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Slogans of the Southern Movement
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      Languages and LinguisticsMiddle East StudiesArabic Language and LinguisticsYemen
Purpose-This article explores how employees can perceive and be impacted by the fakeness of their company slogans. Design/methodology/approach-This conceptual study draws on the established literature on company slogans, employee... more
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      Organizational CultureEmployee MotivationEmployee engagementSlogans
Le prétexte de cet article est un slogan subtil qui a connu à partir des années 1980 un immense succès dans les milieux de l’écologie, où il est né, jusqu’à paraître aujourd’hui galvaudé par sa migration dans des domaines proches, comme... more
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      Cultural HistoryGlocalizationEnvironmental StudiesReterritorialization
Mainstream media typically reflect the values of the dominant culture, supporting the socioeconomic stability that keeps the business running. On the other side, all kinds of alternative media have one thing in common: they break some... more
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      Social MediaStreet ArtRadical MediaSlogans
У збірці есеїв авторка пропонує читачеві аналіз понад вось- мисот слоганів українського спротиву – у фокус потрапляє пе- ріод Євромайдану 2013–2014 рр. та подальший розвиток по- дій в сучасній Україні. В есеях, котрі мають і наукове... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociolinguisticsUkrainian StudiesPolitical Rhetoric
The slogans raised by the Lebanese revolution protesters include a specific language use which reveals power, perseverance, and determination. As such, the Lebanese revolution slogans have encouraged the researcher to unfold and analyze... more
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      Language and IdeologyPolitical Discourse AnalysisIdeology and Discourse AnalysisLebanese Politics
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      Social MovementsSocial IdentitySocial movements and revolutionSymbols
¿Quieres crear eslóganes atractivos y eficaces para tu empresa turística? No has de ser un copywriter o redactor publicitario para valorar y evaluar la idoneidad de tus anuncios, pero sí deberías adquirir unos mínimos conocimientos del... more
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      PublicidadTurismoa. Travel and tourism b. E-Government c. Marketing and advertisingAdvertising in Tourism
This paper attempts a critical discourse analysis of Orwell's Animal Farm to highlight ploys of manipulation. Animal Farm, a satire on the Russian Revolution, is constructed of three stages: a) animal suffering from human exploitation; b)... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPropagandaGeorge OrwellCritical Discourse Analysis
Künye; Candemir, Tülin, “ Slogan Examples and Analyses in Advertisement Channels in Turkey from Past to Present”, VII International Language, Letters and Phraseology Symposium in UNESCO Mevlana Year, Selçuk University Science and... more
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      AdvertisingGraphic DesignCultureGrafik
The scopes of this research were to analyze the semiotic and cultural aspects of 30 English and Persian advertising slogans of various brands and also to reveal the functions of advertising elements used in the advertising teasers. The... more
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      SemioticsAdvertisingCultural AnalysisSlogans
Advertising Slogans can hold the key to success of tourism destinations. In highly competitive times when countries are in a fi erce struggle to attract a major share of tourists, the importance of creation of an ideal 'tourism slogan'... more
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      MarketingTourism StudiesDestination BrandingTourism
The Russian protests, sparked by the 2011 Duma election, have been widely portrayed as a colourful but inconsequential middle-class rebellion, confined to Moscow and organized by an unpopular opposition. In this sweeping new account of... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsRussian StudiesTransnationalism
Öz Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de yer alan devlet ve vakıf üniversitelerinin sloganları, metin biliminin bileşenlerinden olan bağdaşıklık ekseninde incelenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamına Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu (YÖK) tarafından resmî olarak tanınan 193... more
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      Textual CriticismSlogans
In the world of modern communications, visual identity has predominant influence on the overall success of tourist destinations, but despite of these, the problem of designing thriving tourist destination visual identity and their... more
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      MarketingVisual IdentityCroatiaPlace Names
Pakistani politics is full of political rhetoric. Attractive slogans are used by leaders of political parties to inspire and set the mood of public about a particular issue. Even parliament is neglected by politicians. This political... more
