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The suction process in reciprocating compressors is strongly affected by the valve dynamics and the pulsating flow throughout the suction muffler. This paper describes a simplified computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model to simulate the... more
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      ValveSuctionReciprocating CompressorsCfd
Heating is an undesirable effect of the compression process at least as far as compressors are concerned and heat transfer is nature's way of driving systems towards stability. This has not only provided food for thought for researchers... more
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    • Reciprocating Compressors
This project work deals with the design and fabrication of a pedal powered hacksaw cutting machine. The aim of this work is to develop a modernized and less stressful operation for cutting wood, metals and plastic materials. It is very... more
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      Motion DetectionPedal Powered MachinesReciprocating Compressors
The noise level of refrigerating units is one of the very important factors to determine the quality of product. This paper reviews literature based on cavity resonance phenomenon in compressor, experimental setup designed to find out... more
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Prinsip kerja kompresor, kompresor torak, kompresor sentrifugal dan kompresor scroll.
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      Refrigeration Air ConditioningCompressorsCentrifugal CompressorsReciprocating Compressors
Natural companies employ turbine flow meters to measure natural gas which delivered to Compressed Natural Gas stations. The stations utilize compressors to increase pressure. The compressor produces a flow pulsation, which affects the... more
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      Reciprocating CompressorsSnubberspressure pulsationSnubber
Measures to reducing friction inside the reciprocating machine make a decisive contribution to further improvements of machines efficiency. A number of influencing parameters have already been tested on diesel and gasoline engines. The... more
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      TribologyAutomotive EngineeringBrake SystemIC ENGINES
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      Mechanical EngineeringTribologyLubrication and FrictionMechanical Engineering Design
ÖZET Teknolojide yaşanan gelişmeler günümüzde her alanda hızlı bir şekilde ilerlemektedir. Otomotiv alanındaki çalışmalar teknolojide yaşanan bu gelişmeler arasında en büyük paylardan birine sahiptir. Birkaç yüz yıl öncesine dayanan içten... more
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      Data acquisitionReciprocating CompressorsHeavy Vehicle
The article considers the issues of using different physical processes parameters in systems for real-time condition monitoring of reciprocating compressors. The locations for sensors of absolute and relative vibration are defined. Trends... more
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      Condition MonitoringVibroacousticsReciprocating CompressorsVibrodiagnostics
This experimental model presents a method of reduce energy consumption and enhance the refrigerating effect. With the help of two phases condensing ejector it is found that ejector work as sub compressor in refrigeration flow cycle. That... more
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      Capillary KineticsEvaporatorReciprocating Compressors
Reciprocating Compressors - Protection against Crank Case Explosions 1 SCOPE 2 OIL MIST/AIR MIXTURE EXPLOSIONS 3 PREVENTION AND PROTECTION 3.1 Design 3.2 Maintenance and Operation FIGURES 1 FLAMMABILITY LIMITS AND... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCompressorsCompressors, gas turbines. internal combustion enginesReciprocating Compressors
Development of methodology and technology for piston compressors health control, diagnostics and monitoring by means of vibroacoustic diagnostics, as well as algorithms of automatic systems for piston compressors monitoring which provide... more
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      Condition MonitoringVibroacousticsReciprocating CompressorsVibrodiagnostics
The article presents the results of reciprocating compressors operation under the control of Vibration-Based Diagnostics monitoring systems, dwells upon the issues of usage of reciprocating compressors valves by various vendors and their... more
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      Condition MonitoringVibroacousticsReciprocating CompressorsVibrodiagnostics
Places and the reasons of refusals of the reciprocating compressors applied, mainly, for compression of gases, containing hydrogen are analysed. Various methods of monitoring and diagnostics of a technical condition of compressors also... more
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      VibrationDiagnosisMonitoringReciprocating Compressors
Степень обеспечения безопасной и безаварийной эксплуатации поршневых компрессоров (ПК) опасных производственных объектов (ОПО) неразрывно связано с развитием методо-логии и средств диагностирования и мониторинга технического состояния... more
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      Condition MonitoringReciprocating Compressors
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      Fiber Bragg gratingMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesSpectrum
Natural companies employ turbine flow meters to measure natural gas which delivered to Compressed Natural Gas stations. The stations utilize compressors to increase pressure. The compressor produces a flow pulsation, which affects the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsReciprocating CompressorsSnubbers
The statistic analysis of instantaneous values of vibration and acoustic signals showed that in particular the form of probability density function of instantaneous vibroacoustic signal values changes depending on the condition of the... more
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      Condition MonitoringVibroacousticsCharacteristic FunctionReciprocating Compressors