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Animatic apparatus; history of animism; history of mechanism; animation; animatic automaton; animatic; automaton; robot; cyborg; vital machine; cinema; anima; plasmaticness; simulacrum; lifedeath; the living dead; the uncanny; simulation;... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryAnimationAnimation Theory
Makalah ini berisi, panduan untuk membuat vending mesin. Berisi algoritma dan sangat mudah dipahami.
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      Computer ScienceTheory of Automata
Animatic apparatus; history of animism; history of mechanism; animation; animatic automaton; animatic; automaton; robot; cyborg; vital machine; cinema; anima; plasmaticness; simulacrum; lifedeath; the living dead; the uncanny; simulation;... more
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      Cyborg TheoryFilm StudiesFilm TheoryAnimation
Wireless Sensor Networks have potential for different applications, especially for environment monitoring, such as in agriculture. The aim is to present the formalization of a technique to minimize the power consumption of sensor nodes in... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksTheory of AutomataAdaptative Lerning Systems
Use of Computational and Automata Theory is common now a day in lexical analysis in compilers and programming languages, morphological analysis, image compression, bioinformatics etc. However in computer games and computing game theory... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Game TheoryGame studiesGame Design
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest no sólo fue un gran entretenimiento. Detrás de este gran éxito del 2006 hay mucha tela para cortar: Desde su apego a la tradición del cine de piratas hasta su lógica de videojuego, las... more
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      Cultural HistoryPhilosophyTheory of AutomataFilm Aesthetics
Two films, Gattaca and Autómata, have broached scientific topics that are noteworthy for their moral and societal impacts. Gattaca presents a vision of the future that means, variously, a society further delineated by looks, abilities,... more
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      RoboticsGeneticsFuture StudiesArtificial Intelligence
This research will concern about different ways to implement the Hopcroft's algorithm for minimization finite state automata. We will pay a particular attention to the non deterministic step (C,a) ← some(S). We implement three more... more
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      Algorithm AnalysisTheory of Automata
The goal of this paper is to prove the log-concavity conjecture for irreducible Coxeter groups, both affine and finite Coxeter groups, through the synthesis of using Coxeter groups, Automata Theory and Matroid Theory.
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatoricsAlgebraic CombinatoricsTheory of Automata
The fourth of eight chapters from "Grace and Gravity: Architectures of the Figure." The argumentation builds on terminology introduced in the first three chapters, the most important being the phased structure of the figure:... more
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      RoboticsWalter BenjaminGaston BachelardSpeculative Realism
Una de las perspectivas interesantes que no suelen abordarse en los estudios académicos y en general a las visiones de "producto-experiencia", es el tema de los vídeo juegos como "software", siendo relativamente sencillo encontrar... more
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      SemioticsComputer ScienceGame TheoryLanguages and Linguistics
An important part of the contemporary debate on human nature was shaped by debates taking place in early modern Europe in the attempt to remove the animal part of the human mind by turning it into an abstract monad while converting the... more
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      PhilosophyHistory of ScienceRené DescartesAutomata
9 th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioscience (ICBB 2022) is the application of information science and technology to the field of biology to increase the understanding of all biological process. The aim of this... more
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      BioinformaticsComputational PhysicsEconomicsInformation Theory
Meditaremos las máquinas primitivas, el software, el algoritmo y el problema algorítmico. Posteriormente una introducción al maquinas de estado y el lenguaje formal, con breves ejemplos. Exploraremos los tipos de maquinas de estado en... more
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      Probability TheoryVideo GamesProbabilistic Markov ModelingTheory of Automata
Although Philip Mirowski’s work has been profoundly influential in fields as diverse as economics, history of science, political theory, and even literary studies, it is less well-known in the emerging complex of fields which are... more
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      History Of ComputingEconomicsNew MediaCyborg Theory
Dynamic epistemic logic (DEL) extends purely modal epistemic logic (S5) by adding dynamic operators that change the model structure. Propositional dynamic logic (PDL) extends basic modal logic with programs that allow the definition of... more
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      Modal LogicTheory of AutomataDynamic Epistemic LogicDynamic Modal Logic
International Journal of Information Science & techniques (IJIST) focuses on system modeling and information techniques in real engineering and scientific problems This journal provides a forum that impacts the development of scientific... more
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      Information Theory (Mathematics)Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Artificial IntelligenceInformation Theory
A new understanding of the technical object is emerging to perplex and rescramble debates on new materialisms, speculative philosophies, relation realisms, and vitalist ontologies. Working from within an ethics of co-enmeshment, this... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePhilosophy of TechnologyQueer TheoryEnvironmental Ethics
ABSTRACT This article presents a software tool for the synthesis of supervisory control based on untimed finite state automata. The tool has a friendly graphical interface for the creation of models and, among other features, allows:... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Theory of AutomataDiscrete Event SystemsSupervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems
While monadic second-order logic is a prominent logic for specifying languages of finite words, it lacks the power to compute quantitative properties, e.g. to count. An automata model capable of computing such properties are weighted... more
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      Computer ScienceComputational ComplexitySemanticsComputational Modeling
En esta corta entrada regresaremos al vídeo juego autómata, la máquina cinemática, el cómo interpretaban las aventuras conversacionales y gráficas el lenguaje humano. Seguiremos con los viejos discos plásticos LASER DISC y CD-ROM medios... more
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      SemioticsComputer ScienceSemanticsNarrative
To obtain a position where I can effectively utilize my expertise in Information Technology, enable me to use my strong organizational skills, educational background, and ability to work well with people.