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      Political RhetoricParliamentEnergy CrisisPakistani Politics
Je traiterai ici d'une oeuvre poétique contemporaine qui est encore peu connue, et encore moins étudiée, mais qui me semble considérable : Slogans, de Maria Soudaïeva. Dans l'avant-propos de l'édition française de 2004, qui est la seule... more
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      Comparative LiteratureWomen's RightsLiterature and PoliticsPost-Soviet Studies
“Meksika’da 1999 yılında Zapatista, askerlere, üzerinde aşağıdaki ifade bulunan kağıtlarla seslenir ve bu olay bir araştırmacıya “simit sat, onurlu yaşa” sloganını hatırlatır. Şöyle yazmaktadır kağıtlarda: “Askerler, yoksulluk yüzünden... more
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      PolicePolisSöylem Analizişiddet
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      SemioticsSociologyCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
The term slogan derives from Slough-ghairm, pronounced as Slogorm from Scottish Gaelic which means battle cry. Slogan is usually an unforgettable phrase that is frequently used to express an idea or purpose. Slogans have been employed in... more
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      AdvertisingBrand equityCustomer Knowledge ManagementSlogans
Driven by the 2009 global economic crisis, Dacia Romania designed and built the Dacia Duster sport utility vehicle (SUV) to be the ideal SUV at an affordable price. After a successful introduction of the cheapest modern sedan on the... more
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      MarketingOperations ManagementBusiness Communication (in Communication)Romania
As well as having been stamped as the hallmark of queer drama in the literature of North America, Angels in America contributed in great extent to raise awareness for the queer and AIDS activism which was having its heyday at the... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryHIV/AIDSGender and Sexuality
This paper aims to describe the notion of 'sloganisation', with special regard to the fortune and circulation of certain slogans in Italian public discourse. An analysis of their forms, contexts of occurrence (political propaganda,... more
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      Analyse Du Discours PolitiquePolitical Slogan of CandidatesSlogansSloganisation
In this paper, I analyze the nation-building project that the Islamic Republic of Iran has produced and reproduced in the past four decades. I explore the political, social, and economic processes contributing to the (un)doing of identity... more
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      Iranian StudiesNationalismNational IdentityProtest Movements
The Maidan protests provide us with insights into Ukrainian society and the dynamics of mobilisation more generally. Based on the EuroMaidan Protest Participant Survey, on-site rapid interviews with protesters, interviews with... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsEastern European Studies
Comment la nudité peut-elle encore être subversive, alors que les corps dénudés se sont très largement banalisés dans la publicité et à la télévision ? C’est sur cet étonnement que s’ouvre le livre d’Hubert Prolongeau, écrivain et... more
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      Media StudiesHuman Rights LawPerformance ArtProtest
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      Information SystemsRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Computer ScienceComputer Architecture
The aim of the paper is to analyse slogans of the Żubr brand in a linguocultural perspective. The focal issues of the study are the following aspects: creating the connotative potential of the names żubr (‘bison’, the name of the animal)... more
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      MarketingLanguages and LinguisticsAdvertisingProverbs
This paper investigates the claim that demonstrations are a ritual activity in modern societies in general and in Tunisian post-revolutionary society, in particular. This claim is based on the framing nature of action(s) and discourse(s)... more
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      RitualConceptual MetaphorConceptual BlendingTunisian Revolution-Arab Spring
This paper sets out to study political slogans in Achebe's A Man of the People, a field that has not received wide scholarly attention. The paper specifically aims to examine how political slogans in the text are used by the author to... more
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      Dell hymesChinua AchebePolitical Slogan of CandidatesSlogans
La formación nacionalista en la época franquista utilizaba las consignas semanales escritas en los cuadernos del alumnado como un recurso de aprendizaje memorístico y no crítico. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la... more
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      History of EducationSpainEmotionsCurriculum
Article about the American artist Barbara Kruger dating from 2001.
