Recent papers in Rebellion
India's Demographic Dividend is estimated to peak around the year 2041, and the share of the workingage population of India (20-59 years) is expected to hit around 60% from the calculated 50.5% in 2011. India, which has the highest youth... more
This article argues that the making of a pagan identity in eastern Saxony during the Ottonian era and even after it relied on biblical concepts such as rebellion and apostasy, which were connected in the minds of medieval Christian... more
Cette thèse s’intéresse à une forme de l’imaginaire : le psychédélisme. Gilbert Durand définit l’imaginaire comme « l’incessant échange qui existe au niveau de l’imaginaire entre les pulsions subjectives et assimilatrices et les... more
Luego de la firma de los acuerdos de paz en 2016, entre el Estado colombiano y la guerrilla de las FARC-EP, han surgido grupos disidentes armados ilegales en diversas regiones de Colombia, en especial, zonas con presencia histórica del... more
Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2024. Karayazıcı'nın ihdas ettiği Celâlî ordusunun önde gelen isimlerinden Karakaş Ahmed'in hayat hikayesi Osmanlı belgelerinden, Venedik baylos ve konsoloslarının raporlarından, bazı Ermeni... more
Anonim bir Osmanlı tarihi olan bu eser, Osmanlı Devleti'nin başlangıcından Yavuz Sultan Selim'in ölümüne kadar geçen dönemi anlatmaktadır. Sade bir Türkçe ile yazılmış olan bu metni anlamak günümüz okuyucusu için çok zor olmayacaktır.... more
During 2009, Sri Lanka witnessed unprecedented violence resulting in large casualties, human suffering and economic loss. The Sri Lanka government was able to crush the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) but this has left behind a... more
The article analyzes the phenomenon of runaway peasants in the 18th century through the prism of documents preserved in village court books. Fleeing to Podolia, which became a migratory destination after it was reincorporated into the... more
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) begins in childhood and its manifestations must be present in more than one environment. Meta-analyses involving samples from several countries show that around 2.5% of adults have ADHD.... more
Hans Hägerdal currently holds a position as Professor in History at Linnaeus University. He has worked on indigenous societies and colonial encounters in Eastern Indonesia. In particular, he has looked at the methodological problems and... more
Skripsi yang berjudul "Samin dan Kehutanan Abad XIX" ini beranjak dari tiga permasalahan. Pertama, nilai-nilai yang diperjuangkan Samin terhadap hutan. Kedua, hambatan serta tekanan yang muncul atas pelaksanaan nilai-nilai tersebut.... more
The artist uses a BlackBerry phone to delve back in time to the 2011 London riots, unravelling an intersection of class, race, and violence in his new Somerset House Studios show A BlackBerry Bold 9650 mobile phone, first released back in... more
This book highlights the broad scope and span of resistance as a contentious practice in the early modern Iberian world. In this context, from the late Middle Ages onwards, resistance, rooted in the political and legal language of the... more
XV Seminario de Investigación de Historia Moderna “Gentes en la ciudad: formas de participación en la política urbana en la Europa moderna”, Universidad de Cantabria, 11 y 12 de abril de 2024.
Although some rebel groups work hard to foster collaborative ties with civilians, others engage in egregious abuses and war crimes. We argue that foreign state funding for rebel organizations greatly reduces incentives to “win the hearts... more
Di dalam nya ada isi pemberontakan dari tahun 1945 sampai 1998
Personal reflections of an activist on Hope vs Despair, on radical social change, on the value of having a long view of history.
Nižu se, iako sporo, provedeni Duškovi pritvorski dani i noći u ne baš uslovnim prostorijama ZIKS-a u Spužu, nedaleko od Podgorice kao glavnog grada prve "ekološke, uveliko demokratske i nadasve pravne" države Crne Gore!? A već pet godina... more
En L’homme révolté, Camus realiza un estudio deconstructivo-histórico-metafísico de las posiciones fundamentales de los diversos tipos de revoluciones que han existido hasta su presente. Contraponiendo la rebelión a la revolución, aboga... more
LEEDS (ING.)-Eis uma produção em que o contexto torna-se indispensável e a pesquisa extrafílmica crucial. Sintetizar o conflito entre as duas Irlandas e sua relação com o Reino Unido é tarefa inglória para quem não tem familiaridade com a... more
Reseña a: Luis Fernando Granados, En el espejo haitiano. Los indios del Bajío y el colapso del orden colonial en América Latina, México: Era, 2016, 300 pp.
This paper investigates possible sociopolitical reconciliatory mechanisms to garner support for peacemaking in conflict-torn societies. Building on the Kurdish question in Turkey, associated with a four-decade-long armed conflict that has... more
La fiscalidad no se limita a los impuestos, ni mucho menos a un aspecto económico, jurídico, administrativo, político o cultural de un país, es un todo complejo que revela las relaciones del Estado con la economía, del gobierno con la... more
¿La Independencia y la Revolución mexicana, eventos fundadores del país y de su modernidad, son hijos de la Revolución francesa? ¿En qué medida los actores y modelos franceses contribuyeron a ellos? Durante la conmemoración del... more
Localización y contextualización de la batalla de Pontuvio.
It is hard to say that Simone Weil was concerned with law – and not surprisingly legal scholars pay little attention to her thought. Indeed, she is too harsh against institutions which are pivotal in modern democracy – political parties –... more
For those of us who are Black, Indigenous, or otherwise visibly racialized, what does it mean to find ourselves when we are situated in and shaped by a profoundly racist society? Based in part on the experience of living through the... more
W dniach 22–27 lipca br. w Tinzaouaten na północy Mali przy granicy z Algierią doszło do zaciętych walk między rosyjskimi najemnikami z Korpusu Afrykańskiego (kontynuacji Grupy Wagnera), współdziałającymi z siłami zbrojnymi Mali (FAMA), a... more
O estudo ora posto, traz uma leitura analítica do romance Um Divórcio (1950), de Sarah Beirão, apresentando como objetivo principal as questões relacionadas à condição feminina nomeadamente no que se prende com a educação. O enfoque se... more
Lytvynenko R. The Mius Rebellion of 1820: Return from Oblivion The paper is dedicated to bringing out of oblivion and actualizing an event that has practically disappeared from Ukrainian historical memory and scientific focus, related to... more
This article looks at the rebellion of the Irish Legion at Riohacha, New Granada (Colombia), in 1820. It highlights the Atlantic networks of politics, commerce, and migration upon which Colombia's independence from Spain took place. These... more
One of the most contentious issues in political philosophy is the right of rebellion. The purpose of this paper is to briefly explore and compare the views on this subject of two important figures of the Islamic and Christian medieval... more
How does foreign support for rebel groups affect rebel governance of civilians during armed conflict? Existing studies primarily examine the local and domestic politics of rebel rule, leaving the effects of foreign intervention on rebel... more