Tabula Peutingeriana
Recent papers in Tabula Peutingeriana
Archaeological and historic survey on Roman evidences in ancient Po Delta near Ferrara (Cisalpine Gaul, Aemilia) from 1. to 5. century A.D. In 413 A.D. is the astrological birthday of Ferrara according to Renaissance astrology.
Gensis представља прву станицу на римској комуникацији Sirmium - Argentaria, која је повезивала престоницу провинције Доња Панонија са богатим рудницима сребра дуж средњег тока реке Дрине. Изузев помена на Појтингеровој табли о путној... more
International Conference, Vienna, 19-21 September 2019
While Luke-Acts names many geographical sites and organizes its narrative and sayings materials around schemata of the movements of his various characters, the quality of his topography knowledge ranges widely. For the interior of... more
Santa Marinella city, Lazio,Italy. The latest example of an Etruscan fortress along the Tyrrhenian Sea.
In 2017 excavated graves of the 7th c. AD with archaeological evidence of western "romanic" and eastern "alamanic" cultures in the Swiss Area south of Jura Mountains.
Paul T. Keyser - J. Scarborough (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Science and Medicine in the Classical World. Oxford 2018, 922-942
Această lucrarea a apărut sub egida: © Arheo Vest, Timișoara, 2013 Președinte Lorena VLAD Responsabilitatea pentru conţinutul materialelor revine în totalitate autorilor. ISBN 978-963-315-152-5 (összes/general) Abstract.... more
This article follows, ten months later, the release of the new edition of the book Sull'antica Lupatia, in which, among other things, there are also presented the hypotheses about the subject of this article. Since in the meantime,... more
The so-called Peutinger Table, whose template goes back to a road map from the Roman imperial period, depicts only a few localities for southern India. Nevertheless, this limitation certainly reflects crucial centres of the long-distance... more
This article presents the main archaeological and epigraphical data for reconstructing the roman roads network in Moesia Inferior. Information based predominantly on the inscriptions allow us to outline the chronology of the construction... more
A revision after 40 years of the book on Roman Po Delta by Giovanni Uggeri (Ferrara 1975)
Since its surprising appearance in the early 16th century, the so-called Peutinger map has raised many questions. Above all, since then it has been very difficult for experts to provide answers as to the time of origin of a certainly... more
Esame della carta dell'Italia romana di Tolemeo e di un estratto della Tabula Peutingeriana inseriti nel libro primo della inedita storia di Ferrara di Pellegrino Prisciani , inizi sec. XVI, per dimostrare le origini romane di Ferrara,... more
Le strade romane sono universalmente riconosciute come uno degli elementi autenticamente rivoluzionari della civiltà e dell'Impero Romano. La Tabula Peutingeriana rappresenta la migliore "mappa stradale" delle vie di comunicazione del... more
This source collection presents the most significant texts concerning the reception of geographical maps in ancient Rome for the first time in chronological order, followed by a German translation and an analysis including textual... more
Ad Drinum was the second station on the Roman road which connected Sirmium with the mining district Argentaria. The name of Ad Drinum station clearly indicates that the mentioned road station was located near the Drina River. The... more
Cure-seeking Pilgrims in the Northwestern Provinces of the Roman Empire – The Basis of Christian Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages? As a case study of (also) religiously motivated travel in Roman times north of the Alps, visits to... more
The River Nile fascinated the Romans and appeared in maps, written descriptions, texts, poems and paintings of the developing empire. Tantalised by the unique status of the river, explorers were sent to find the sources of the Nile,... more
Cults in public places for the ruler of the Roman Empire existed in countries beyond the confines of Italy and the provinces. Comparable to the kingdom of Herod the Great, these countries were ruled by allied and dependant kings and... more
Our contribution considers some data from the Peutinger map and the Antonine itinerary, regarding the mentioning of the Roman road and the stations along this road between the settlements Siscia and Sirmium, along the River Sava. To... more
Tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca
A close scrutiny of the via Aurelia, Cassia and connecting roads as described in Tabula Peutingeriana
Régions probables de production des amphores LRA 1, d'après Williams 2005, fig. 5. (= pl. 1) Répartition des amphores orientales dans les fouilles américaines de Carthage, d'après J.A. Riley, in Actes du colloque sur la céramique antique... more
Konrad Miller (1844-1933) introduced the public to mappae mundi and the Tabula Peutingeriana. Wilhelm Kubitschek (1858-1936), a professor of ancient history, criticized him at every step. This annotated compilation explains their feud,... more
ABOUT LOCALIZATION OF MELANTIADA Konstantin GOSPODINOV Melantiada is found in sources as a Roman road station, a Roman imperial residence and a village. Here we are attempting at a new localization of the road station and the village. So... more
SUMMARY This study examines the toponyms largely within the Iranian sphere (excluding Central Asia) that are recorded in the Cosmographia of the Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna. Previous identifications are examined and evaluated. Based... more
This paper aims at understanding ethnonyms in their intellectual context and, more specifically, at highlighting their role in the Late Antique perception and representation of space. In particular, the following text offers an overview... more
Through the knowledge of the thermal-mineral waters and their healing properties, many springs gave rise to the foundation of cities in the Roman world that were called Aquae. Literary and epigraphic sources give us more than one hundred... more
The article examines images of roads, settlements and landscapes of Apulia et Calabria depicted on segments V,2-5 and VI,1-2 of the Tabula Peutingeriana, a picta road map drawn up between the middle and the end of the 4 th century. Apulia... more
Todos os Caminhos Levam a Roma: A Cartografia dos Césares, Tábua Peutinger e os Limites do Espaço é um paper primeiramente publicado pela revista Geografia, da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), vinculada ao Departamento de... more
The river Bosut, now a left tributary of the Sava flowing through eastern Slavonia and western Syrmia (across the border between Croatia and Serbia), is mentioned in several ancient Latin sources. Pliny the Elder (Nat. hist. III, 148)... more
Abstract: The Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna wrote his Cosmographia c. 700 CE. This paper examines that part of the work which list s the names of islands located in the Persian Gulf. It examines the sources of those names, their att est... more
Die Stationen und Verbindungen auf dem XI. Segment der Tabula Peutingeriana stellen den modernen Betrachter vor folgende Probleme: Die Lage vieler Orte ist unbekannt, weshalb auch die dargestellten Routen nur schwer nachvollziehbar sind.... more
The mansio of Hasta, mentioned in the Tabula Peutingeriana, was built along the via Aurelia vetus at Alberese, in the southern part of the ager Rusellanus (GR, Tuscany, Italy). Some oblique aerial photographs made it possible to... more
GAETANO BEN^I] CDU 904+912+94(497.5Umago) Torre Sintesi Gennaio 2012
The Institute for Balkan Studies of SASA, Belgrade and the Faculty of Philosophy, Niš have published monograph of Dr Vladimir P. Petrović, Senior Research Associate of the Institute for Balkan Studies of SASA, entitled: Roman Settlements... more