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As Web 2.0 technologies proliferate, patient education is changing dramatically. Information about prevention and survivorship arrives from a mix of sources. The present manuscript describes a study to shed light on how young adults (YAs)... more
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      OncologyHealth CommunicationDigital MediaMass Communication
We aimed to describe the negative and positive impacts of changes in cancer care delivery due to COVID-19 pandemic for adolescents and young adults (AYAs) in Canada, as well as the correlates of negative impact and their perspectives on... more
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      OncologyChild and adolescent mental healthCancerPsycho-oncology
Disponilbe en Revista Argentina de Terapia Ocupacional: Se trata de la reseña de un libro de autoria de la terapista ocupacional Silvina Ousdhoorn,... more
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      Psycho-oncologyTerapia Ocupacional
This study explores the relationship between spiritual well-being (SWB) (meaning/ peace & faith), depression, and quality of life (QOL). Cancer survivors often use their spirituality as a way of coping. Among a sample of 97 Latina breast... more
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    • Psycho-oncology
Edição eletrônica em Revista Latino-americana de Psicologia Corporal De corpo e alma: a Análise Bioenergética na Promoção da Saúde do Paciente Oncológico 1 Resumo: O rompimento com a visão dualista... more
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      Health PsychologyMental HealthPsycho-oncologySaúde Mental
This practical manual presents the main drugs and protocols currently used in the psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders in cancer and palliative care settings and explores the principal issues involved in such... more
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      Psycho-oncologyConsultation-Liaison PsychiatryPsychiatry; Psychopharmacology
Cancer is a sensitive topic that still causes a lot of suffering. When it comes to children, adults sometimes decide not to reveal the diagnosis or the prognosis, in order to protect the young patients. As far as caregivers are concerned,... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyHealth PsychologyOncology
There is little evidence on how telephone interviews are used in qualitative psychological research compared to face-to-face interviews. This reflective methodological exercise explores the use of telephone interviews as a method in... more
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      PsychologyHealth PsychologyQualitative methodologyCancer
Egypt is a young nation with a growing oncology health sector. It is faced with many challenges, such as the endemicity of HCV and schistosomiasis causing the high prevalence rates of hepatocellular carcinoma and bladder cancer... more
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      OncologyRadiation OncologyPsycho-oncologySurgical Oncology
Background: During the different phases of cancer treatment, it may be evident distress among patients and their families, and high scores, as measured by the Distress Thermometer (DT), indicate the need for intervention aimed at... more
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      Psycho-oncologyCancer ScreeningCancer CareSupportive Care
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In questa relazione l’autrice a partire dal “mito di cura” indica tre orizzonti clinici nella prospettiva fenomenologica e relazionale della Gestalt Therapy: il senso del limite che il dolore ci rimanda e la sua funzione etica; il senso... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial Psychology
Quando si parla di assistenza socio-sanitaria sembra ormai impossibile non fare riferimento a quello che è considerato uno degli aspetti fondamentali del contesto di cura: la dignità. L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (WHO), a tal... more
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      PsychologyMedical SciencesOncologyEducation
La ansiedad es un constructo que ha recibo muchas acepciones, tanto en el lenguaje formal como en el coloquial. Esto quizá es debido a que la vida de las sociedades industriales es cada vez más caotica y acelerada, haciendo parte de la... more
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      Health PsychologyPsycho-oncologyPsychoneuroendocrinoimmunology (PNEI)
Assess the prevalence of distress and quality of life of cancer patients over the course of chemotherapy. Method. Longitudinal prospective study addressing 200 patients. The Distress Thermometer (DT) and Functional Assessment of... more
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      Health PsychologyAssessmentCancerQuality of life
Site: WhatsApp 11 9 9471-3490 Resumo: Esse artigo objetiva apontar as causas psicoemocionais do câncer, que figuram como causas metafísicas da doença. O estudo foi baseado na larga experiência de investigação da... more
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      OncologyPsycho-oncologyMedical OncologyFonoaudiologia
Background: Lung cancer is one of the most appalling diagnoses, associated with significant patient distress, poured quality of life and often limited survival. Moreover, the current literature emphasizes the effect of distress level on... more
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      Psycho-oncologySurvival AnalysisLung CancerPsychological distress
Introduction: Lorsqu’un être humain est atteint du cancer mortel, c’est non seulement la personne malade elle-même qui est touchée mais également plus largement son entourage proche qui accompagne le patient jusqu’aux derniers instants.... more
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      DeathExistential PsychologyPsycho-oncologyExistential Psychotherapy
