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Alfred Thayer Mahan described the sea as a“great common,” which would serve as a medium for communication, trade and transport. The seas of Asia are witnessing an intriguing historical anomaly – rise of an indigenous maritime power... more
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      International Court of JusticeSpratly IslandThe South China Sea disputeEast China Sea Dispute
Chinese claim Spratly Islands; its straits as known South China Sea, meanwhile Philippines claim around 60 feature of Spratly Islands, Vietnam claim all over the island and Malaysia just 12 features only. As Vietnam based its claim on the... more
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      South China SeaSpratly IslandMaritime Zones
Border Control Effective governments have strong borders. The national government decides which persons and goods shall enter and which shall not. Failure to control a country’s borders leaves the wealth creating process inside the... more
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      Spratly IslandDefining Problem
After the problem was identified, roots/causes of the arising issue were realized and by that a possible result was lead in the previous paper problem analysis. In this paper, this is again a continuation of the previous topic, but this... more
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      Stakeholder AnalysisSpratly IslandUniversity of Southeastern PhilippinesUSEP
This article examines the genesis, usage, and meaning of the People's Republic of China's and the Republic of China's U-shaped line claim in the South China Sea territorial dispute from 1946 to 1974. The Republic of China (ROC) officially... more
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      Modern Chinese HistorySouth China SeaParacel IslandsSpratly Island
Pendahuluan Sumber tanah di dunia semakin berkurangan menyebabkan laut-lautan menjadi kawasan utama untuk pengeksploitasian sumber. Belakangan ini, Banyak negara kini meletakkan eksploitasi laut dalam agenda kebangsaan mereka. 1 Oleh itu,... more
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      South China SeaSpratly Island
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    • Spratly Island
Brief Abstract 5
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSpratly IslandThe South China Sea dispute
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      ConflictPolitical ScienceStabilityChina's foreign policy
Central to China's expansive maritime claims is its preferred narrative where alleged historical evidence was offered as "proofs" that SCS and ECS have been part of the Chinese Empire for some two millenia. This paper showed - with... more
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      South China SeaParacel IslandsThe Rise of ChinaSpratly Island
Threat serves as an impetus in the foundation, development, revitalization, and waning of the contemporary Philippine-United States alliance. Using Stephen Walt’s balance of threat theory as the analytical framework, this study proves... more
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      International RelationsInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)Anti money laundering and Terrorist FinancingRegional Security in Southeast Asia
The 2016 Arbitration Award of the PCA has set out the maritime legal questions in the South China Sea in great detail. This paper takes the Award as a starting point, but rather than focussing on maritime legal issues, it uses the South... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawInternational SecurityPublic International Law
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      Maritime LawMalaysiaMaritimePOLICY PAPER ON SPRATLY ISLANDS
The Philippines archipelagic State and core interests in regional ocean governance; the South China Sea disputes and related concerns -a foreign policy agenda
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      International RelationsDiplomacyOcean governanceU.S. Foreign Policy
The West Philippine Sea includes the Luzon Sea as well as the waters around, within, and adjacent to the Kalayaan Island Group (KIG) and Bajo de Masinloc also known as Scarborough Shoal. The KIG is part of what is referred to as the... more
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      Marine BiologyOceanographyMarine ConservationCoral Reefs
The Philippines archipelagic State and core interests in regional ocean governance; the South China Sea disputes and related concerns -a foreign policy agenda
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      International RelationsInternational ArbitrationDiplomacyOcean governance
This article investigates the on-going issue that is associated with China’s String of Pearls (SOP) strategy in South China Sea which has trespassed on Malaysia’s water territories, analyzed from the perspectives of military costs,... more
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      Military HistoryAsian StudiesMaritime ArchaeologyEconomics
Recurrent crises are a common feature of dyadic disputes. Indeed, the maritime disputes in East Asia feature a series of repeated crises between disputants. This article examines the effects of such iterative crises and argues that... more
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      Asian StudiesJapanese StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesChinese Studies
Islands are bodies of land surrounded by water; albeit well connected via the waves of ocean, movements of people and flows of technology. Smallness is both aesthetically pleasing and intensely practical. There are increasing challenges... more
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      Pacific Island StudiesIsland StudiesTorres Strait Islander HealthPacific Islands art
Leading scholars of international relations argued that the West Philippine Sea dispute (South China Sea) was a tinderbox waiting to happen. Many analysts fear that the dispute could lead to a direct military conflict if tensions remain... more
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      West Philippine SeaSpratly IslandScarborough ShoalAlternative Futures
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      International RelationsConflictMalaysiaEnergy Security
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      Pacific Island StudiesAndaman IslandsSpratly Island
This article introduces the historical development of the territorial dispute in the Spratly Islands area and discusses claimants’ arguments from the law of territorial acquisition perspective. It also analyses the legal implications of... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesSouth China SeaTerritorial RightsTerritorial Disputes
Despite Beijing’s refusal to take part in the proceedings, on 29 October 2015 the Court of Permanent Arbitration (PCA) issued a ruling on jurisdiction and admissibility of the UNCLOS arbitration case launched by the Philippines against... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesDispute ResolutionInternational LawInternational Arbitration
How was the stance of China on maritime area in early 1930s?