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      Installation ArtAmerican art/ Art of the United StatesConceptual ArtPhotomontage
This article explores the theoretical and empirical interest of protest slogans and writings for social movement research. It shows how this material can contribute to a better understanding of collective identities, emotions, and claims... more
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      Social MovementsResearch MethodologyTransnational Social MovementsSocial movements and revolution
The paper aims to present the results of a chrematonomastic research on the interactions between brand names and their slogans which, when used together, form specifi c advertising units that shape the identity of the branded product.... more
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According to Thucydides’ account (II, 12), the beginning of the Peloponnesian War is marked by the sentence pronounced by the Spartan herald Melesippus : «This day will be at the head of great disasters for the Greeks». This paper... more
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      Greek LiteratureAristophanesClassical philologyThucydides
O homem é um ser dotado de linguagem e a utiliza na representação do mundo. A linguagem engloba todos os processos – ideias, sentimentos, pensamentos e emoções-capazes de efetivar a comunicação por intermédio de signos sonoros, gráficos,... more
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Corporate slogan is used by organizations as marketing stimulus as a part of corporate identity. Even though almost every big organization likes to use slogan as a marketing stimulus, it is not sure whether corporate slogans compel... more
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      Organizational BehaviorMarketingMental HealthAdvertising
This thesis analyses the form and content of Japanese print advertisements, which includes a discussion on the role of advertisements in Japan. It also tries to answer the question whether and how „japaneseness“ is presented in the... more
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      Japanese StudiesPR and AdvertisingJapanese Language And CultureAdvertising
Are we witnessing the rise of "global" student anger, born in the wake of austerity policies and globalized educational reforms? To answer this question, this chapter is based on a comparison of the claims made in 3 post-2008 student... more
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      Social MovementsHigher EducationSocial MovementSocial Movements (Political Science)
Pogranicza frazeologii. Zarys problematyki badawczej potocznych reproduktów języka polskiego. Streszczenie Tekst prezentuje najważniejsze założenia podjętych przez autorkę badań potocznych reproduktów języka polskiego analizowanych na... more
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      Cultural linguisticsAntiproverbsSlogans
The paper discusses the autostereotype refelected in phraseological units from a translation perspective. It contains a case study on the expression "Polak potrafi" (lit. a Pole can). The unit can be used both to express positive and... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthnolinguisticsCultural SociologyTranslation Studies
This paper proposes a methodology for investigating populism by analyzing proto-slogans, nominal utterances (NUs) typical of a political community on social media. We extracted more than 700.000 comments from the public Facebook pages of... more
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      Political communicationPopulismCorpus LinguisticsVerbless Constructions
SUMMARY – The author presents the case of expressiveness and identity in the language of the Internet users discussing about the politics. The analysis is based on the corpus of French, Italian and Polish anti slogans and anti posters and... more
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      Political AdvertisingPublicitéAnalyse de réseaux sociauxCritical disourse analysis
This paper attempts a critical discourse analysis of Orwell's Animal Farm to highlight ploys of manipulation. Animal Farm, a satire on the Russian Revolution, is constructed of three stages: a) animal suffering from human... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPropagandaGeorge OrwellCritical Discourse Analysis
Images presented in advertisements are very powerful and have huge impact on our perception of the world. The roles of women and men have changed within the last decade and therefore it is worth investigating the way they are perceived in... more
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his essay is an attempt to test out some of the ideas that will frame my forthcoming book on the ongoing Russian protest movement. In particular, it presents some preliminary findings from a project to collect the slogans of the movement.
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      Social MovementsWeb 2.0Social MediaInternet & Society
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      Discourse AnalysisPolitical CampaignsCampaigns and ElectionsPosters
This study continues the examination of advertising slogans in terms of the relationship between reduced form and communicative effects. In particular, it engages in the examination of slogans that construct a comparison of superiority –... more
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      French languagePersuasionFrench syntaxMarketing Communications
The unquestionable predominance of slogans in political communication versus their declining relevance in the commercial kind underpins the objective of this study, which is to gain further insight into the strategies and creative... more
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      Content AnalysisPolitical AdvertisingElection CampaigningSlogans
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      Languages and LinguisticsLingüísticaLinguistiqueLinguistique appliquée