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The end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries brought heightened visibility of puppets and performing objects in various fields of cultural performance, so that we might call these last decades ‘a puppet moment’ – as Claudia... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesPuppetryDigital Puppetry
Oleh : Nurliana Ulfa NIM.0911210049 ABSTRAKSI Wayang merupakan salah satu seni pertunjukan yang digunakan sebagai sarana kontrol sosial, baik terhadap pemerintah maupun masyarakat dengan menyampaikan kritik sosial dalam pertunjukan wayang... more
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      Social CriticismRepresentationCharacterStory
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: When Czech filmmaker Jan Švankmajer released his film adaptation of the Faust legend in 1994, it was the culmination of a longstanding fascination with the story. His first... more
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      AnimationCzech HistoryPuppetryDrama
We are happy to announce the 6 th edition of Rietveld Uncut. Like last year we are teaming up with Studium Generale. Rietveld Uncut and Studium Generale will be introduced on Wednesday January 7. We hereby send you some basic information.
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Die Darstellungen von Puppen in zwei Fotografie-Serien des surrealistischen Künstlers Hans Bellmer sowie die Puppenfiguren im Prosawerk "Das falsche Buch" des postmodernen Schriftstellers Paul Wühr antworten in ihrer poetischen Funktion... more
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      SurrealismSigmund FreudPostmodernismHans Bellmer
The Fabulous Journeys of Alice and Pinocchio si apre con una citazione del romanziere italiano Italo Calvino, tradotta in lingua inglese: “The classics are those books which come to us bearing the aura of previous interpretations, and... more
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      English LiteratureChildren's LiteratureNonsenseChildren's and Young Adult Literature
ALBUM WAYANG KULIT BANJAR Mujiyat & Koko Sondari Jakarta: Kementerian Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan, 2002 #wayang #banjar #wayangbanjar #seniwayang #wayangindonesia #wayangnusantara #sejarahindonesia... more
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      WayangBorneosejarah IndonesiaSejarah Borneo
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      PuppetryPuppet TheatrePuppetry as an Art FormPuppet
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      Seventeenth Century MusicOttoboni, Pietro (1667-1740)PuppetGirolamo Frigimelica Roberti
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In 2008 I spent 48 hours in Bilbao, Spain, mostly at the Guggen heim, Partly looking at the work of Juan Munos, his sculpture & his writing and thinking about the nature of memory. This essay, writen over 5 months afterwards, is the... more
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      Walking (Art)MemorySpainsh cultureJuan Muñoz, 20th century Spanish art
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