- the issues after Frence claimed their sovereignty over the South China Sea
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      History of Republican Period ChinaSouth China SeaSpratly IslandSouth China Sea Disputes
" So historical experience and realism both bid us to be more objective and less emotional, or if we are to engage our emotions it should be based on our authentic identity as Asians. It is on this basis that we reexamine the world, our... more
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      PhilippinesChinaSpratly IslandForiegn Policy
Despite growing tensions in the South China Sea, two reasons suggest that the maritime territorial disputes are unlikely to devolve into armed conflict.
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      China's foreign policySouth China SeaSpratly IslandThe South China Sea dispute
A review of Bill Hayton's 2014 book
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      Military IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)Tactics (Military Science)International Relations
The paper compares the US and Chinese engagement in the South China Sea region from a neoclassical realist perspective.
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      International RelationsAmerican Foreign PolicyChinaChinese foreign policy
The aim of this article is to examine two treaties which are often presented by scholars as potential models for a maritime regime in the South China Sea, namely the Svalbard Treaty and the Antarctic Treaty System. The work concludes that... more
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      Environmental ManagementSouth China SeaParacel IslandsSpratly Island
My commentary and extensive bibliography on 'Human Geography and Islands'. In 'Oxford Bibliographies'. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199874002-0230... more
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      Pacific Island StudiesIsland StudiesPacific Islands artCoastal and Island Archaeology
A follow-up report and geo-political and economic analysis of the territorial disputes in the South China Sea that involve the Philippines and China
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      GeopoliticsPolitical SciencePhilippinesChina
Abstrak Laut Cina Selatan memiliki tensi dan tingkat ketegangan yang tinggi setelah Cina mereklamasi 7 gugusan pulau di Laut Cina Selatan yang terdiri dari Fiery Cross Reff, Cuarteron Reff, Subi Reef, Gaven Reef, Mischief Reef, Johnson... more
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      International LawSouth China SeaSpratly IslandInternational Law of the Sea
Sekalipun bukan termasuk negara yang mengklaim Kepulauan Spratly, Indonesia berinisiatif menyelenggarakan suatu lokakarya informal (informal workshop) untuk mendiskusikan pengelolaan potensi konflik di Laut Cina Selatan. Tujuan lokakarya... more
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      Spratly IslandSouth China Sea, Spratlys Issue
For some time in the shadow of other regional powers' forces and the other branches of the Vietnamese military, the Vietnamese Peoples' Navy (VPN) is going through a period of modernisation and expansion. Having not played a major role in... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryRussian StudiesInternational Relations
A special report that analyzed issues surrounding the territorial disputes in the South China Sea involving Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam. Published by the Yuchengco Center, De La Salle University in 2014.
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Despite being the host of one of the most complicated territorial disputes in the world, the Spratlys play the important role of “resource saving bank” for the South China Sea as many valuable fishes of the region are spawn in their... more
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      Environmental LawInternational LawMarine Protected AreasLaw of the Sea
Over the past decade and prior, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei, all of whom are members of ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations), have been engaged in territorial disputes with China, particularly in... more
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      ASEANPOLICY PAPER ON SPRATLY ISLANDSTerritorial DisputesSpratly Island
Paket Pulau Sepa Harga Paket Pulau Sepa Resort (One Day Tour Package) Addult/Child : Rp. 850.000,-/ person Paket One day tour Included : Welcome Drink, Lunch, Tax & Service Transportation Speed Boat From Marina Ancol Jakarta – Sepa... more
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      Tourism StudiesPacific Island StudiesCoastal and Island ArchaeologyTourism
Over the last three decades, academic, writing on islands has grown rapidly. To date, effort has focused on island ecologies and environments, island heritage and culture, and island vulnerabilities and resilience. In much of that work,... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesIndonesian History
Nel corso degli ultimi anni vi è stata una frenetica attività da parte di quelle nazioni che reclamano la sovranità sugli atolli e barriere coralline degli arcipelaghi Spratlys e Paracel, è una lunga vicenda il cui risultato ha reso il... more
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      Paracel IslandsSpratly IslandThe South China Sea dispute
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisOcean governanceASEANSouth China Sea
Original Chinese: Japanese translation: by Ishiwi Nozomu, Associate Professor, Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University, and Investigation... more
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      South China SeaSpratly IslandSenkaku/Diaoyu Islands Conflict
As the arbitration case initiated by the Philippines against
China moves forward, new questions regarding
jurisdiction and impartiality have arisen.
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      International ArbitrationInternational Court of JusticeSouth China SeaSpratly Island
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