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      MarketingSWOT analysisPorter’s 5 Forces Analysis
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      MarketingMarketing ManagementMarketing StrategiesPESTEL Analysis
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the Effect of Knowledge Management on Business Strategies specifically, Porter's Generic Competitive Strategies in Bank Melli Iran. For this purpose, the statistical population of the present... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipKnowledge ManagementKnowledge & Creativity Management
Xymedix, Inc. is a supplier of in-vitro medical testing located in California. The company’s objective is to provide high-quality medical testing in the United States and worldwide. In February 2020, Xymedix’s s management faced... more
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      LeadershipManagement of InnovationTransformational LeadershipInternational Mangement
The paper aims to determine plausible scenarios for widespread adoption of online residential cleaning services in the Philippines by 2025. A section in the paper summarizes the different incumbent industry players in the Philippines and... more
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      Technology ManagementPhilippinesScenario planningPorter's 5 forces
Analytical models have significant applications in strategic management. For the analysis of any organization’s performance, management and industry situation and scope, analytical model can be used widely. For an effective decision... more
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      SWOT analysisAnalytical ModelPorter’s 5 Forces Analysis
A review and analysis of "Porter's 5 Forces" for Walt Disney Company
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      Business AdministrationWalt Disney CompanyPorter’s 5 Forces Analysis
Resumo: A indústria de smartphones é um setor de alta tecnologia que conta com a participação de grandes empresas. Esse mercado é marcado pela elevada rivalidade entre as empresas participantes, com constante disputa pela preferência dos... more
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      ApplePorter's 5 forcesPorterSmartphones
Online personal markets, are they attractive ?
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      MarketingMBAStrategyPorter’s 5 Forces Analysis
This paper has been prepared in order to present an evaluation of the international business strategies of Ready-made garments industries. Ready-made garments industries are the greatest value creation sector for one country. In... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationInternational BusinessBusiness Process Management
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      Models of Creativity & of Creative ProcessesTextilesInnovation statisticsDynamic Capabilities
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In this assignment we analyze Etihad airways on the following topics: Basic Introduction; Background; ETIHAD’S CORE VALUES; COMMITMENT; VISION AND MISSION; HISTORY; LOYALTY PROGRAM; FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE; FINANCIAL POSITION; FINANCING... more
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      Middle East StudiesStrategic ManagementAirline EconomicsCustomer Loyalty
The paper aims to determine plausible scenarios for widespread adoption of online residential cleaning services in the Philippines by 2025. A section in the paper summarizes the different incumbent industry players in the Philippines and... more
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      Technology ManagementPhilippinesScenario planningPorter's 5 forces
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      Stakeholder AnalysisSegmentation (Marketing)Value chain analysisPorter's 5 forces
Executive summary This article focuses on the main aspects of Porter's generic strategies as presented by various scholars and as they can be applied in various companies. The main three generic strategies of cost leadership,... more
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      Project ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic PlanningStrategy (Business)
Energy is usually defined as "work ability" in the literature. Energy is in all materials and in everything, in every movement and action. We even need an average of energy for all our vital functions. Therefore, Energy has become an... more
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      Energy EconomicsTurkish EconomyEnerjiEnergy Markets
The paper covers marketing strategies in terms of Porter's Five Forces,SWOT Analysis,Marketing Mix (7P'S),STP Analysis,Overall market size, growth trends and future projections,Major macro and global environmental influences on the market... more
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      MarketingMarketing ResearchIndiaStudents
This paper is one of the few studies to review the empirical literature on strategic management tools and techniques usage. There are many techniques, tools, and methods, models, frameworks, approaches, and methodologies, available to... more
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      Strategic StudiesStrategic ManagementStrategic PlanningStrategy (Strategic Planning)
