Sociology of Development
Recent papers in Sociology of Development
The purpose of this special issue is to advance heterodox reconstructions of agrarian Marxism on the occasion of Marx’s 200th birth anniversary. Scholarship on the origins of agrarian capitalism and the contrasts between agrarian and... more
ملخص لمرجع شامل عن تطوير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي
China's prolonged economic boom has long depended on the extraction of cheap migrant labor from the countryside and increasingly relies on the expropriation of cheap rural land for urbanization. Julia Chuang's Beneath the China Boom is a... more
Abstract This article focuses on the Supply Chain Law Initiative in Germany (SCLI)/Initiative Lieferkettengesetz as a case of global justice advocacy. The SCLI was a campaign by German civil society organizations that advocated for a... more
This book chapter examines Black Brazilian efforts to establish a municipal education project that revalues forms of knowledge and learning emerging from and through Afro-descendant communities. By revaluing Afro-Brazilian cultures as... more
A brief summary and discussion of Acemoglu and Robinsin's (2012) Why Nations Fail
Since the mid-2000s, India has been beset by widespread farmer protests against land dispossession. Dispossession Without Development demonstrates that beneath these conflicts lay a profound shift in regimes of dispossession. While the... more
Para poder analizar el rumbo hacia el cual debería orientarse la estructura productiva argentina para alcanzar el desarrollo, los autores estudian los caminos recorridos por otros países. Dado que el desarrollo es un proceso... more
En el escenario actual de emergencia de discursos y prácticas de transición civilizatoria en América Latina ante la expansión de la crisis socio-ecológica, el presente artículo analiza los hallazgos de un estudio de caso realizado en el... more
This paper deals with the role of Indigenous Agricultural System (IKS) as a system of locally evolved practices that are used by the villagers in a Punjabi village. The intent of the paper is to highlight that despite attacks on... more
La relación entre la especialización productiva de los países y el desarrollo económico ha sido intensamente estudiada en las ciencias sociales desde por lo menos la década de 1940. En particular, algunas de las preguntas de investigación... more
south Asia, home to nearly 2 billion people, has a rich history of political fragmentation. scholars have debated in various ways how south Asia's apparently common culture and geographical proximity can promote socioeconomic gains, but... more
This article demonstrates historically and statistically that conversionary Protestants (CPs) heavily influenced the rise and spread of stable democracy around the world. It argues that CPs were a crucial catalyst initiating the... more
This Malayalam article attempts to make visible the phenomenon of housework, which has remained invisible in much of social life, social science discourse and policymaking. The secondary status accorded to housework and its implications... more
This is a book review, titled- Social Change and Development- Modernization, Dependency and World-System Theories in which Alvin Y. So tries to sum up three dominant schools of thoughts by providing different theoretical and empirical... more
Tulisan ini hendak membahas tentang pekerjaan fotografi yang tadinya hanya sebuah hobi berubah menjadi pekerjaan sampingan yang menjanjikan. Di sini penulis melihat sistem jaringan sangat berperan dalam perkembangan usaha yang digeluti... more
يتناول هذا المبحث النظريات الاجتماعية بعد طرح المفاهيم والمفترضات وطرق تنظيمها مع تقييم نقدي لكل من النظريات والمداخل الاجتماعية المختلفة.
This conceptual article advances a theory of Social-Enterprise Systems-Engineering (SESE) as an applied discipline and as an addition to the development intervention field. It will elaborate the SESE construct, examine the relationships... more
التجربة الماليزية في التنمية الإنسانية؛ أضواء و دروس
The theory of “embedded autonomy” suggests that a developmental state needs to maintain a balance between autonomy and embeddedness to succeed. This paper argues that such a balance is not stable but contingent on an alignment of local,... more
In this lecture I have discussed Liberal and Neo Liberal theories of development. Neo-Liberalism now shapes government policies throughout the world. Hence the study of Neo-Liberalism is important.
Sustainable development (SD) is one of the leading issues in the contemporary development discourse. It is an approach to development that takes the environmental dimension and which owes its origin to various debates and environmental... more
يتناول هذا المبحث الذي هو مستخلص من كتاب المؤلف: جامع، محمد نبيل، علم الاجتماع المعاصر ووصايا التنمية، الإسكندرية: دار الجامعة الجديدة، 2009 مفهوم المؤسسة الاجتماعية وهي الأسرة والاقتصاد والحكومة والتعليم والدين بالإضافة إلى العلاقة بين... more
Theory of A G Frank " Development of Underdeveloped" speaks out in Dependency Perspective; Frank criticizing others and also agrees to disagree with them e.g Paul Baran, Talcott Parson, Rostow, Hoselitz, McClland and he formulate new... more
ABSTRACT In Nigeria, sex education is yet to be integrated into the curriculum of secondary school education and many parents are reluctant to discuss sexuality and sexual health... more
Using regional data for about 180 African provinces, we find that measures of Protestant missionary activity in the past are more correlated with schooling variables today than similar measures of Catholic missionary activity, as previous... more
Membincangkan tentang pembangunan di Malaysia dalam konteks sosiologi yang melihat dari aspek teori. Teori yang yang dibincangkan dalam makalah ini membawakan dua teori sahaja iaitu Teori Modenisasi dan Teori Kebergantungan. Di samping... more
This paper examined the nature and dynamics of cybercrime in Nigeria and its contribution to the socioeconomic development challenges in the country. The paper adopted the library research method as secondary data sourced fromarticles,... more
La relación entre la especialización productiva de los países y el desarrollo económico ha sido intensamente estudiada en las ciencias sociales desde por lo menos la década de 1940. En particular, algunas de las preguntas de investigación... more
Cross-national empirical research consistently suggests that, on average, former British colonies are both more democratic and have more stable democratic transitions. I argue that former British colonies are distinct not because Great... more
The profound experience of Awe-Wonder so often an emotion beyond words is so pervasive in human consciousness that the Japanese even have a word for the profound feelings about life and nature beyond words-Yugen. Socrates observed that... more
This article reviews conventional theories about various aspects of labor migration: Its origins, stability over time, and patterns of migrant settlement. For each of these aspects, we provide alternative explanatory hypotheses derived... more
Natural resources availability in any country contributes immensely to its wealth base and aids socio-economic development. This paper examined the natural resource potentials vis-à-vis challenges and prospects as well as the extent to... more
This paper highlights Karl Marx's view about India and views of Indian Marxists n Colonialism
"This study refutes both the Western dominant paradigm of modernity and the Eurocentric stereotype of traditional Muslim culture, and demonstrates that rural Egyptians have their own paradigm of secular modernism that does not negate... more
Abstract: This study proposes to historically and socially embed the space of the economists in Brazil, addressing the ties between competing agents in order to establish boundaries and legitimacy principles of their knowledge and... more
This is a second proof of the book which has been published from Policy Press UK ( About This Book This book analyses government relationships with international financial... more
Abstract There are many studies about Behice Boran. Although a few of these studies are based on her sociological working and writing as an academician sociologist, most of them are related to theorist-politician Boran. This article... more
of Thinking in terms of fields requires a conversion of one's entire usual vision of the social world, a vision interested only in those things which are visible ... In fact, just as the Newtonian theory of gravitation could be developed... more
This dissertation examines the logic of exchange and power in agrarian Nepal. The society in Jajarkot District is researched through an examination of labor exchange. Researchers have examined the jajmãni system, known throughout South... more