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Rosa spp. are neglected and understudied for the Maltese flora, where only three species have been reported. R. sempervirens L. is the only native rose established in at least 12 locations in Malta. R. gallica L. s. l. (including hybrids)... more
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      BotanyBiodiversityField botanyAncient Roses
An experiment was conducted to find out the preservative solution for extending the vase life of cut rose (Red pearl cultivar). Ten chemical preservative solutions were used for vase life analysis and these were T0: Tap water (Control);... more
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      ChemicalsSHELF LIFERosesPreservatives
Valentine’s Day can be both exciting and daunting. It can be the most romantic day of the year or things can go drastically wrong.
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    • Roses
. They each have different environmental requirements and are limited to northern India. R. spinosissima itself does not occur naturally in the Himalayas or south of them elsewhere in India but there seems to be no reason why it should... more
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      Scottish StudiesColonialismGarden HistoryEmigration Research
Quintessential Guru Purnima reflections on the essence of being a teacher via the geometry of the rose and its relationship to the moon. Inscribed on 1 foot X 1 ½ feet poster on July 12, 1995, On Teachers Day, students at Rizvi College... more
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      BuddhismHinduismArchitectureTeacher Education
Rosa spinosissima (also known as R. pimpinellifolia), the wild Scots Rose, has the widest natural geographical distribution of any rose species, extending from the coastal fringes of western Europe to Siberia. It has also become... more
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      Cultural HistoryHorticultureCultural HeritageEnvironmental History
Roses from different continents travel long distances to reach the international flower market in Holland and result in them reaching the market while they have aged thus reducing vase life and quality which are vital for consumer... more
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      MathematicsHorticultureQualityPlant Physiology (Biology)
Roses from different continents travel long distances to reach the international flower market in Holland and result in them reaching the market while they have aged thus reducing vase life and quality which are vital for consumer... more
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      MathematicsHorticultureQualityPlant Physiology (Biology)
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    • Roses
Colombia is a country recognized for its variety of fresh flowers for export, among which roses represent a significant quantity. However, cut flowers must meet some quality requirements imposed by the international market. Ascorbic acid... more
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      RosesCut FlowersFlower QualityAscorbate
PHENOLOGICAL AND PRODUCTIVE STUDY OF NINE VARIETIES OF ROSE (Rosa sp.), IN THE THIRD AND FOURTH PRODUCTION CYCLE IN CAYAMBE. SUMMARY In the Flower Company "Ponte Tresa Inversiones SA" located at Cayambe, Pichincha, was evaluated... more
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    • Roses
Plant propagation from cuttings, adventitious root formation, is the most important use of rooting hormones. There are several other ways that these substances can be effectively used including grafting & stenting, layering, and improved... more
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      Plant BiologyPlant Physiology (Biology)Plant biotechnologyPlant Stress Physiology
"The Roses of Heliogabalus" (1888) by Lawrence Alma-Tadema represents a legendary episode of Heliogabalus' life, in which a rain of flowers literally buries people during a banquet. Although sources speak of "violets and other flowers",... more
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      Victorian StudiesOscar WildeRossetti, Dante GabrielGabriele D'Annunzio
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreMythologyFolktales
Hommage à une grande diplomatie syrienne Pin d'Alep, prune, pistache, arum ou rose de Damas et autres ambassadeurs. 1 : rose de Damas ou rosa damascena Ce n'est pas d'hier que la Syrie, ou ce grand Bilad Cham, est dans l'histoire, et par... more
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      archéologie de la Syrie romaine et byzantinePatrimoineFloresAleppo
La monarquia hispánica siempre tuvo gran interés por los puertos del norte de Cataluña a causa de su relevancia comercial, situados en medio del trayecto de la ruta de cabotaje que conducia a Francia y a Italia, y gracias a su particular... more
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      IngenieríaHistoria del ArteSiglo XVIIICatalunya
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyZoologyFolklore
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      FolkloreHorticultureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Au XVIIIe siècle, la couleur émerge, se déploie, s’impose : on vit dans une ambiance colorée et la vision colorée devient aussi une manière de penser le monde. Dans ce contexte, qu’en est-il des liens qu’entretiennent les couleurs et... more
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      Gender StudiesColor PerceptionParisLibertinage
The production of roses in Ecuador is an economic opportunity that has been increasing since the 1980's. Ecuador is the fourth country in the world with a comparative advantage in rose production. Its quality and variety of colors has... more
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      BiologyBiological ControlEconomic analysisRoses
Poc abans de la invasió francesa de 1808 la costa catalana era un espai de perill constant, les veles dels corsaris amenaçaven les rutes marítimes. La bel·ligerància quasi permanent contra Anglaterra o França va propiciar que molts... more
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      histoire guerres Napoléon, pontonniers militairesRosesPirateríaCORS
Presentation based on paper published in the "Indian Rose Annual", Vol. XXXI, 2015. Presented at the 3rd WFRS Regional Convention in Central Asia, Hyderabad, on December 2, 2014
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      Mughal ArtHeritage rosesRosesIslamic Garden and Persian Gardens
Tulips, Traders and Roses – Synopsis The story of the tulip’s journey from Constantinople via Vienna to the Dutch Low Countries in the 16th century is well-known and documented. But why do we find Tulipa and other bulbous ornamental... more
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      Garden HistoryHeritage rosesRosesTulips
This paper summarizes the diversity of use for bush Roses in planting and garden design as both traditionally and contemporary. As a basic approach, it is evaluated that Roses are classified into two main categories according to their... more
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      Planting DesignGarden HistoryGarden DesignLandscape Design
À partir du constat de l’univers coloré des contes, l’article fait l’histoire de cette colorisation spécifique au genre tel qu’il se fonde en France aux xviie et xviiie siècles. L’étude examine ainsi le passage d’un régime symbolique du... more
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      Visual CultureGoetheColor PerceptionColor symbolism
Scots Roses are variants and hybrids of Rosa spinosissima with the foliage, habit and other characteristics of the wild species as it occurs in Scotland and other parts of north-west Europe. In Britain, they flower profusely for a few... more
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      HorticultureScottish HistoryScandinavian StudiesGarden History
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      German StudiesHorticultureGerman HistoryCultural Heritage
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of rose cultivars and their categorization based on color, fragrance and use. Field experiment included forty four rose cultivars coded from V1 to V44. It was found that all rose... more
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Roses have an important place in the past, present and future human heritage environment - both tangible and intangible. Living rose cultivars are effectively ‘living artefacts’ but they may evoke complex emotional associations. They are... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage StudiesConservationGardens
Haavekuva kaikkein kauneimmasta ruususta. Ken aasilla ratsastaa? 2010.