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      MathematicsOperating SystemsComputer GraphicsObject Oriented Programming
El problema del lenguaje del vídeo juego, en este apartado describiré las opciones más destacadas sobre cómo se aborda en la actualidad este complejo tema. El lenguaje del vídeo juego autómata, una breve introducción a los aportes del Sr.... more
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      Computer ScienceAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)Philosophy Of LanguageLanguages and Linguistics
Theory of splicing is an abstract model of the recombinant behaviour of DNAs. In a splicing system, two strings to be spliced are taken from the same set and the splicing rule is from another set. Here we propose a generalised splicing... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Self AssemblyTheory of AutomataDNA computing
In this study, a Fuzzy Inference System is developed to create a knowledge-based for the diagnosis and detection of sepsis using Matlab’s fuzzy logic toolbox. The FIS consists of expert-specified input membership functions, output... more
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      AlgebraComputer ScienceOperating SystemsDistributed Computing
Wireless Sensor Networks have potential for different applications, especially for environment monitoring, such as in agriculture. The aim is to present the formalization of a technique to minimize the power consumption of sensor nodes in... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksTheory of AutomataAdaptative Lerning Systems
In this paper we will attempt to classify Lindenmayer systems based on properties of sets of rules and the kind of strings those rules generate. This classification will be referred to as a 'parametrization' of the L-space: the L-space is... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Languages and LinguisticsComputational LinguisticsTheory of Automata
A crucial issue in the Software Cost Estimation area that has attracted the interest of software project managers is the selection of the best prediction method for estimating the cost of a project. Most of the prediction techniques... more
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      Software EngineeringProject ManagementComputer NetworksSoft Computing
In this paper, we study the data interoperability problem of web services in terms of XML schema compatibility. When Web Service A sends XML messages to Web Service B, A is interoperable with B if B can accept all messages from A. That... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Web ServicesTheory of AutomataXML Schema
In this paper, we propose new models and algorithms to perform practical computations on W3C XML Schemas, which are schema minimization, schema equivalence testing, subschema testing and subschema extraction. We have conducted experiments... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)XMLTheory of AutomataXML Schema
Deoxyribonucleic Acid(DNA) is a series of genes made by the mixture of nucleotides. The adjustment in the succession of these nucleotides can alter the hereditary data that bring about numerous disarranges in living life forms. There are... more
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    • Theory of Automata
At least since Aristotle (Poetics, XX), and as emphasized by Saussure (1916), the dual character of linguistic terms –comprising both sound and meaning- has been recognized as central to natural language. Generative Linguistics has... more
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      Computer ScienceTheory Of ComputationAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)Physics
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      AnimationAutomataTheory of AutomataAncient Philosophy
Microscopic traffic flow models are a class of scientific models of vehicular traffic dynamics. Here, we attempted to establish an experimental platform for mimicking microscopic traffic flow models at microscopic dimensions. We achieved... more
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      BioengineeringBioinformaticsMicrobiologySynthetic Biology
Runtime monitoring is a widely used approach to ensure code safety. Several implementations of formal monitors have been proposed in the literature, and these differ with respect to the set of security policies that they are capable of... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Computer Security And ReliabilityInformation SecurityComputer Security
will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Computer Science & Technology. The goal of this Conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsDistributed ComputingParallel Computing
In the Middle Ages, articulating religious figures like wooden Deposition crucifixes and ambulatory saints were tools for devotion, techno-mythological objects that distilled the wonders of engineering and holiness. Robots are gestures... more
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      Performance StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesMedieval StudiesMaterial culture of religion
9 th International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science & Technology (CST 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Computer Science &... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsDistributed ComputingProgram Semantics
Soliton circuits are among the most promising alternatives for molecular electronic devices based on the design of molecular level conventional digital circuits. In order to capture the logical and computational aspects of these circuits,... more
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      Computer ScienceAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)Graph TheoryAutomata
Dynamic epistemic logic (DEL) extends purely modal epistemic logic (S5) by adding dynamic operators that change the model structure. Propositional dynamic logic (PDL) extends basic modal logic with programs that allow the definition of... more
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      Modal LogicComputer ScienceTheory of AutomataDynamic Epistemic Logic
Bienvenidos a esta largo articulo divulgativo dedicada a temas de la promoción de las ciencias y el vídeo juego, en la cual les prometo encontrarán mucha física, probabilidad y estadística mediante matemáticas muy básicas. Verificaremos... more
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      Stochastic ProcessComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringTheory of Automata Participants: Deborah Steiner (Columbia), Maria Gerolemou (Un. of Exeter), George Kazantzidis (Patras), Orly Lewis (Hebrew... more
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      Theory of AutomataTeleologyAncient Greek PhilosophyAncient Greek Medicine
Исследуются комбинаторно-алгебраические основы анализа дискретных систем: поиск решений на частично-упорядоченных структурах, идентификация состояний конечного автомата, построение простых импликант и состоящих из них ДНФ, идентификация... more
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      Theory of AutomataDiscrete Systems
RÉSUMÉ. Nous présentons une implémentation flexible et originale de la distance d’édition : la composition filtrée, un type particulier de composition de deux machines à états finis au travers d’un filtre qui modélise l’ensemble des... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingTheory of AutomataSpelling
11 th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEAPP 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Software Engineering and... more
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      LanguagesSoftware EngineeringLanguages and LinguisticsWeb Engineering
In this our second participation in the CLEF Spanish monolingual track, we have continued applying Natural Language Processing techniques for single word and multi-word term con- ation. Two dierent conation approaches have been tested.... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Information RetrievalSpanishNatural Language Processing
ABSTRACT While monadic second-order logic is a prominent logic for specifying languages of finite words, it lacks the power to compute quantitative properties, e.g. to count. An automata model capable of computing such properties are... more
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      Computer ScienceComputational ComplexitySemanticsComputational Modeling