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Disclaimer: This literature extract was gathered purely and subjective according the interests of the author (Manfred Bundschuh). Usually there were complete sentences from the original transferred. Especially the Table of Contents is my... more
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ONYX-015 is an E1B-55kDa gene-deleted adenovirus engineered to selectively replicate in and lyse p53-deficient cancer cells. To evaluate the selectivity of ONYX-015 replication and cytopathic effects for the first time in humans, we... more
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We present research that contributes to the debate on the universal applicability of quality management, and in doing so, subject the 'one size fits all' assumption underlying quality management to an empirical examination. Specifically,... more
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      EngineeringSociologyQuality ManagementOperations Management
Reproducibility is a defining feature of science, but the extent to which it characterizes current research is unknown. We conducted replications of 100 experimental and correlational studies published in three psychology journals using... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyExperimental PsychologyPublishing
Purpose: The DNA replication licensing machinery is integral to the control of proliferation, differentiation, and maintenance of genomic stability in human cells. We have analyzed replication licensing factors (RLF), together with DNA... more
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      CancerCell CycleDNA replicationTreatment Outcome
The catalytic subunit of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) DNA polymerase pUL54 is a 1242-amino-acid protein, whose function, stimulated by the processivity factor, phosphoprotein UL44 (ppUL44), is essential for viral replication. The... more
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      RegulationDNAProtein-Protein InteractionCell line
Replication is an area of interest to both distributed systems and databases. The solutions developed from these two perspectives are conceptually similar but differ in many aspects: model, assumptions, mechanisms, guarantees provided,... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed SystemDatabasesDistributed Systems
The use of hedgerows as corridors for forest vascular species has been widely studied, but only in humid oceanic and continental climates; no replicated trials have ever been performed on corridor function. Given these premises, a study... more
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      Plant EcologyEcological NetworksBiodiversityDispersal Ecology
This paper arises out of our extended conversations on the philosophical, historical, theoretical and practice dimensions of replication, conducted during Baden-Fuller's visits to Winter at Wharton in 2003 and 2004. We acknowledge the... more
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      Dynamic CapabilitiesOrganizational KnowledgeCase StudyPrinciples
This article describes the evolutionary process of developing, disseminating, and implementing an evidence-based intervention model for children in conflict with the law. Stop Now And Plan (SNAP ® ), a Canadian, evidence-based gender... more
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      Quality AssuranceImplementationReplication
Little is known about the performance of South African cactus pear varieties in different agro-ecological regions. Effects of locality on internal quality parameters of available cactus pear varieties were examined. With only one... more
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      InteractionPerformancePulpSouth Africa
We set out to investigate if E. coli genotype plays a significant role in host strain selection for optimal processing of plasmid DNA based on both quality and quantity of supercoiling. Firstly 17 E. coli commercial and non-commercial... more
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SUMMARY Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) is responsible for fan- leaf degeneration, which is one of the most severe virus diseases of grapevines worldwide. GFLV causes substan- tial crop losses, reduces fruit quality and shortens the... more
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      ControlStructural GenomicsPopulation structurePlant
Kenrick, Gutierres, and Goldberg (1989; Study 2) demonstrated that men, but not women, in committed relationships exposed to erotic images of opposite-sex others reported lower ratings for their partner's sexual attractiveness (d = 0.91)... more
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Previous research (Pekala, Kumar, Ainslie, Elliott, Mullen, Salinger and Masten, 1999/2000) found that dissociation, as measured by the 'Dissociative Experiences Scale' (DES) (Bernstein and Putnam, 1986), was predicted as much by... more
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Is the Claim of a Replicability Crisis Exaggerated? There seems to have been two sets of events that fueled the crisis perception. First, there have been claims that some psychological researchers engage in "questionable research... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEpistemologyPerception
For distributed applications requiring collaboration, responsive and transparent interactivity is highly desired. Though such interactivity can be achieved with optimistic replication, maintaining replica consistency is difficult. To... more
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      Distributed ComputingDistributed SystemCooperationData Structure
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      PsychologyUnemploymentSexual OrientationBacklash
This is an article that I wrote for Wired Magazine. It will be coming out soon. I would love feedback prior to the article being published.
