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Thanks largely to the Kremlin’s information war, Ukraine’s ultranationalists have become global media stars of a sort, depicted in Western and other reports as key players in Ukraine’s third major political upheaval in less than a... more
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)Post-Soviet RegimesFascismNeo-Fascism
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologyEastern European Studies
La caída del Muro de Berlín en 1989 dejó a Cuba a la deriva con millones de naufragios personales: sus habitantes, marineros de la utopía socialista. La crisis económica ?eufemísticamente nombrada por el gobierno Período Especial?... more
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      ResilienceCuban StudiesCrisis ManagementPost-Soviet Studies
Kotlomanov A.O. Twilight Biennale: Russian art life as if it mattered. Vestnik SPbSU. Arts, 2018, vol. 8, issue 2, pp. 320–324. (In Russian) Котломанов А.О. Сумерки биеннале: российская художественная жизнь, как если бы она имела значение... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseumContemporary ArtHistory of Museums
In the process of decommunisation, Ukraine has toppled all its Lenin monuments. This book documents the inglorious fate of these Soviet statues, following their often violent removal. Photographer Niels Ackermann and journalist Sébastien... more
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      Visual propagandaSoviet HistoryPhotographyPropaganda
Biketova E., Chernyshov Yu. NATION-BUILDING IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS AND EUROPEAN COMPONENT IN BELARUSIAN IDENTITY (World Economy and International Relations, 2018, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 94-103) The Republic of Belarus has a complex... more
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      European StudiesBelarusian StudiesIdentity (Culture)Post-Soviet Transformation
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      Russian StudiesPost-Soviet RegimesRussian PoliticsPost-Soviet Politics
1 Гудков Л. Время и история в сознании россиян. Часть II // Вестник общественного мнения. 2010. № 2. С. 18. 2 Ср. монумент Победы на Поклонной горе, представляющий собой стелу в виде «трехгранного штыка русской винтовки», длина которой... more
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      Post-Soviet StudiesPost-Socialist SocietiesPost-Soviet Transformation
Built in 1980, the Linnahall Concert Hall in Tallinn, Estonia, is a fairly recent but nonetheless controversial Soviet monument. Having been highly praised on its completion for its bold architectural solution, within a decade its close... more
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      Estonian HistoryPost-Soviet Transformation
Премия Просветитель
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      SociologyRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureAnthropology
ნაშრომი განიხილავს საქართველოს ეკონომიკური გარდაქმნების ისტორიას სსრკ-ს დაცემის შემდგომ 1991 წელს დამოუკიდებლობის აღდგენის, დემოკრატიული ახელმწიფოს დაფუძნების, გეგმიური ეკონომიკიდან ლიბერალური საბაზრო ეკონომიკისკენ გარდაქმნისა და... more
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      European StudiesEconomicsTransition EconomicsPost-Soviet Regimes
Since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukrainians and Russians have been living peacefully in two separate and independent states for nearly a quarter of a century. Much has been said about the cultural and historical links between... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesComparative Politics
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyModern History
The massacre of the protesters and the police during the “Euromaidan” mass protests on February 18-20, 2014 in Ukraine contributed to the overthrow of the Ukrainian government and ultimately to a start of the civil war in Donbas, Russian... more
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      CriminologyPolitical SociologyArea StudiesEastern European Studies
This chapter presents a summary of analysis, evidence, and findings of a study of the “snipers’ massacre” of “Euromaidan” protesters and policemen on the Maidan in Ukraine on February 20, 2014. This mass killing was a turning point in the... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologyEastern European Studies
Н ачиная с периода поздней перестройки и по сей день судьба тела Ленина, хранящегося на протяжении почти 90 лет в мавзолее на Красной площади, не перестает вызывать яростные споры. В последние годы в попу лярных и академических... more
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      ReligionFuture StudiesSociology of ReligionSoviet Regime
open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Pro-Russian separatists stand guard at the site of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crash, near the village of Hrabove in Ukraine's Donetsk region. (Maxim... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesComparative Politics
This paper is intended as a preliminary guide to the energy elites of the three main oil and gas exporting countries in Central Asia, and as a practical tool for foreign actors seeking to understand who is who, who makes decisions and who... more
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      EnergyPost-Soviet RegimesCentral Asian StudiesPost-Soviet Politics
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      Russian StudiesRussian NationalismPost-Soviet RegimesFascism
Review article on the books: Black Wind, White Snow: The Rise of Russia’s New Nationalism. By Charles Clover. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2016. The Gumilev Mystique: Biopolitics, Eurasianism, and the Construction of Community in... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian NationalismPost-Soviet RegimesFascism
Monuments and memorials are built forms with commemorative as well as political functions. They articulate selective historical narratives, focusing attention on events and individuals that are preferred by elites, while obliterating what... more
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      SemioticsCultural GeographyCultural HeritageNational Identity
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      Social DemographyDemographyRussian StudiesRussian Politics
This study refers to which dynamics should history be built on while structuring a state. In this sense, function of history in building a state has been tried to be determined through historiography that has been carried out in... more
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      HistoryRussian StudiesPolitical PhilosophySoviet Regime
At first the EuroMaidan, seemed like something we have seen before: the ‘Orange Revolution’. We were brought back to 23 November 2004, when observers of Ukrainian politics were shocked when they witnessed a sea of ‘ordinary’ Ukrainians,... more
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      SociologyCollective BehaviorPolitical SociologySocial Movements
We were ying over the seemingly endless white space of permafrost for over an hour when my companion, a woman in her mid-thirties, pulled me towards the helicopter window: “Look over there, to the right.” She paused. ere, in the... more
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      Minority StudiesPost-Soviet StudiesOil and gasEnvironmental Sustainability
The focus of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, it outlines the geopolitical rationale behind contemporary Russian expansionism, as well as presents the asymmetric mechanisms utilized by Russia to solidify its authority in the... more
