Relational Sociology
Most downloaded papers in Relational Sociology
This paper critically reviews the current status of the concept of distance in human geography in order to argue that recent experimentally-driven work in construal-level theory offers ample opportunities for recasting distance as a key... more
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
A key tenet of Bourdieu's project is his rejection of what he refers to as "substantialist" approaches to social science which he identifies with positivistic formal methodologies. In place of this, Bourdieu makes a compelling case for... more
For much of my personal and professional life I have had an enduring interest in the distinction between mind and awareness. As my education unfolded over these many years, I have been happy to recognize that this distinction between mind... more
Mind Alone For many years psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy was singularly centered on the unconscious mind and conscious mind. There was only mind and the mind could become aware of its own self and its own representational... more
Corrupt exchanges are often brokered by a third party, but this phenomenon has not been satisfactorily explored by researchers of corruption. Literature on brokerage in general provides interesting models but they have not previously been... more
1. Welcome to our study of the phenomenology of awareness and the power of the awareness field. Edmund Husserl, who was the father of phenomenology, would always say at the beginning of each lecture… "What is the wonder of all wonders?... more
One Knower: Different Modes of Knowing In all philosophical and psychological traditions knowing has many different meanings. In Tibetan Buddhism there is nondual Dzogchen and in Hinduism there is nondual Kashmir Shaivism. In both these... more
By becoming aware of awareness we can experience the innermost sense or the felt sense of spaciousness and self-illumination. Within this state of open awareness, the openness of spacious luminous awareness, we can enter the experience of... more
Being within awareness as awareness and being with another who is within awareness is a most powerful skillful means to bring forth awareness within one's self and within each other. Two awarenesses are better than one, just as self... more
Modélisation de la relation humaine par quatre éléments :
* la rencontre
* la réciprocité
* la durée
* la mesure
* la rencontre
* la réciprocité
* la durée
* la mesure
“Most cultural theorists saw network analysis as located squarely in the positivist camp, reducing cultural richness to 1s and 0s and lacking attention to processes of interpretation and meaning-construction.”; thus Ann Mische in 2011... more
This essay proposes to view networks as sociocultural structures. Following authors from Leopold von Wiese and Norbert Elias to Gary Alan Fine and Harrison White, networks are configurations of social relationships interwoven with... more
The lucidity of awareness is experienced directly through the doorway of our subjectivity as our own innermost awareness. As we gaze into our own interiority we can experience the unfolding of the manifestation of this field of radiance... more
The paper systematizes the role of qualitative methods, statistical analyses, and formal network analysis in sociological network research, and argues for their systematic combination. Formal network analysis mainly aims at a description... more
Migrant integration is a pressing policy concern, and the perception that newcomers are not integrating has led to a growing backlash against migration. One outcome is ‘civic integration’ policies, according to which the most important... more
Simandan D (2005) "New Ways in Geography" Timisoara, Editura Universitatii de Vest/ West University Press, 230 pp. The first part of the volume - "Old Ways" - addresses the question whether geography as we know it is worth keeping. The... more
The core argument in this paper is that all research schools and theoretical frameworks carry with them – and, importantly, also within them, as their inherent dimensions – particular ethical orientations (systems of values and ethical... more
pp. 183-204. In La cité interconnectée dans le monde gréco-romain Madalina Dana et Ivana Savalli-Lestrade. Ausonius Scripta Antiqua 118, Bordeaux. This essay uses theories from relational sociology, especially Eiko Ikegami’s work on... more
Der Begriff des Netzwerkes erlebt spätestens seit der rasanten Verbreitung von „social networks“ wie Facebook einen fast inflationären Gebrauch in der öffentlichen Diskussion, aber auch in verschiedenen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen, darunter... more
Social network analysis (SNA) is an increasingly popular approach that provides researchers with highly developed tools to map and analyze complexes of social relations. Although a number of network scholars have explicated the... more
This article aims to demonstrate that a greater understanding of communication in the 21st century is essential to more effective counterterrorism. In fact, while “strategic communication” and “narratives” are advocated by many analysts... more
Over the past half-century, enormous changes have occurred in gendered divisions of housework and child care across many countries, with a growing consensus that there is a slow but steady pace of change in gendered divisions of time and... more
Bourdieu claimed that a mental revolution is required to grasp ‘field theory’. Maton asks why few scholars using Bourdieu’s ideas have his relational way of thinking and offers a way forward. The chapter identifies the source of this... more
This chapter focuses on Pacific island ways of negotiating knowledge. It begins from the premise that the researcher as learner, seeking knowledge (data), needs to learn how to negotiate access to a particular knowledge base in various... more
in: Christian Stegbauer (Hg.): Netzwerkanalyse und Netzwerktheorie; Ein neues Paradigma in den Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden: VS 2008. 1 Einleitung 1 Die Sozialstrukturanalyse ist ein Kerngebiet der Soziologie. Mit statistischen... more
Our .personal innermost awareness is our very own subjectivity . Our subjectivity is our awareness and awareness is our subjectivity. Aham ah! I am becoming who I am!. This subjectivity is not the subjectivity of the mind. Such mind based... more
Existing scholarship of China's legal institutions has primarily focused on individual institutions, such as the court, the police, or the legal profession. This article proposes a relational approach to the study of political-legal... more
Today and tomorrow, our theme will be psychosomatic oneness. We will focus on oneness and its lack, then, more specifically, on the mind/body [duality or split], working with splits, and regaining oneness. Let"s enter our awareness right... more
This paper offers an overview of relational sociology as developed by and around Harrison White. Relational sociology provides a substantial account of social networks, conceptualizing them as real social structures interwoven with... more
How are masculinity and nationalism intertwined? This question has received scant theoretical attention, and existing theories tent to focus on their shared ideals and are embedded in a heteronormative, homophobic and patriarchal... more
(From the introduction by the editors:) Volker Rabens untersucht in seinem Beitrag „Sein und Werden in Beziehungen. Grundzüge relationaler Theologie bei Paulus und Johannes“, wie in diesen Textcorpora Relationen beschrieben werden, die... more
[Catalogue blurb:] More-than-Human Sociology is a call for a bolder, more creative sociology. In the book, Olli Pyyhtinen argues that to make sociology responsive to life in the 21st century we need a new sociological imagination, one... more
This paper challenges the mainstream social scientific approach that emphasizes “moral inferiority” in corruption and bribery in Central and Eastern Europe. We argue that in many cases, people participate in informal organizational... more
Soziale Beziehungen bilden einen der zentralen Untersuchungsgegenstände der Soziologie. Dennoch werden sie dort auf eine merkwürdig eingeschränkte Art und Weise behandelt. Ihre soziologische Erforschung leidet unter einem aktivistischen... more
This paper proposes a relational and critical sociological perspective on discourse analysis, in particular on so-called “Critical Discourse Analysis” (CDA). The main argument of this paper is that CDA has not yet been able to turn its... more
Im Rahmen des Beitrags werden unterschiedliche Interpretationen des Verhältnisses von Feldern und Netzwerken diskutiert und damit mögliche Ansatzpunkte zur Verknüpfung von Feldtheorie und Netzwerkforschung ausgelotet. Hierfür werden... more
From networks to fields to figurations to discourses, relational ideas have become common in social science, and a distinct relational sociology has emerged over the past decade and a half. But so far, this paradigm shift has raised as... more
There is a large range of possibilities about ‗how' and ‗when' cycles of political violence end.
This article discusses the impact of Pierre Bourdieu's social theorising on two related fields of debate, namely research about the evaluative practices of cultural critics, and research about the artistic legitimation of popular culture.... more