Recent papers in Symposium
A short analysis of new Sappho's poem and of the questions about its problems of contextualizing. In my work I try to specify if the Brothers Poem could be linked to VIIth centry's symposium. Larichos as possible addressee and other... more
... And eerily, the Talmud's very words for Rava created a man, ruvu beru guvru, involve a threefold recombination of three letters. ... Jews were all too familiar with the fate of Moses' two nephews, who had offered... more
ABSTRACT Ethylene Oxide (EO) is one of the essential chemicals in industrial processes. At ambient temperature, EO is an uncoloured gas with a somewhat sweet odour. The market value of EO is very high since its field of application is... more
A Study of Iago 痴 Motives in Othello Framed by Plato 痴 Symposium and Phaedo
Malaysia is a land and structure deformation active country due to long term rainy season which is common phenomena in monsoon tropical region. To secure this hazard under control, Land Stability Monitoring System (LandSMS), a web-based... more
The figure and discourse of Diotima of Mantinea in Plato's Symposium had a decisive influence on the tradition of women's thought and, at the same time, in the foundation of an «occult» branch of philosophy: the Erotics, i.e. the... more
The Kartvelologist #22
ქართვეოლოგი #22
ქართვეოლოგი #22
As designers we tell stories as we engage in the design process. But how does one story differ from another? Are there storytelling types used during different parts of the process? What form and function do these stories take? In this... more
Welcome to the "Ways In" section of this Macat analysis. This is an introductory section, summarising the most important points of this work in one 10-minute read. Macat's Analyses are definitive studies of the most important books and... more
List of Travel grant for present research paper at abroad
Il Simposio è lo straordinario e raffinato dialogo che Platone dedica all'amore. A casa del poeta Agatone si riuniscono Socrate, il giovane Fedro, il commediografo Aristofane, il retore Pausania, il medico Erissimaco e il rampante... more
This paper will seek to understand the context of first century Greco-Roman meal culture. As a conclusion, it will provide evidence that proves that, based on religious, social, and political meals across first century Mediterranean, the... more
Toplumsal cinsiyet (gender) ilişkileri içerisinde, hâkim yapının (ataerkil) argümanlarının yanında cinsiyete dayalı ötekileştirilme beraberinde kendine özgü yaşam pratiklerini getirir. Söz konusu yaşam pratiklerinin uzantılarını sosyal... more
Christians used to gather around the table for a full meal in the style of the Roman Symposium. They did so because it was culturally normal and a way to tell the Jesus story. Over the first four centuries the full banquet meal held on... more
Eski Yunan kültürünün sosyal hayatı ilgilendiren konuları, birçok akademik çalışmaya konu olmuşsa da Türkiye’deki akademik görüntü, çalışmaların çok uzağında seyir izlemektedir. Çalışılan konularda ise aile, kadın ve benzeri çalışma... more
Kongre Bildirileri - Cild I
This paper examines Plato's "Symposium" from the perspective of narcissistic 'love' relationships and will be of interest to people studying the psychology of high-control groups or mystery cults. Given the importance of the "Symposium"... more
Technological developments have changed many things, but one of the biggest changes is in the playing habits of children. No sooner had video games been put on the market in 1970, than the spare time habits of children and adults became... more
Alla base di questo studio vi è l’approfondimento della definizione di simposio in chiave storica e archeologica. In particolare, si pone l’attenzione sul confronto speculare tra la concezione dionisiaca greca ed etrusca, analizzando gli... more
Bu çalışma, çeşitli kaynaklarda Molla Fenârî’ye ait olduğu söylenen eserlerin gerçekten ona ait olup olmadığını sorgulamakta ve bir Molla Fenârî Bibliyografyası oluşturma çabasına girişmektedir. Çalışmada öncelikle Molla Fenârî’ye ait... more
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi kurulduğu tarihten bu yana, önemli ilerlemeler, gelişmeler gerçekleştirerek bulunduğu Muğla iline, ülkemize ve insanlığa bilimsel çalışmalarla katkıda bulunmaktadır. İşte bu hedefler doğrultusunda... more
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi kurulduğu tarihten bu yana önemli ilerlemeler, gelişmeler gerçekleştirerek bulunduğu Muğla iline, ülkemize ve insanlığa yön verecek bilimsel çalışmalarla katkıda bulunmaktadır. İşte bu hedefler... more
The book is divided into three chapters which revolve around human attempts to penetrate and overcome the porous interfaces between the world experienced by mortal humanity and the other-worlds they envision. The first chapter, Drinking... more
This paper examines the changes in settlement patterns, internal trade relations and material culture that occurred in Philistia and the Shephelah during the Iron I–II transition. It appears that the Philistines were hegemonic during the... more
This essay undertakes a close analysis of Leo Strauss's remarkable but undertreated Leo Strauss on Plato's "Symposium," reading it as opening a privileged purview of his own (and his students') wider understandings of philosophy, poetry,... more
Türkiye’de Tasavvufla ilgili düzenlenmiş olan sempozyum ve kongreleri ele alan bu çalışma aşağıdaki konu başlıkları çerçevesinde düzenlenmiştir. - Tasavvuf Sempozyumlarının Yıllara Göre Artışı - Düzenleyici Kurumlar Açısından... more
In the field of studies on the 'theatricality' of Plato’s dialogues, this article deals with Plato's 'Symposium', its references to theatre (real and metaphorical), and in particular its relationship with Aristophanes’ 'Frogs' and... more
The early 5th c. BC Attic black-figured column kraters of the Mikra Karaburun Group were named by J. Beazley after the site where some of them have been found, i.e. the cemetery of the ancient settlement at Karabournaki, near... more
Az antik mediterrán világban a közös étkezések nem csupán a szociális, hanem a vallási életben is fontos szerepet játszottak. "A közös étkezéseket, banketteket tekinthetjük a görög-római világ szociális intézményének. […] a leletek az... more
This essay is a tribute to the work of the philosopher Gary B. Madison (1940-2016) and especially his very personal book On Suffering. Philosophical Reflections on What it Means To Be Human first published in 2009, read here as a book of... more
... 13.06. 1946 Orman ĠĢletmelerinin Bazı Vergilerden Muaf Tutulması HakkındakiYasa 21.01. 1947 5050 Sayılı Toprak Mahsulleri Vergisi Artıklarının Silinmesi Hakkında Yasa 26.10. 1960 113 Sayılı Af Yasası 28.12. 1961 281 ...
This is a booklet accompanying the 2018 Calendar published by Thrace Foundation, which presents in a general-public-format some silver vases from the V. Bojkov Collection. Some of them are thus far unpublished and will be included in the... more
In this essay I argue that to understand Plato's philosophy, we must understand why Plato presented this philosophy as dialogues: namely, works of literature. Plato's writing of philosophy corresponds to his understanding of philosophy as... more