Reservoir Engineering
Recent papers in Reservoir Engineering
Carbon dioxide capture, use, and storage (CCUS) issues are currently gaining more attention due to climate change. One of the CCUS methods may be the use of CO2 as cushion gas in underground gas storage (UGS). Typically, high-permeability... more
This paper presents the effect of liquid droplet injection on separation efficiency in a cyclone separator using a numerical procedure. As common cyclone separators (dry cyclone separators) unable to collect fine particles efficiently,... more
An article, edited by Philip Blair, on the 1950s creation of the Silent Valley Reservoir in the Mourne Mountains, to supply water to Belfast and the surrounding areas.
As so ci ate Ed i tor: Pawe³ Aleksandrowski Sys tem atic joints play an im por tant role in ef fec tive fluid con duc tiv ity and in the me chan i cal re sponse of shale res er voirs to hy drau lic frac tur ing. Spe cific fea tures of... more
Deepwater exploration and drilling pose many challenges and uncertainties to both explorationists and drillers. The entire cycle from prospect delineation to drilling management needs special attention, technology and expertise. Seismic... more
As fracturing materials, fracturing fluid and proppant are two very important parameters in doing hydraulic fracturing design. The combination of fractuirng fluid and proppant selection is the main focus and determinant of success in the... more
Reservoir monitoring and intelligent completions require permanent downhole equipment to monitor and control wells with flow-control devices. Reliability qualification testing (RQT) is essential for these systems that are installed in a... more
In this work, we have investigated the well pressure distribution in a bounded circular reservoir under the condition of constant pressure outer boundaries. The diffusivity equation was used in the analysis. The finite element technique,... more
Plan of Development (POD) is an essential component of the long-term strategy aimed at ensuring the efficient operation of a hydrocarbon field. This is primarily because hydrocarbon production must meet the targets set in POD while... more
By acceptance of this article, thepub[isher re. cognizes that tile U.S.Government retain5 a nonexclusive, royalty-free license topublish orreprd ucethepubbhed formofthis conmibution, orto ailowothers to do so, forU.S.Government purposes... more
By acceptance o f this article, the publisher recognizes that the US. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license t o publish or reproduce the published form o f this contribution, or to allow others td do so, for U.S.... more
This research presents an improved procedure for generating pseudo relative permeability curves for stratified waterflooding using either constant pressure or constant flux at the reservoir boundaries. Pseudo relative permeability... more
Planning for injection operation and determination of optimum time for acidizing an injection well require knowing the reservoir properties in the near wellbore. Conventional method to determine these properties is using two observation... more
This paper reviews the applications of reservoir geochemistry from a reservoir engineering point of view. Some of the main tasks of reservoir engineering are discussed with an emphasis on the importance of appraising reservoirs in the... more
This paper reviews the applications of reservoir geochemistry from a reservoir engineering point of view. Some of the main tasks of reservoir engineering are discussed with an emphasis on the importance of appraising reservoirs in the... more
Maximum oil production can be obtained with more oil wells, but few optimal numbers of wells in good location reduces economic costs and increase recovery. In this work, The Norne field C-segment reservoir model in Eclipse software is... more
India is a world agricultural power, the share of agriculture in GDP is 17.8%, agricultural employment represents 54.87% of total employment and the country is considered the second largest producer wheat and rice. But this advantage is... more
Az utobbi evtizedekben a sz ennyvizkezelesben keletkez ő iszap mennyisege folyamatosan novekszik. Az iszapkezel esi eljarasok kozo tt egyre inkabb el ő terbe kerulnek az energetikai es egyeb hasznositast lehet ő ve tev ő modszerek. A... more
This paper describes a new method, the fluid properties estimation (FPE sM), that can be used at the wellsite to provide realistic predictions of PVT and physical properties of the reservoir fluid during testing. Simple and rapid... more
Elmqc7. S CHAPTER 3.-SPECIAL _CHARACTERISTICS OF C02 FLOODXNG 20 EMMRCES CHAPTER 4t MECHANI: SMS AND REPRESENTATION OF THE GlkS MISCIBLE MOODING PM)CZSS 4.1 Intrcduction 24 4.2 Ternary Representation of Phase Equilibrium 25 4.3 Quaternary... more
Узагальнено результати польових інженерно-геологічних, топографо-геодезичних, гідрологічних, еколого-гідробіологічних, санітарно-гігієнічних і гідрохімічних досліджень Щирецького водосховища. Розглянуто особливості природних умов району... more