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      Gnomes and FairiesChristologyLyric poetryChristian Spirituality
The story of the tulip’s journey from Constantinople via Vienna to the Dutch Low Countries in the 16th century is well-known and documented. But why do we find Tulipa and other bulbous ornamental flowers such as Fritillaria imperialis,... more
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      Heritage rosesRosesTulips
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      HorticultureCultural HeritageHeritage StudiesScottish Studies
The research was conducted on five once-blooming different origin historical roses. The aims were establishing differences in the anatomical structure of shoots taken in four maturity stages and their natural ability to roots creating.... more
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      Plant BiologyBiologyPlant AnatomyRoses
RESUMEN En la empresa DECO –FLOR, ubicada en Mulaló, Cotopaxi a 2 230 m.s.n.m., se realizó la evaluación de tres enraizadores hormonales (e 1 = Raizal 400, e 2 = Pilatus, e 3 = Rayziner) para la producción en el cultivo de rosa (Rosae... more
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      AgronomyHorticultureFloricultureSoil Fertility
A different reading.
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      PsychoanalysisLiteratureGertrude SteinWalter Benjamin
A story about the magical Pimpinell Rose (Rosa spinosissima) - based on different French and Walloon versions of the Ardennes folktale 'La Rose Pimprenelle' - retold by the author. Followed by a short account of the story's origins and... more
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      AlchemyFolk legendsMedieval FranceGarden History
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      HorticultureCultural HeritageScottish HistoryHeritage Conservation
The use of methyl jasmonate has demonstrated its efficiency to extend the vase life of cut flowers. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of methyl jasmonate associated with storage at low temperatures on the postharvest... more
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      RosesPostharvestOrnamental Horticulture
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    • Roses
Selon la définition de l’UNESCO « on entend par patrimoine culturel immatériel les pratiques, les représentations, les connaissances et le savoir-faire, ainsi que les instruments, objets, artefacts et espaces culturels qui leur sont... more
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      ArchitectureConstantineDistillationPatrimoine Architectural Et Urbanistique
Jean Renart's romance, written in the early 13th century, is a particularly lively version of the Old French wager tale, where two men bet on the virtue of a woman. In this version, an elaborate network of metaphors for virginity, honor,... more
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      Medieval French LiteratureVirginityMedieval MusicMedieval Romance
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      Cultural HeritageImmigration StudiesScottish StudiesCultural Heritage Conservation
These are three texts in this book comprising of a translation into Lusoga of the 23 commandments of marriage, an original poem marriage and a speech by Naimanhe. The book is written for use in school and specially designed to answer some... more
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      LawLanguages and LinguisticsJames JoycePoetry
Medieval miracle tales, by definition, make manifest to a doubting world the presence of the divine. They evidence they offer of heavenly intervention is usually visual and often tangible; depending on the requirements of the story, this... more
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      Visual CultureCodicology of medieval manuscriptsSpirituality and PrayerRoses
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      FolkloreHorticultureFrench HistoryFrench Studies
The use of methyl jasmonate has demonstrated its efficiency to extend the vase life of cut flowers. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of methyl jasmonate associated with storage at low temperatures on the postharvest... more
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      RosesPostharvestOrnamental Horticulture
The use of methyl jasmonate has demonstrated its efficiency to extend the vase life of cut flowers. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of methyl jasmonate associated with storage at low temperatures on the postharvest... more
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      RosesPostharvestOrnamental Horticulture
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      Scottish StudiesScottish HistoryAustraliaScottish Culture
The research was conducted on five once-blooming different origin historical roses. The aims were establishing differences in the anatomical structure of shoots taken in four maturity stages and their natural ability to roots creating.... more
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      Plant BiologyPlant AnatomyRosesOld Roses