Background: Defense mechanisms defined as unconscious process, cognitive operations alter by developmental periods for protective function, and that can be assessment of personality and experimental schedules. Defense Style Questionnaire... more
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    • Psycho-oncology
Breast cancer is one of the most frequent reasons for death among women and it is also the most feared one, mainly for its psychological effects that affect the perception of the sexuality, identity, self-esteem and body image. The... more
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      Anxiety DisordersBreast CancerPsycho-oncologyDepression (Psychology)
BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is the most frequent malignant disease among women in the world. There is a dearth of information about cultural differences related to distress in women with breast cancer. In the US, diagnosis of breast cancer... more
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      Breast CancerPsycho-oncologyPsychological distressPsychosocial Oncology
Considering the NCCN guideline for distress management and the gola of psychosocial care, which is related to recognize and address the cancer diagnosis and treatment’s effects on the mental status and emotional wellbeing of patients, a... more
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      Psycho-oncologyInterdisciplinary StudiesCancer CarePsychological distress
BACKGROUND: Distress, anxiety and depression are common emotional complications of cancer that deserve clinicians attention, as well as, the ways patients choose to cope with this difficult moment and the implications associated with... more
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      Mood Disorders (Psychology)Coping StrategiesQuality of lifePsycho-oncology
BACKGROUND: Coping and Quality of life (QoL) are a central concern of clinicians working theory and research on adaptation and health. QoL is a term used to denote outcomes as experienced by the patient, that encompasses multiple domains,... more
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      Coping StrategiesQuality of lifePsycho-oncologyPsychosocial support of cancer patients
Coping refers to the cognitive and behavioral activities by which a person attempts to manage a potentially stressful situation. This study sims to investigate the association between distress level and coping styles in 161 patients from... more
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      Coping StrategiesPsycho-oncologyCancer CarePsychological distress
BACKGROUND: Distress is considered by many, the sixth vital sign in cancer care. Researches refer to high incidence of distress in cancer population. Levels of emotional distress should be evaluated in appropriate intervals as other vital... more
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      Psycho-oncologyDepression (Psychology)AnxietyPsychological distress
BACKGROUND: Based on scientific evidence, it is undeniable the importance to recognize distress in cancer patients. The routine screening for distress can orient the clinical care to provide adequate support, providing feedback to... more
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      Quality of lifePsycho-oncologyCancer CarePsychological distress
BACKGROUND: For a long time, giving the diagnosis of cancer was considered something cruel and inhuman. Many times, doctors would prefer that patient should not know the name of the disease, in order that, they would not lose hope.... more
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      Psycho-oncologyPsychosocial support of cancer patientsPsychosocial Oncology
BACKGROUND: In recent decades there has been a growing interest in medical science to study the relationship between gender and health status. This relation is influenced by biological, psychological, social and cultural characteristics.... more
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      Gender StudiesPsycho-oncologyPsychological distressHematology and Oncology
The quality of life (QoL) evaluation can better contextualize the psychosocial problems experienced by patients over the disease trajectory, as well as, monitor the quality of cancer care and the effi cacy of psychosocial... more
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      Quality of lifePsycho-oncologyCancer CarePsychological distress
OBJECTIVES: Men and women create different structures in their caregivers roles. Women are more socio-centric and assembled, and the experimental content of their relationship with others are basic relevant. As men enter the world of... more
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      Gender StudiesCancerPsycho-oncologyCancer Care
Distress is related to cancer diagnosis and treatment and is explicitly tied to a number of common practical, physical, and psychologic problems. Throughout cancer treatment different levels of distress can be expected and related to... more
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      Psycho-oncologyCancer CarePsychological distressSupportive Care Programs for Cancer Patients
BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: National and international organizations have recommended that distress be assessed as part of routine cancer care. Considering the importance of these endorsements, an NCI R25-E training program was developed to teach... more
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      Psycho-oncologyCancer CarePsychological distressBiopsychosocial screening
BACKGROUND: Cancer diagnosis and treatment promote a sense of vulnerability, sadness, and fear for patients, often resulting in distress. When this happen quality of life, satisfaction with care and treatment adherence can be greatly... more