The Ekofisk reservoir is a high porosity, low matrix permeability naturally fractured chalk. Fluid flow is largely governed by the distribution, orientation, and interconnectivity of the natural fracture system associated with complex... more
In this first Chapter, the terminology used in well testing and interpretation is presented, and different testing procedures are explained. In the second part, characteristic well pressure behavior is illustrated, and the corresponding... more
SUMMARY Traditional reservoir simulation and modeling is a bottom-up approach. It starts with building a geological model of the reservoir followed by adding engineering fluid flow principles to arrive at a dynamic reservoir model. The... more
Reservoir characterization plays a critical role in appraising the economic success of reservoir management and development methods. This study identifies the different rock types that comprise reservoirs, marginal reservoirs and... more
Dalam proses pendistribusian minyak mentah, sering dijumpai adanya masalah yang dapat mengganggu aliran fluida yang melewati pipa. Salah satu problematika yang sering terjadi pada proses pendistribusian crude oil adalah terbentuknya... more In the complex field of carbonate reservoir evaluation, the intricate structural features present significant obstacles. This study tackles the essential task of structural... more
Production data analysis has extensively been applied to predicting the future production performance and field recovery. These applications are mostly on a single well basis. This paper presents a new approach to production data analysis... more
One of the key factors that analysts consider when calculating the economics of oil field development is the amount of oil in place (OIP). Conventional methods used for its estimation have some features affecting their predictive... more
Summary Under currently known reservoir drive mechanisms, initial exploitation of a new field usually leads to drilling in several regions of the field for optimum production. As the field matures, it often is necessary to drill new wells... more
To analyze the economic viability of Pelican Lake field, located in Canada, some scenarios using enhanced oil recovery methods were simulated by request of the field operator, Canadian Natural Resources Limited. Surfactant concentrations... more
The minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) is one of the critical parameters needed in the successful design of a miscible gas injection for enhanced oil recovery purposes. In this study, we explore the capability of using the Gaussian... more
Simple correlations have been developed for evaluating the primary recovery factor for thin oil rims with large gas caps prior to detailed reservoir simulation. The correlations are based on oil recovery factor estimates obtained from... more
One of the major problems associated with history matching is the non-uniqueness of the solutions. A major flaw in this traditional history matching is that it lacks robustness as it shows a bias to the production data being matched while... more
Практикум составлен в соответствии с программой курса «География почв с основами почвоведения». Включает методические рекомендации к практическим и лабораторным занятиям, управляемой самостоятельной работе студентов. Адресован студентам... more
Bendo dam is a multi-purpose dam which used as a flood control, irrigation, raw water, also tour place. Moreover, in this study intends to know the safety of initial dam planning and determine the effect of the spillway elevation on flood... more
In the oil province of southern Iran like other hydrocarbon zones, thorough understanding and risk management resulting from the rock mass deformation, can be of great help in executing operational processes such as the stabilization of... more
The cost of chemicals prohibits many technically feasible enhanced oil recovery methods to be applied in the oilfields. This research produced surfactants from phenols that were extracted from the pyrolysis oil of oil palm shells which... more
This paper presents an application of uncertainty quantification to numerical reservoir simulation using the Sparse Probabilistic Collocation Method (SPCM). Reservoir simulation is used in several phases of the development and... more
Waduk Gondang mempunyai fungsi utama sebagai penyedia air untuk kebutuhan irigasi selain itu juga untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan air baku yang masyarakatnya sangat bergantung pada keberadaan Waduk Gondang ini terutama pada waktu musim kemarau.... more
Exploration of six decades in Bengal Basin resulted in a discovery of oil & gas in Mio-Pliocene sequence in a well in study area. Earlier findings were indication of hydrocarbons from different sequences viz. from basal Oligocene sand of... more
The Upper Miocene lacustrine sandstones of the North Croatian Basin, located in the southwestern Pannonian Basin System, represent significant reservoirs for hydrocarbon exploration, yet their diagenetic evolution remains poorly... more
The aim of this paper is to present an integrated design procedure for plastic part development and manufacture. Reverse engineering (RE), reengineering (ReE) and mold design have been incorporated to infuse agile characteristics in the... more