Systematical Philosophy
Recent papers in Systematical Philosophy
Traditionally, it was a preserve of higher institutions of learning to provide quality education. The nitty-gritty of how the quality of education was controlled, managed, audited and assured was not so much of public talk. As rightly... more
in: Hans Jonas Handbuch. Leben – Werk - Wirkung, hg. v. Michael Bongardt/Holger Burckhart/John Stewart Gordon/Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora, Stuttgart 2021, 153–159.
Die Untersuchung zielt auf eine systematische Begründung der von Frege und Wittgenstein initiierten sprachphilosophischen Wende. Ihr zentrales Thema ist das Verhältnis zwischen Gedanken und ihrem Ausdruck. Entwickelt wird eine neuartige... more
lumină rolul filosofiei: "În măsura în care conştiinţa filosofică avansează în contextul dialecticii sale interne, ea va descoperi totodată unitatea în diferenţă a formelor experienţei (concepute într-o ierarhie în care ele se suprapun)... more
Freiheit als Prinzip. Schellings absoluter Idealismus der Mitwissenschaft als Antwort auf die metaphysischen und ethischen Problemhorizonte bei Hans Jonas, Vittorio Hösle und Klaus Michael Meyer-Abich (Wiener Forum für Theologie und... more
in: Wiener Jahrbuch für Theologie 13, hg. v. Uta Heil/Annette Schellenberg, Göttingen 2021, 169–180.
An opposition to the problem in the Principal Principle as espoused by SEP, apparently intended as the meaning of Lewis' original use of the Principle.
in: Systemkonzeptionen im Horizont des Theismusstreites (1811–1821) (System der Vernunft – Kant und der Deutsche Idealismus, Bd. V), hg. v. Christian Danz/Jürgen Stolzenberg/Violetta L.Waibel, Hamburg 2018, 291−335.
How to construct a system? Now, maybe you know!
Questions of completeness of grasp or certainty are being viewed with suspicion, while human action, mirrored in complete reality, confronts us with limits. Dealing with these issues (as with all others) is tinted by the selected... more
›Bottom-up‹ and ›top-down‹ are common terms of methods in all sciences. However, both methods are not an invention of modern times, but rather have often been used in the history of science by synonyms and hypnoyms such as ›ascending‹ and... more
in: Hegel Jahrbuch 2015, hg. v. Andreas Arndt/Jure Zovko/Myriam Gerhard, Berlin/München/Boston 2015, 397–404.
Pourquoi le Système de Hegel est construit comme le cycle dialectique où se succèdent Logique, philosophie de la Nature et philosophie de l'Esprit.
Kant is undoubtedly one of the greatest philosophers in European cultural and intellectual history. Anyone who delves deeper into the philosophical thought of his works and is coming to know and understand his intentions and goals can... more
in: Schelling in Würzburg (Schellingiana, Bd. 27), hg. v. Christian Danz, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 2017, 257–292.