SPSS Programming
Recent papers in SPSS Programming
The aim of this paper is to illuminate the role of the socioeconomic , cultural and religious context in shaping corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices of banks in Bangladesh. The authors utilize content analysis of annual... more
This course introduces students to the scientific approach to social studies. Weekly classes and tutorials are geared toward helping the students gain a basic understanding of systematic social inquiry. In the lectures, students learn... more
The productivity performance of the public sector in Malaysia had been declined from 3.78% in the year 2008 to 1.14% in the year 2009. Furthermore, Malaysia’s labor market efficiency have been dropped from rank 25th in year 2013 from rank... more
SPSS adalah sebuah software untuk mengolah data statistik yang cara penggunaanya cukup mudah. Bahkan oleh orang yang tidak mengenal dengan baik teori statistic, namun demikian supaya lebih mudah menggunakan SPSS ini sebaiknya anda... more
Using the paradigm of Solomon Asch’s 1946 study entitled ‘Forming Impressions of Personality, where the influence of data presentation on the formation of an impression of personality was studied. By presenting six (6) characteristics in... more
Multikolinearitas adalah sebuah situasi yang menunjukkan adanya korelasi atau hubungan kuat antara dua variabel bebas atau lebih dalam sebuah model regresi berganda. Model regresi yang dimaksud dalam hal ini antara lain: regresi linear,... more
Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the world and friends is common to be a person's social support. This study searches the relationship between the two variables mentioned. There were multiple tests done to get the... more
Tutorial and Guidelines for doing SPSS Analysis, for Dissertation, Thesis, Research and Business Analysis
Contoh Soal & Jawaban SPSS. soal soal ekonometrika saat semester 5 kuis ekonemtrika
RANCANGAN ACAK LENGKAP Rancangan Acak Lengkap ialah rancangan yang paling sederhana di antara rancangan percobaan yang baku. RAL biasanya digunakan untuk percobaan yang dilakukan di laboratorium, ruang kultur jaringan dan rumah kaca atau... more
Wachima Agencies Limited was registered as a partnership under laws of Kenya in 2009 and incorporated as a private limited company in 2012. Over the years we have developed a niche in research, training, contracting and consultancy. We... more
Autokorelasi dikenal sebagai korelasi serial, maksudnya adalah korelasi antara serial data atau antara data sebelum dengan data sesudahnya dalam data yang disusun berdasarkan urutan waktu (time series).
Uji Heteroskedastisitas merupakan bagian dari uji asumsi klasik dalam analisis regresi yang bertujuan untuk menguji apakah dalam model regresi terjadi ketidaksamaan variance (variasi) dari nilai residual satu pengamatan ke pengamatan yang... more
SPSS Statistics is a software package used for statistical analysis. Long produced by SPSS Inc., it was acquired by IBM in 2009. The current versions (2014) are officially named IBM SPSS Statistics. Companion products in the same family... more
Modul ini dibuat dalam memenuhi tugas mata kuliah APLIKOM, mengenai distribusi Frekuensi menggunakan aplikasi SPSS.
Tabel Kontingensi merupakan tabel yang digunakan untuk mengukur hubungan (asosiasi) antara dua variabel kategorik dimana tabel tersebut merangkum frekuensi bersama dari observasi pada setiap kategori variabel
Digunakan untuk menghitung kelompok rata-rata dan hubungan uni variant untuk variabel dependen dengan kategori pada satu atau lebih variabel independen.
Tulisan ini merupakan salah satu tugas Biostatik 2014, berisi contoh data set mengunakkan program SPSS dan interpretasi mengenai kekuatan/keeratan dua kejadian tersebut (korelasi) serta hubungan fungsionalnya (regresi)
Abstrak dalam sebuah penelitian penting sekali kita sebagai peenliti untuk tahu bagaimana cara menyajikan data yang telah kita dapat dari lapangan atau dari proses penelitian. Penyajian data harusnya mudah dimengerti oleh pembaca, dibuat... more
The objective of this research was to determine the test-retest reliability of Psychographic self-evaluation questionnaire designed for forming teams of Software Engineering students for undertaking the final year projects. The... more
The primary problem is that employee disengagement results in decreased employee job satisfaction (EJS), as manifested by employee tardiness, turnover, and absenteeism, known as counterproductive work behaviors (CWB); which cost U.S.... more
variabel dummy
variabel dummy
The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates... more
Resumen El análisis discriminante es un método estadístico a través del cual se busca conocer qué variables, medidas en objetos o individuos, explican mejor la atribución de la diferencia de los grupos a los cuales pertenecen dichos... more
Nowadays, the often large amounts of data that are collected in a psychological experiment are processed almost exclusively with the help of computers. The so-called 'languages' represent the interface between man and machine, with which... more
[Review] Cara Mudah Pengelolahan dan Analisis Data Pada Bidang Kesehatan
Okul Öncesi Eğitim Sorunu ve Okullaşma Oranı by İngilizce Öğretmeni Sefa Sezer T.C. Fırat Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü Anket k 1. Araştırmada Kullanılan Anket Formu ANKET SEFA SEZER, EĞİTİM BİLİMLERİ Amaç: Türk Eğitim... more
Measuring the efficiency of a bank will never be separated from the measuring of the efficiency of bank’s branches. This study aimed to measure the efficiency of bank’s branches XYZ in Indonesia period 2009-2011 using the Data... more
This analysis report provides a snapshot of the survey research on assessing the effectiveness of public participation in Brisbane’s Neighbourhood Planning Programme. To form a holistic picture of the issue, two open-ended questions from... more