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Increasing demands on the energy resources due to rapid industrialization and population growth has raised awareness in Saudi Arabia that decades of subsidized energy and profligate energy usage is no longer a viable option, neither as... more
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      BusinessEngineeringEnergy PolicyEnergy Conservation
Examples from fishless aquatic habitats 9 show that competition among zooplankton for 10 resources instigates rapid exclusion of competitively 11 inferior species in the absence of fish predation, and 12 leads to resource monopolization... more
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      Earth SciencesBiologyEcologyHydrobiology
The pattern of development in a city is mostly governed by urban dynamics, with population increase being the primary driving force. Built-up cover is the most important predictor of urban expansion. Zuru metropolis in Kebbi State has... more
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      GeographyPopulationLand CoverLand Use
Reducing nitrogen status of floriculture plants is an effective tactic in pest management by decreasing host plant quality. Life table parameters and population growth rate of Aphis craccivora (Hemiptera: Aphidiae), as well as cosmetic... more
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      AgronomyBiologyPopulationPopulation Growth
Raros são hoje em dia os países onde se pode observar um processo significativo de ocupação demográfica e econômica de vastas parcelas do território nacional, como é o caso no Brasil ou na Malásia. Trata-se, porém, em menor grau, de um... more
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The salinity tolerance of the freshwater monogenean Gyrodactylus salaris, infecting Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr, was studied experimentally. Following direct transfer of infected fish from fresh water to 5.0‰ salinity, parasite... more
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      ZoologyBiologyBrackish WaterEcology
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Ce système a été mis au point par l'équipe de R. Fetter aux Etats Unis dans les années 70. 2 Mesuré par le rapport capital/travail 3 Il semblerait que non dans certains cas notamment en cancérologie et en cardio-vasculaire où le taux de... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
Long-term studies of population dynamics can provide insights into life history theory, population ecology, socioecology, conservation biology and wildlife management. Here we examine 25 years of population dynamics of western gorillas at... more
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      EcologyEndangered SpeciesMultidisciplinaryPopulation
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      ZoologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementBiologyMedicine
The distribution and abundance of plants across the world depends in part on their ability to move, which is commonly characterized by a dispersal kernel. For seeds, the total dispersal kernel (TDK) describes the combined influence of all... more
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Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci (Lindeman) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), can reduce onion bulb yield and transmit iris yellow spot virus (IYSV) (Bunyaviridae: Tospovirus), which can cause additional yield losses. In New York, onions are planted... more
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In Ardakanian, R.; Sewilam, H.; Liebe, J. (Eds.). Mid-term-proceedings on capacity development for the safe use of wastewater in agriculture: a collaboration of UN-Water members and partners - FAO, WHO, UNEP, UNU-INWEH, UNW-DPC, ICID,... more
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      AssessmentPolitical SciencePolicyWastewater Treatment
This study aims to examine empirically the relationship between the health budget, human capital and population growth in Indonesia by using quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. First, quantitative analysis is used to determine... more
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      EconomicsPopulation DynamicsHuman CapitalPopulation
In spite of their important contributions to the sustenance of both the ecological and human systems, wetlands the world over, have come under serious threats, abuse and degradation. This paper therefore, examines the importance and... more
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    • Environemntal Studies
De sociale impact van de Justinaanse Pest (551 tot 553) "….but later on those who were making these trenches, no longer able to keep up with the number of the dying, mounted the towers of the fortifications in Sycae, and tearing off the... more
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      Justinianic PlagueJustinianPlague of Justinian
Polarized spaces and divided cities present a set of fast-changing urban policies and control powers. Of its tense history of complex spatial planning and land-use management, Jerusalem is not an exception. In less than 50 years,... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringHistoryGeography
One of the most recognizable and important changes occurring in the West is rapid population growth. This article intends to address questions associated with whether patterns of population growth and income migration are associated with... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyEconomic GeographyPopulation Growth
ABsrRAGr Current research on nonmetropolitan (nonmetro) population change shows that, to date, the 1990s are reminiscent of the 1970s rather than the 1980s. Nonmetro areas, including the Mountain West, are again gaining population through... more
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      SociologyRural SociologyGeographyPopulation
There are numerous important human activity factors which cause drastic reduction of the population of migratory birds as well as resident birds in the Libyan coastal areas and inner land too. Resulting into the deterioration of the... more