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P rep, gives the probability that an equally powered replication attempt will provide supportive evidence-an effect of the same sign as the original, or, if preferred, the probability of a significant effect in replication. P rep is based... more
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      Decision TheoryReplicationNull Hypotheses significance testsPrep
The paper briefly discusses the balanced incomplete-block design (BIBD's) and further compares two methods of analyzing them-the classical and vector space analysis of variance (ANOVA) methods. These methods are applied differently to the... more
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Research indicates that spending money on others—prosocial spending—leads to greater happiness than spending money on oneself (e.g., Dunn, Aknin, & Norton, 2008, 2014). These findings have received widespread attention because they offer... more
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      Subjective Well-BeingWell-BeingHappinessProsocial Behavior
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      ConservationContemporary ArtArt ConservationReplication
We examined the replicability of the co-witness suggestibility effect originally reported by Garry et al. (2008) by testing participants from 10 countries (Brazil, Canada, Colombia, India, Japan, Malaysia, Poland, Portugal, Turkey, and... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyForensic PsychologyMemory (Cognitive Psychology)
We consider a discrete-time financial market model with L 1 risky asset price process subject to proportional transaction costs. In this general setting, using a dual martingale representation we provide sufficient conditions for the... more
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      FinanceMathematicsApplied MathematicsStochastic Process
In peer-to-peer content distribution the lack of a central authority makes authentication difficult. Without authentication, adversary nodes can spoof identity and falsify messages in the overlay. This enables malicious nodes to launch... more
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      Clusters & NetworksUser-Generated ContentContent AnalysisContent
Today’s real-time systems (RTS) are characterized by managing large volumes of dispersed data making real-time distributed data processing a reality. Large business houses need to do distributed processing for many reasons, and they often... more
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      Distributed ComputingDistributed Data MiningLiterature ReviewDistributed Processing
Уникальные древнетюркские памятники стали доступны каждому, в то время как оригинал остался на месте. Наличие точных копий стел дает возможность сделать необходимое количество полных отливок или любого фрагмента поверхности с надписями.... more
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      Written LanguageMedieval monumentsTurkic languagesReplication
La réplication consiste à copier et de distribuer un ensemble de données et d’objets d’une base de données vers une autre, puis de synchroniser ces bases de données afin de préserver leur cohérence. Les deux bases de données peuvent être... more
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      DNA replicationDatabasesReplicationSnapshot
The popularity of the Mobile Database is increasing day by day as people need information even on the move in the fast changing world. This database technology permits employees using mobile devices to connect to their corporate networks,... more
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      ArchitectureSynchronizationRecoverySecurity Issues
Purpose – This paper proposes a New Literacies approach to get insight into young people’s capability to detect Fake News. Design/methodology/approach – Replication of a US empirical study in the Netherlands to examine whether... more
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      Media LiteracyNew LiteraciesDigital Media And New LiteraciesMedia Literacy Education
Si, d'après l'article, les petits-enfants d'immigrés du Maghreb se prénomment si souvent « Nicolas » et portent si rarement un prénom « arabo-musulman », et si d'après les analyses (non publiées) des auteurs moins de la moitié des... more
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      ImmigrationOnomasticsImmigration StudiesFrance
Minicurso ofertado pelo workshop "Reprodutibilidade e Transparência nas Ciências Sociais (RTCS)", em 23 de maio de 2017.
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In recent years, management scholars and practitioners have been advocating a more prominent role for business in economic and social development at the “Base of the Pyramid” (BoP) where more than a billion people subsist on less than two... more
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      Base Of The PyramidFirm GrowthScaling upReplication
Experimental psychology is said to be having a reproducibility crisis, marked by a low rate of successful replication. Researchers attempting to respond to the problem lack a framework for consistently interpreting the results of... more
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      ReplicationReproducibilityStatistics and Experimental Psychology
This paper proposes a normative taxonomy by which universities can express the extent to which they meet five core epistemic responsibilities. Epistemic responsibilities are responsibilities that have to do with the attainment of... more
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      Teaching and LearningHumanitiesScience PolicyTransformation of University Systems
The aim of this book is to critically discuss the validity of replicability and universality principles of positivism from a sociological perspective. The main critiques of contemporary positivism are given by the schools of thought... more
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      SociologyResearch MethodologyPositivismUniversality
Several proposals for addressing the “replication crisis” in social psychology have been advanced in the recent literature. In this paper, we argue that the “crisis” be interpreted as a disciplinary social dilemma, with the problem facing... more
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      Information SystemsNeuroscienceSociologyPolitical Sociology
Many knowledge management (KM) initiatives in organizations seek to improve how employees draw on each others' expertise, experience, advice, and opinions, which we call knowledge sourcing behavior. Employees can source knowledge recorded... more
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      Information SystemsKnowledge ManagementInformation ManagementAdaptation
Doing Replication Research in Applied Linguistics is the only book available to specifically discuss the applied aspects of how to carry out replication studies in Second Language Acquisition. This text takes the reader from seeking out a... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionResearch MethodologyApplied LinguisticsQuantitative Methods
Databases are replicated to improve performance and availability. The notion of correctness that has commonly been adopted for concurrent access by transactions to shared, possibly replicated, data is serializability. However,... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceDistributed DatabaseAccessibility
Replicability in political science is on the rise, as disciplinary journals have been placing a growing emphasis on data access and research transparency (DA–RT) practices and policies. As a result, nearly every article that is published... more
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      Information TechnologyInternational RelationsResearch MethodologyPolitical Science
We present research that contributes to the debate on the universal applicability of quality management, and in doing so, subject the 'one size fits all' assumption underlying quality management to an empirical examination. Specifically,... more
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      EngineeringSociologyQuality ManagementOperations Management
The microbiota of Westerners is significantly reduced in comparison to rural individuals living a similar lifestyle to our Paleolithic forefathers but also to that of other free-living primates such as the chimpanzee. The great majority... more
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Old Babylonian terracotta plaques belong to the folk religio-magical practices of Mesopotamia. They feature apotropaic images which derive their power through exacting style and replication. Plaque figures must be recognizable to... more
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      Apotropaic ObjectsReplicationPower of ImagesApotropaic Figures
This conference endeavors to serve as an important milestone for international academic discourse on Loreto. Responding to the humanities’ recent global turn, it will investigate how a small town in the Italian hinterland became a central... more
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      PilgrimageMigrationColonialismDevotional Shrines
A novel coronavirus has been recently identified as the causative agent of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak that has accounted for more than 8000 infected people worldwide. This review will discuss current knowledge... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyVirulenceClinical SciencesReplication
The Ukranenland – Historische Werkstätten e.V.1 in Torgelow Germany planned to build a cog which reflects the shipping and seafaring at Medieval ages embedded in a regional perspective. Due to the fact that most of the people only know... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHydrodynamics (Physics)MuseologyReplication
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      History of SculptureCopiesSerialityCopies, Replicas, Reproductions
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      NeuroscienceOperations ResearchRuralImage