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The 18.6 yr nodal cycle modulates tidal amplitudes and currents, and consequently sedimentation in tide-influenced sedimentary environments. Data are presented which show that such effects are obvious along the coast of the Dutch barrier... more
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      TidesTide-influenced sedimentary systems
The Barren Measures Formation (middle Permian, ~271e260 Ma), the non-coaliferous lithounit sandwitched between two major coal-bearing formations in the Indian Lower Gondwana succession, was earlier interpreted as continental... more
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      Sedimentary geology and stratigraphyTidesTide-influenced sedimentary systemsGondwana
The morphologies of the ebb-tidal deltas of Texel, Terschelling and Ameland inlets and the resulting sand transport patterns are greatly influenced by the interaction of shore-parallel tidal currents with tidal currents through the... more
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      Earth SciencesSedimentologyWadden SeaTide-influenced sedimentary systems
Sandstone tidal cross-strata are the predominant sedimentary feature of straitfill stratigraphic successions. However, although widely described in numerous studies, tidal strait-fill two-dimensional and three-dimensional cross-strata... more
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      SedimentologyTide-influenced sedimentary systems
Numerous palaeoenvironmental and archaeological studies from southern Arabia (Yemen and Oman) have revealed strong relations between phases of human settlements and climate change linked to the Indian monsoon system. Analyses on... more
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      Landscape EcologyHydrology/HydrographyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEnvironmental Science
Tidalites are preserved within a metavolcano-sedimentary succession of the Late Archaean BababudanGroup (Dharwar Supergroup) along the western boundary of the NNW-SSE trending Chitradurga green-stone belt, West Dharwar Craton, southern... more
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      Archean geologyTidesPrecambrian GeologyTide-influenced sedimentary systems
Olivine weathering is a natural process that takes time, years to decades when applied to suitable environments. Contrary to CCS, the effect is not instantaneous, but in the course of the coming decades in which society will continue to... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyOceanographySedimentology
Situated on the western edge of the Ganga-Brahmaputra delta and Sundarban wetlands, the macrotidal and flood-dominated Hugli is the largest estuary of eastern India. To study supratidal evolution of its islands and margins during the 20th... more
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      Coastal GeomorphologyCoastal ErosionTide-influenced sedimentary systemsRemote Sensing & GIS
Attention is called to the ability of bottom-dwelling micro-organisms such as algae to stabilise sandy sediment surfaces in non-carbonate environments and to influence sand transport.
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      Earth SciencesGeologySedimentologyAlgae
Sandstone/siltstone-mudstone interbedded facies of the Permo-Carboniferous Talchir formation, Gondwana Supergroup, is exposed in the Raniganj Basin and records the activities of tidal currents in a terminoglacial, storm-influenced shallow... more
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      TidesTide-influenced sedimentary systemsLate Paleozoic ice age/ climate reconstructionsWaves, Tides and currents
""The imprint of orbital cycles, which result from the varying eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit and changes in the orientation of its axis have been recognised throughout the Phanerozoic rock record. Variations in insolation and their... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyOceanographySedimentology
The two Palaeoarchaean volcano-sedimentary complexes of the Buck Ridge (Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa) and Kittys Gap (Coppin Gap Greenstone Belt, East Pilbara, Australia) have a similar geological setting and age (∼3.45 Ga).... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologySedimentologySedimentary Basins
Numerous palaeoenvironmental and archaeological studies from southern Arabia (Yemen and Oman) have revealed strong relations between phases of human settlements and climate change linked to the Indian monsoon system. Analyses on... more
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      Landscape EcologyHydrology/HydrographyArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology