Social History of Music
Recent papers in Social History of Music
Среди многочисленных раритетов, хранящихся в Кабинете рукописей Российского института истории искусств (КР РИИИ) и связанных с историей отечественной музыки, находится фотография с живописного полотна, на котором изображены хористы... more
В настоящей статье представлен подробный обзор иконографических материалов, связанных с именем выдающегося композитора. В контексте деятельности Бортнянского в качестве коллекционера, знатока и художественного консультанта малого двора,... more
Обзорная статья «Арфа, арфистки и арфисты в русской живописи и живописной миниатюре XVIII – XIX веков» обобщает сведения, касающиеся иконографии арфы и музыкантов-арфистов в русском изобразительном искусстве на протяжении двух столетий.... more
O presente trabalho investiga o processo de construção social do maxixe, uma dança de movimentos intensos e sensuais que fez parte do cotidiano dos cariocas entre os séculos XIX e XX. Com o auxílio das fontes da imprensa periódica, bem... more
Исследование нотной записи на портрете неизвестного музыканта из собрания Московского дворца-усадьбы “Останкино”», осуществленное нами совместно с П. Г. Сербиным, позволило выявить в зарубежных музыкальных архивах уникальные рукописные... more
The prelude of the paper concentrates on situating lyrics of the song as an extended part of literature and, consequently, places it as a valid source in reconstructing the past. At the next, the study would make an attempt to extract... more
Durante el régimen de Jesús González Gallo (1947-1953), ocurrieron una serie de cambios en todos los niveles sociales; la élite política estrechó alianzas con la jerarquía eclesiástica y con la burguesía compuesta por comerciantes e... more
In 1815 the chapter of the cathedral of Valencia wrought problems of budget and decorum of the liturgy to eliminate villancicos from the ceremonial of Christmas Eve. However, a closer look at the problems that the institution went through... more
In 1815 the chapter of the cathedral of Valencia wrought problems of budget and decorum of the liturgy to eliminate villancicos from the ceremonial of Christmas Eve. However, a closer look at the problems that the institution went through... more
Research on the musical production by Giovanni Andrea Fioroni (1716-1778) has revealed a hitherto unknown relationship between a work by the Milanese composer and Mozart’s Requiem KV 626. In the light of the possible significance of... more
Pink Floyd The Wall é um filme britânico lançado em 1982. Dirigido por Alan Parker, com roteiro do baixista Roger Waters e animações de Gerald Scarfe. O longametragem é baseado no disco conceitual The Wall (1979), Trata-se de uma distopia... more
This paper examines the rewards of being an amateur player or singer of early music and the strategies for teaching such amateurs within the tradition of Western music. I have chosen to focus on Western early music (defined here as music... more
Migrazione e sincretismi musicali Il fenomeno dell’emigrazione italiana lascia una traccia profonda nella musica. In questo contesto vengono registrate le trasformazioni che riguardano la nascente fisionomia della comunità di emigrati.... more
Text as an Impulse and Narrator of Musical Praxis: The Song and Music Culture of the Sports Association, Idrottsföreningen Kamraterna Helsingfors in a Historical Perspective (1897–1939). This article aims to explore how printed texts... more
À Capes, pelas bolsas de doutorado e doutorado-sanduíche, sem as quais esta tese não poderia ter sido realizada.
Armas Launis’s interest in the North African Orient was manifest in three of his professional domains: travel writer, musicologist and opera composer. During his stays in Algiers over two winters between 1924 and 1927 in particular,... more
Nos exatos 20 anos nos quais ministrei as disciplinas do grupo “História da Música” no Instituto de Artes (somados aos 5 anos nos quais fiz o mesmo em outras instituições, antes do ingresso na Unesp), percebi uma progressiva e acentuada... more
"Manipulative music products are discussed less frequently today, but the general idea that music “makes things happen” and lubricates nearly every type of business is even more pervasive than it was in 1950s and 1960s. Dividing music... more