Sociology and Poltical Science
Recent papers in Sociology and Poltical Science
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
Immigration and Multiculturalism: Essential Primary Sources provides readings into two centuries of global changes in populations and cultures--and insights into both historical and modern political flashpoints. // Multiculturalism is a... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları. İlk Baskı: 2008. Baskı Yılı: 2014. 174 Sayfa. ISBN-9789756857212
Whilst there are economic viability, moral, productivity, egalitarian, equity and political issues that have topped academic, political and interventionist agendas since the onset of the Fast track land reform program in Zimbabwe this... more
Nama : Tayev Dedayev NIM : 071511433045 Prodi : Departemen Sosiologi MODERNITAS SOSIAL DUNIA: GLOBALISASI,MCDONALDISASI DAN MODERNITAS JUGGERNAUT Tema globalisasi menjadi hal menarik terutama bagi dunia akademisi menjadi materi pengantar... more
This case study report was written to investigate whether Donald Trump’s 2016 Political rallies facilitated collective identity and empowerment among his supporters. To address the question a number of existing studies and reports were... more
BBC's "Detectorists" concerns itself with the (seemingly) most ludicrously mundane of all possible human activities – metal detecting. And we are, at first, eased into its comic mundaneness with little hint of any metaphysical... more
voting challenges of IDPs Voting is seen as an important part of the political participation process. 75,000 Muslims were forcibly expelled in Sri Lanka in 1990 due to indigenous Jewry. 80% of them settled in Puttalam district and... more
This study attempts to investigate the influence of Perception of Organization Politics (POP) on Organization Commitment (OC) through the moderating effect of Self-Monitoring (SM). The data was collected from the Government Punjab Model... more
Abstract Farkhunda’s death came as a brutal shock for afghan women and civil society in Afghanistan post-2001. Domestic violence and violence against women are the important issues in this country, but violence has never been a topic in... more
The article discusses what Americanism is, its theoretical and practical roots, and the implications of this "ideology" in the current American political debate.
Knowledge is increasingly thought of as a common good. This is exhibited in the fact that many central economies are moving towards economic paradigms where knowledge plays a fundamental role. This paper explores the confluence between... more
Je me propose d'etudier ici les liens psychologiques entre le developpement d'une ideologic politique conferant un droit excessif, tel que 1'irredentisme, et le trauma massif qui diminue le sentiment partage de bien-etre et d'omnipotence... more
This module discusses how Information Technology (IT) has increasingly been altering the contours and nature of social movements in India. This point is particularly made with the examples of some recent movements in India like the... more
Serigala berbulu domba merupakan sebuah istilah yang menggambarkan mengenai suatu hal buruk yang berkamuflase menjadi hal baik. Dalam melakukan kamuflase tentu ada tujuan tertentu di dalamnya, serigala yang berkamuflase sebagai domba... more
Για το πρώτο μέρος της δημοσίευσης βλέπε εδώ Ειδικό μέρος. Η κοινωνική προστασία της οικογένειας σε όλες τις ανθρώπινες κοινωνίες είναι ο βασικότερος θεσμός για τη βιολογική, παιδαγωγική, κοινωνική ανάπτυξη, μέσα στην οποία δημιουργούνται... more
Provided by LMH Agencies (writing/research sample): This is a simplistic breakdown of that which oftentimes seems complex to the grade school learner. Visit for services offered.
As part of my ongoing research, I argue in this paper that it is superlative to ignore the distinction between victim and perpetrator, and to yielding at least to the three tensions as an informing account to the indistinguishable zone... more
A book that aims at helping the reader to better understand the complexity of the Catalan process (secessionists movement in Catalonia). It also shows that the process has a political relevance that goes way beyond the Spanish-Catalan... more
The present contribution is a part of a research on the prospect of European unity, defined by the dialectical poles of monist and polyarchical forms of distribution of the power. This reflection tries to decline this approach into a... more
/ B tl s Eren Ün vers tes 25.09.2021 Facebook Tw tter Kürtlük, s yasal Kürtçülük karşısında kend öz sübjekt f tecrübes n n düzenley c s olarak onu dönüştürmel d r. Kürtlük ç-b l nc se pas f b r çselleşt r c olmakla kalmamalı, aynı... more
Language and Society. Research Advances in Social Sciences International Conference of RC25 ISA, Warsaw 26-27th September 2019. We accept posters from PhD students/Doctoral candidates for the Poster Session. Please send your poster... more
La revista Pesca es un medio de información alternativo referido a temas del mar y de la pesquería. Difunde información, ideas y corrientes de opinión que tienen por objeto crear conciencia de la necesidad de hacer sostenible la... more
A book that aims at helping the reader to better understand the complexity of the Catalan process (secessionists movement in Catalonia). It also shows that the process has a political relevance that goes way beyond the Spanish-Catalan... more
An extremely substantial and a noteworthy issue which clearly displays politically yet everybody is really maintained a strategic distance from it an issue going to having an elephant in the living room is overlooked which is "... more
Local control of education and charter schools schools will not improve public education in the United States