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      GouvernanceRisksRisquesAudit committee
Elizabeth Cardenas-Lopez Reading and Language Doctoral Program Approved:
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Foot argues that there are certain things that all human beings - perhaps all rational agents - need. This gives a sense in which certain values and disvalues can be called 'objective'. I suggest that, with certain relatively minor... more
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      EthicsKantPhilosophical ScepticismAristotle
Authors bear responsibility for the contents and views expressed by them. Directorate of Distance & Continuing Education, Utkal University does not bear any responsibility.
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      DevelopmentIndiaLook East PolicyProspects
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      ChristianityTheologyCorporate Social ResponsibilityBiblical Studies
Almost sixty years ago Philippa Foot published an article that began: To many people it seems that the most notable advance in moral philosophy during the past fifty years or so has been the refutation of naturalism; and they are a little... more
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      EthicsKantMeta-EthicsPhilosophical Scepticism
Authors bear responsibility for the contents and views expressed by them. Directorate of Distance & Continuing Education, Utkal University does not bear any responsibility.
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      DevelopmentIndiaLook East PolicyProspects
Medium-term and long-term priorities in ecological studies. Ostroumov S.A., Dodson S.I., Hamilton D., Peterson S.A., Wetzel R.G. Riv. Biol. 2003, 96(2):327-332. List of research priorities for ecology and environmental science of 21st... more
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      Research DesignBiologyEcologyResearch
I present a "performance model" of translation for the rnain purpose of raising awareness of the complexity of the production of translation in trainees (and hopefully, "purely intuitive" translators as well). I intend... more
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      Translation theoryRestrictions on SpeechPriorities
BACKGROUND: This article describes infection prevention and control professionals' (ICPs') staffing levels, patient outcomes, and costs associated with the provision of infection prevention and control services in Australian hospitals. A... more
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      AustraliaHealthcare-Associated InfectionsInfection ControlStaffing
Aim Biologists increasingly recognize the roles of humans in ecosystems. Subsequently, many have argued that biodiversity conservation must be extended to environments that humans have shaped directly. Yet popular biogeographical... more
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      GeographyEcosystem ServicesConservation BiologyScience
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      GeographyEcosystem ServicesConservation BiologyScience
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      Human Computer InteractionDefectsSnapshotPriorities
Si të bëni një "to do list" kur jeni gjithmonë në takime. Çdo mëngjes, ju shkruani, në krye të listës suaj të detyrave, "Puno për prezantimin!" Ndoshta edhe e nënvizoni atë një herë ose dy për theksim. Por në fund të ditës, vendosmëria... more
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      Organizational BehaviorTime ManagementPriorities
Ostroumov S. A. Anthropogenic effects on the biota: towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards. Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum. 2003. 96: 159-170. [ISSN 0035- 6050]... more
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      AssessmentWater qualityEcotoxicologyToxicology
Wetlands are often vital physical and social components of a country’s natural capital, as well as providers of ecosystem services to local and national communities. We performed a network analysis to prioritize Sustainable Development... more
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      WaterWetlandsSustainable DevelopmentNetwork Analysis
This work is a presentation given at the University Forum at the American Water Works Association's Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE) in Las Vegas, NV USA on June 13, 2018. It provides information about two studies - a survey... more
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      Environmental ScienceAdaptationEnvironmental ManagementCommunity
The objective of the author with this work is to present the place and role of priorities in the development plans. The main reason for the consideration of this thematic is the existing practice of deduction and formulation of the... more
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      Strategic ManagementStrategic PlanningDevelopment PlansStrategy
European railroads must reduce costs and increase revenues if they are to remain successful during the coming years. This is especially true as intermodal competition (e.g. from low cost airlines) increases, but also because of the coming... more
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      MarketingCivil EngineeringEconomicsStrategic Planning
Wetlands are often vital physical and social components of a country’s natural capital, as well as providers of ecosystem services to local and national communities. We performed a network analysis to prioritize Sustainable Development... more
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      WaterWetlandsSustainable DevelopmentNetwork Analysis
There are numerous real life examples done by many people which show that the alternatives of a decision sometimes can reverse their original rank order when new alternatives are added or old ones deleted and without bringing in new... more
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      Decision MakingPriorities
The main objective of this article is to assess the priorities of local governments (LGs) in Europe regarding climate change mitigation technologies evaluation in the electricity sector and to provide important insights for energy policy... more
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      Local GovernmentClean energy technologiesClimate and Energy PolicyPriorities
Wetlands are often vital physical and social components of a country’s natural capital, as well as providers of ecosystem services to local and national communities. We performed a network analysis to prioritize Sustainable Development... more
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      WaterWetlandsNetwork AnalysisMultidisciplinary
Background, Aims and Objectives: Many healthcare systems have undergone organizational or structural changes to improve productivity and efficiency. Simultaneously, political requirements are urging both standardized pathways in cancer... more
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      CommunicationDialogueDecision Support SystemsProstate Cancer