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      Russian StudiesDemocratizationUkrainian StudiesRussian Politics
Like Weimar Germany, contemporary Russia is home to fascist actors and widespread nationalism. But unlike interwar Germany, the party system in post-Soviet Russia is heavily manipulated and civil society remains underdeveloped. This means... more
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      Russian StudiesComparative PoliticsContemporary HistoryComparative History
This article examines the ways in which Azerbaijan’s energy abundance and the energy diplomacy the latter made possible—combined with inherent weaknesses attending the state’s young post-colonial polity—conditioned the limits of the... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsEnergy EconomicsInternational RelationsInternational Relations Theory
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      SemioticsSocial TheoryGeographyHuman Geography
This 3 minute-long online video appendix shows shooting from directions of Maidan-controlled buildings and areas in directions of Maidan protesters during the Maidan massacre in Kyiv in Ukraine on February 20, 2014 and a massacre of... more
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
Поздне-советская субъектность
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      Political SociologyRussian StudiesAnthropologyPolitical Philosophy
This essay focuses on a paradoxical transformation that happened within Soviet ideological discourse at the very end of perestroika, around 1990-91. The Party's attempts to revitalize Soviet ideology by returning to the original word of... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
From the end of the First World War Kaunas, second biggest city of Lithuania, developed thanks to urban enlargements during Interwar, soviet and post- soviet period. The modern part of Kaunas, outside the historical centre, was built... more
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      ArchitectureSoviet HistoryModernismRationalism
The decline of the communist regime in the late 1980s stimulated decentralizing processes within the Russian Orthodox Church; a final result being the emergence of Eastern Christian Churches in independent Ukraine: the Ukrainian Orthodox... more
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      ReligionSociologyReligion and PoliticsPost-Soviet Regimes
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      SemioticsEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryGeography
Have there been changes in political institutions, parties, leaders, and regional political orientations in Ukraine after the "Orange Revolution"? If so, are the changes revolutionary or evolutionary? Most previous studies refer to the... more
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      Political SociologyEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesComparative Politics
En las dos últimas décadas muchos autores y cineastas residentes dentro o fuera de Cuba se han referido al contexto del Período Especial en sus creaciones artísticas. En este ensayo quisiera reflexionar sobre las modalidades de la... more
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      HistorySociologyCultural StudiesLatino/A Studies
this paper analyzes the "situation in Ukraine" through the prism of the Russian New Left and their "third position"
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      European HistoryPolitical SociologyEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
Котломанов А.О. Паблик-арт: страницы истории. Современное русское искусство в общественном пространстве. Часть 1. Монументальная скульптура. Вестн. С.-Петерб. гос. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2015. Вып. 4. С. 55—65. Kotlomanov A.O.... more
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      Russian StudiesContemporary ArtPublic ArtPost-Soviet Regimes
This chapter analyses the issue of democracy in Ukraine and major factors which determine the prospects for democracy in the one of the largest European countries. The research question is as to how Ukraine fares in terms of common... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
Soviet-art is more often considered an instrument of politics than a full-fledged art-movement. Because of its subjection to communist ideology, the visual heritage of the USSR is still subject of current heated political debate. In this... more
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      Post-Soviet RegimesPost-Soviet PoliticsHistory of the USSRPost-Soviet Studies
In order to investigate the phenomenon of "Russian culture" in Central Asia (which, for the purposes of this paper will inevitably be limited to the three countries where the presence of Russians and other Russophones is still numerically... more
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      Central Asian StudiesPost-Soviet StudiesMigration StudiesUrban Sociology
While it is common wisdom that “identity matters” in Ukrainian politics, we still lack a robust understanding of precisely when and how it matters. Reflecting challenges facing the broader interdisciplinary field of comparative identity... more
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      Ethnic StudiesEastern European StudiesComparative PoliticsPolitical Behavior
Review of Gerard J. Libaridian, The Challenge of Statehood: Armenian Political Thinking since Independence. Watertown, MA: Blue Crane Books, 1999, xii, 162 pp., in Nationalities Papers, Vol. 29, No. 2, June 2001, pp. 375-379.
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      Armenian StudiesDemocratizationPost-Soviet RegimesPost-Soviet Politics
The formation of a party system is widely regarded as a key to successful and sustainable patterns of democratisation. In this essay we examine the evolution of the party system in Ukraine, focusing on the extent to which the Euromaidan... more
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      Eastern European StudiesPolitical PartiesDemocratizationPost-Soviet Regimes
"Lessons for Liberalism from the 'Illiberal East'" - Cultural Anthropology, April 2018
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      Russian StudiesAnthropologyPolitical PhilosophyVisual Studies
In Russia, civil society engagement with the petroleum sector is surprisingly rich and varied for a country that is ranked low on most democracy-related indicators. This chapter finds that there is a lively and varied public debate, with... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureNatural ResourcesPost-Soviet Regimes
This paper investigates the unique science of preservation that emerged around the task of maintaining Lenin's body for public display in mausoleum in Moscow.
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionFuture Studies
The following thesis discusses the history of economic transitions in Georgia, starting from restoration of independence in 1991 following the fall of the USSR, and progressing towards efforts to establish a democratic state, to make a... more
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      European StudiesEconomicsTransition EconomicsPost-Soviet Regimes
This paper gives an overview of some ethnoterritorial conflicts in the Black Sea region: Transnistria (Moldova), Abkhazia and South Ossetia (Georgia), and Nagorno-Karabakh (Azerbaijan).
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      Russian Foreign PolicyAbkhaziaBlack Sea regionGeorgia