Prosecution of war crimes
Recent papers in Prosecution of war crimes
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has been viewed as the ideal forum to try, decide and dispense punishments for transnational violations of individual and collective human rights as part of a broader transitional justice framework.... more
The defence of superior orders is not new. However, within Australia, its statutory codification is lamentably underexplored. The 2018 Amendments to Part IIIAAA of the Defence Act 1903 (Cth) provides a neat catalyst to expand the defence... more
While fulfilling their monitoring and adjudicatory functions, international human rights (HR) institutions are increasingly confronted with situations of armed conflict characterized by lack of oversight by domestic authorities. In some... more
This chapter analyzes the key factors contributing to a rise in prosecutions of alleged perpetrators of human rights violations in Latin America, with emphasis on Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, and Peru.
It’s a quarter of a century – and a half of my lifetime – since the 1995 Srebrenica genocide happened. Actually, to be more accurate, this genocide (like any other genocide) did not just happen; it was a planned, intentional crime... more
The prosecution of non state actors by military courts - Based on a field research in the Guantanamo courts
This article investigates whether international law prohibits the prosecution of children for war crimes and, if it does not, whether it should do so. In particular, the interplay between restorative and retributive post-conflict justice... more
OGGETTO: Relazione del consulente tecnico a procedimenti penali relativi a episodi criminosi verificatisi durante il 2^conflitto mondiale in località comprese nel territorio della giurisdizione della Procura Militare della Spezia: 1) P.P.... more This book offers detailed analyses on how the investigation and preparation of fact-rich cases can be improved, both in national and international jurisdictions. 24 chapters organized in 5 parts... more
Despite the claims that the ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine has become a “frozen zone”, the reality demonstrates such a characterization runs afoul of the facts: hostilities continue on, with the increasing number of cases of massive... more
U radu se donosi 13 dokumenata Okružnoga narodnoga suda Slavonski Brod iz druge polovice 1945. godine, tj. spisi sudskog postupka u kojem je optužen suradnik OZN-e za počinjenje kaznenog djela ratnoga zločina. U svibnju 1945. godine... more
In late December 1949, the Soviet Union conducted a somewhat unexpected war crimes tribunal in the Russian Far East city of Khabarovsk (‘Khabarovsk Trial’). It was the only Allied trial entirely dedicated to the Japanese bacteriological... more
Ova knjiga je proistekla iz predistražnog postupka koji je vodilo Tužilaštvo za ratne zločine Republike Srbije, čiji je tim nastojao da rasvetli ulogu medija u završnoj fazi jugoslovenske krize i ratu koji je usledio.
Expert Report in preparation of the trial against Dr. Friedrich Engel in Hamburg in May 2002.
The SS-scholar organisation "Ahnenerbe", it's financer, the foundation "Ahnenerbe-Stiftung" and the parallel structure "Amt A Hauptamt Persönlicher Stab Reichsführer-SS" were responsible for many crimes. The article gives an overview.
Uluslararası ilişkilerin temel aktörü olan devletler günümüze kadar silahlı çatışmaların da temel aktörü olmuştur. Devlet dışında pek çok aktörün ortaya çıkması ve etkinlik kazanmasıyla bu durum değişmeye başlamıştır. Devlet dışı... more
When national courts judge international crimes like genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, they can draw on both national and international criminal law. The relationship between these two bodies of law is not always clear.... more
This paper notes that the Special Court for Sierra Leone, often cited as a ‘new model’ for post-conflict international criminal justice, has been lauded for trying ‘persons bearing the greatest responsibility’ for crimes during Sierra... more
Данная монография посвящена вопросам уточнения причин возникновения, природы, форм, разновидностей, стадий развития фашизма, идентификации его проявлений в жизни современных европейских наций и определения набор институтов и механизмов,... more
Relazione del consulente tecnico al procedimento no. 1860/99 R.G.N.R. nei confronti di TSCHIERSCHWITZ Gerhard nato a Berlino il 23.4.1920, per il il reato di violenza con omicidio aggravato e continuato in danno di cittadini italiani in... more
""Im deutsch besetzten Italien fielen zwischen 1943 und 1945 mehr als 70.000 Menschen dem Partisanenkrieg zum Opfer, darunter etwa 10.000 Zivilisten, die bei Massakern und Geiselerschießungen durch die Besatzer getötet wurden. Diese... more
This book deals with the study of war crimes in ancient Greece and Roman world, and the relationship to this phenomenon during classical civilization. The book contains a large numbers of examples of war crimes and examples of punishing... more
Between 1950 and 1972 Israel's Attorney General prosecuted approximately forty Holocaust survivors on accusation that they had collaborated with the Nazis. This article, which is part of a larger book project, gives an overview of these... more
Unit 731, at the forefront of Japan’s wartime bacteriological warfare programme, is deeply reviled in China but virtually forgotten in Japan today. Scholars have argued that this forgetting is largely the result of a United States... more
Encyclopedia entry in The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment
On 14 December 1995, the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords ended the separatist war in former Yugoslavia and created the State of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Twenty years on, MSF reveals how the organization spoke out about a conflict marked by... more
Eines der wohl bekanntesten und besonders grausamen NS-Verbrechen sind die im Zusammenhang mit der sogenannten "Straßburger Schädelsammlung" begangenen Morde an Konzentrationslager-Häftlingen. 1 Im Jahre 1943 wurden 115 Menschen im KZ... more
Le procès de Nuremberg fut le premier procès filmé. Sa représentation est étudiée au prisme de trois films réalisés à différentes époques : None Shall Escape (André de Toth, 1944), une fiction portant sur le procès imaginaire d'un... more
Wolfram Sievers was managing director (Reichsgeschäftsführer) of SS-scholar organisation "Ahnenerbe". The monographs and have each a large biographical chapter on Wolfram Sievers. This... more
Oružane sukobe u Bosni i Hercegovini u periodu od 1992. do 1995. godine, a koji su okončani zaključivanjem tzv. Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma, obilježilo su ozbiljna kršenja temeljnih ljudskih prava i sloboda te vršenja strašnih ratnih... more
Dall’estate del 1943 e alla primavera del 1945, mentre la Wehrmacht arretra dal sud al nord Italia e il nuovo fronte della resistenza prende corpo, il Terzo Reich scatena la violenza delle sue truppe sulla popolazione civile. Uomini,... more
Relazione del consulente tecnico al procedimento no. 304/A/2007 TOR R.G.N.R. nei confronti di MUHELHAUSER Otmar, nato a Burgheim (Germania) l’8 settembre 1920 e residente a Dillingen (Germania), Am Stadtberg 3, in ordine al seguente... more