd grüne Farbe ziert er so manches idyllisches Postkartenmotiv. In seiner Geschichte hat der Fluss aber auch noch eine andere, viel... more
Machbarkeitsstudie Tirol
Continuano gli "Incontri del giovedì in Archivio provinciale": prossimo appuntamento il 17 maggio alle 17 [ APTn, Spaur Valer, n. 505] L'archivio dei conti Spaur di Castel Valer, dichiarato di notevole interesse storico nel 1964 e... more
ABSTRACT: Arthropod remains from a Middle to Late Bronze Age (3410 to 2920 a BP cal.) site for ore smelting and slag washing were analysed within the scope of an archaeological and palaeobotanical investigation near Mauken / Brixlegg in... more
Der Artikel gibt einen kurzen Überblick über die Geschichte von Lienz im 20.Jahrhundert sowie die Beziehungen zwischen Russland und Osttirol. Themen die behandelt werden sie unter anderem Kriegsgefangenschaft, Kosaken in Osttirol 1945,... more