Porter five forces analysis is a framework to analyze level of competition within an industry and business strategy development. It draws upon industrial organization (IO) economics to derive five forces that determine the competitive... more
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      ManagementGame TheoryKnowledge ManagementBrand Management
Kata "strategi" adalah turunan dari kata dalam bahasa Yunani, stratēgos. Stratēgos dapat diterjemahkan sebagai "komandan militer" pada zaman demokrasi Athena. Pada awalnya kata "strategi" memang hanya dipergunakan di kalangan militer,... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesMedia IndustriesMedia
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) is one of the major manufactured products of plastic industry in Bangladesh. Aziz Pipes Limited is a manufacturing company of PVC pipes & fittings, PVC foam sheet and PVC Profiles. Its previous achievements... more
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      Strategic ManagementBangladeshFinancial PerformancePorter’s 5 Forces Analysis
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      Financial Accounting and ReportingPorter’s 5 Forces Analysis
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      MarketingBrand ManagementAdvertisingMalaysia
PT Yuniko Asia Prima merupakan perusahaan tekstil yang memperdagangkan benang dan kain. Dalam menjalankan bisnisnya, perusahaan ini menjalankan transaksinya baik secara tunai maupun kredit. Dalam proses bisnisnya, terdapat beberapa bagian... more
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      Strategic PlanningValue ChainStrategic Information System PlanningSWOT analysis
Evaluation of influence of five competitive forces in coffee and snacks industry (Starbucks)
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      Strategic ManagementCompany Analysis Company: Starbucks CorporationPorter’s 5 Forces Analysis
Penerapan teknologi dan pengelolaan perubahan teknologi adalah hal yang krusial dalam industri media. Memang ada jenis teknologi media yang relatif sudah -matang‖ (mature), sehingga tidak terjadi perubahan teknologi yang drastis di... more
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      Information TechnologyTechnologyMedia StudiesNew Media
En las últimas décadas, la industria aeroespacial ha tomado relevancia para los países desarrollados, ya que es uno de los pilares que mueven c éstas economías, dando empleo, además de ser un detonador de desarrollo tecnológico y... more
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      Industrial OrganizationIndustrial ClustersPorter’s 5 Forces Analysis
Tugas mata kuliah E-BISNIS yaitu menjelasakan mengenai dampak negatif dan postif dari internet yaitu pada Politik dan Hukum, Lingkungan Ekonomi, Lingkungan Sosial, Lingkungan Teknologi. Dan menjelaskan mengenai Kerangka Kerja Porter atau... more
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      E-BusinessPorters Five ForcesUdinusPorter’s 5 Forces Analysis
Publicación que presenta resultados de una investigación sobre el diagnóstico de la incorporación de las TIC en las empresas de tamaño micro, pequeñas y medianas y la influencia de las 5 fuerzas competitivas de mercado en la decisión de... more
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      Strategy (Business)The InternetPorter's 5 forcesTIC
Kebutuhan akan internet di kota besar sangat signifikan, sehingga dapat menjadi peluang bisnis bagi pelaku industri telekomunikasi khususnya operator, agar produk atau layanan mereka tetap dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat pelaku industri harus... more
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    • Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis
This paper examines the usage of strategy tools from the strategy-as-practice perspective. In general, there is a lack of empirical evidence regarding the use of strategy tools, particularly in transition economies. The comprehensive and... more
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      Strategic ManagementKosovoBalanced ScorecardStrategy As Practice
Actors in competitive environments are bound to decide and act under conditions of uncertainty because they rarely have accurate foreknowledge of how their opponents will respond and when they will respond. Just as a competitor makes a... more
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
Özge BÜYÜK Emel CAN Sanayi Devrimi’nden ve 2. Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra ekonomik büyüme ve istihdam açısından vazgeçilmez bir unsur olan sanayileşme, bazı sorunlara da neden olmuştur. Sanayileşmedeki hızlı gelişim, şehirleşmeyi de... more
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      PorterOsbSWOT analysisRekabet
ABSTRACT En el presente trabajo se aborda la experiencia del sitio web “resultados-ya” para ingresar al mercado en México, donde se hace primeramente el análisis del macroambiente a través del análisis del ciclo de vida del producto,... more
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      Porter's 5 forcesPorterFutbolMercadotecnia
The Graduate School of Business (GSB) – Alexandria has a longstanding reputation for producing cutting-edge knowledge and sharing that with, graduate students, executives, and the society through Various educational programs. The unique... more
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      Strategic ManagementSWOT analysisTOWS analysisPESTEL Analysis