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      Psycho-oncologyPsychosocial support of cancer patientsCancer ChemotherapyPsychological distress
OBJECTIVES: The NCCN guidelines of Distress Management specify the standards of care and recommend intervention modalities. The aim of this research was to make a retrospective and comparative study between two different moments of the... more
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      Psycho-oncologyCancer CarePsychological distressDistress Thermometer
Background: Nutrition plays an important role to help patients to deal with chemotherapy side effects. Intense research were conducted on the impact of nausea, fatigue and alopecia. It would be also important to study how eating problems... more
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BACKGROUND: Cancer patients face numerous stressors in physical, emotional, social and spiritual life domains, not only because of the stigma related to this disease, but mainly because the treatment has a substantial amount of acute and... more
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      Breast CancerPsycho-oncologyChemotherapyCancer Care
Background: Genitourinary cancers (GU) are common and represent a frequent cause of death. Disease and treatment can have profound effects on patients' life. Given the lack of distress data in GU, we explore biopsychosocial aspects of... more
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      Psycho-oncologyCancer CareGenitourinary OncologyDistress Screening
This paper introduces the bodymind model of Art Therapy and delineates the processes through which it has salutary effects on individuals coping with a variety of health related challenges. The goal of this model is to articulate how... more
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      Art TherapyPsycho-oncologyMInd-Body Medicine
BACKGROUND: Patients with gastrointestinal (GI) cancer are often diagnosed with locally advanced disease or distant metastases. Accordingly, this patient have to cope with limited on the possibility of curative treatment and the impact on... more
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      Emotional/Behavioral DisordersPsycho-oncologyCancer CarePsychological distress
Even though loss and grief are common experiences, literatures informing counselling psychology illustrate some of the varied and problematic ways in which grief is talked about in psychological therapies. This study aimed to investigate... more
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      Anxiety DisordersPsycho-oncologyGrief (Psychology)Depression (Psychology)
French and English Objectif : Cette étude qualitative vise à décrire les effets revitalisants d’un protocole de Danse Mouvement Thérapie chez une patiente en rémission d’un cancer du sein, Madame Magnolia (66 ans). Matériel et Méthodes :... more
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      Dance StudiesHumanistic-ExistentialCancerHumanistic psychology
PURPOSE: A longitudinal study was conducted to investigate changes in the incidence of distress level and predictive factors, as problems reported, mood disorder, and quality of life. METHODS: A total of 113 patients, recruited from a... more
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      Psycho-oncologyPsychosocial support of cancer patientsCancer CarePsychological distress
Adults diagnosed with primary brain tumours often experience physical, cognitive and neuropsychiatric impairments and decline in quality of life. Although disease and treatment-related information is commonly provided to cancer patients... more
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      Psycho-oncologyDoctor-patient communicationPatient Information (wayfinding)Brain tumours
Objectives: Over the last few years several offers in-and outpatient creative therapy interventions for cancer patients have been developed, implemented and researched. This article describes the content, concept and structure of art... more
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      Art TherapyCancerPsycho-oncologyCancer Biology
PURPOSE: The adventures of the goddesses and of the mythological creatures entwined in the life and adventures of human beings, create some behavioral archetypes making it easy to understand the complexity that envelop the human... more
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      Breast CancerPsycho-oncology
PURPOSE: A pilot study was conducted to investigate the relationship between distress and quality of life in women with breast cancer before start anti-cancer treatment. METHODS: 24 women completed the Distress Thermometer (DT), the... more
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      Breast CancerQuality of lifePsycho-oncologyPsychosocial support of cancer patients
BACKGROUND: Breast cancer (BC) is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. It is known that the number of survivors is increasing because of recent advances in screening and treatment therefore it is necessary to give them adequate... more
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      Breast CancerPsycho-oncologyAnger ExpressionEarly maladaptive schemas
El estrés es un fenómeno complejo que ha sido abordado a lo largo de la historia por diversos modelos y visiones del estrés (fisiológico, ambiental y psicológico), los cuales en su mayoría lo han asociado con la enfermedad. El cáncer, y... more
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      Psycho-oncologyPsychoneuroendocrinoimmunology (PNEI)
In this research we go more deeply into EVD, studying the Etiology and realizing a Differentiation of Syndromes according to the systems: Wen Bing, San Jiao and Han Shan Lun. Later, a Treatment for Prevention, Symptomatic/Acute, and... more
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      Psycho-oncologyIntegrative Oncology