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      GeographyUrbanization in Developing AreasEnvironmental PlanningUrbanization
The paper studies regional (spatial) inequality in five most populous countries in the world: China, India, the United States of America, Indonesia and Brazil in the period 1980-2000. They are all federations or quasi-federations composed... more
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      EconomicsInternational TradeEconomic GrowthEconomic policy
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    • Physics
The work reported herein is the result of a collaborative effort between the Hydrologic Research Center (HRC), with expertise in hydrologic modeling and forecasting, and the Georgia Water Resources Institute (GWRI) at the Georgia... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceWater resources
July, lgJ2 In many tag-recapture experiments the procedure used for estimation of the population size requires that there be neither mortality nor recruitment between the times of sampling. Often this assumption is unrealistic. Tests for... more
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    • Psychology
The world is undergoing the largest wave of urban growth in history. More than half of the world's population now lives in towns and cities, and by 2030 this number will swell to about 5 billion. 'Urbanization has the potential to usher... more
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      GeographyUrbanizationUrban SprawlPopulation
Integrated livestock-fish culture approach envisages the integration of fish farming with cattle, sheep, goat, poultry, pig or rabbit husbandry in a design allowing wastes from one system to be used as inputs in another system. The aim is... more
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    • Integrated Aquaculture
Several urban centres of different sizes have developed over time, and continue to grow, within the basin of Lake Victoria. Uncontrolled urban development, especially along the lake shore, puts environmental pressure on Lake Victoria and... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental SciencePopulationLand Cover
Intenzivan proces demografskih promena na teritoriji Grada Niša počeo je u drugoj polovini XX veka. Socio-ekonomski razvoj ove teritorije uslovio je povećanje broja stanovnika. Dok je gradski centar demografski jačao, urbani periferni... more
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      GeographyPopulationDemographic changePopulation Growth
In this study, the amphipod Corophium volutator (Pallas) was evaluated as test organisms for use in sediment toxicity tests by adapting standard protocols for conducting 10-day and 28-day sediment toxicity tests. Combine laboratory and... more
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Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) are an important wildlife food resource for Cree people living in communities along the James Bay coasts. According to Traditional Ecological Knowledge, environmental changes along the coast have affected... more
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Conservation status and management priorities are often informed by population trends. Trend estimates can be derived from population surveys or models, but both methods are associated with sources of uncertainty. Many Arctic-breeding... more
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American black ducks (Anas rubripes) are a harvested, international migratory waterfowl species in eastern North America. Despite an extended period of restrictive harvest regulations, the black duck population is still below the... more
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      GeographyApplied MathematicsPopulationHabitat
populations était aussi très sensible aux variations unitaires ou proportionnelles du succès d'éclosion moyen et des taux de survie des canetons ou des juvéniles. Étant donné les faibles effectifs d'échantillons disponibles pour certains... more
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      GeographyLife historyBiologyEcology
The endemic Hawaiian grouper, Epinephelus quernus, is a commercially important species experiencing intense fishing pressure in part of its distributional range. We examined population genetic structure with 398 base pairs of the... more
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      MigrationBiologyGenetic DiversityBiological Sciences
Understanding the dynamics of a wildlife population in relation to hunting strategies is essential to achieve sustainable management. We used monitoring data over 25 years from two red deer (Cervus elaphus) populations with different... more
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      MedicinePopulationWildlifeWildlife Management
The present study on livestock population dynamics can provide useful insights about growth trends of various species and overall livestock population. Such type of analysis is useful for making sound policy and programme planning in... more
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Population dynamics on mussels growing on suspended culture depend mainly on the balance 12 of three processes: mortality and/or dislodgements, recruitment and growth. The negative 13 effect of overcrowding on mussels growth and survival... more
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      OceanographyBiologyPopulation DynamicsMortality
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      GeographySpatial AnalysisSustainable DevelopmentSri Lanka
Large carnivores are essential components of natural ecosystems. In populated areas, their conservation depends on preserving a favorable status in coexistence with humans, which may require the elimination of excess carnivores to... more
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      Political ScienceHousingAviationAeronautics
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      EconomicsPolitical ScienceEcologyAgriculture
Location and climate have large effects on income levels and income growth through their effects on transport costs, disease burdens, and agricultural productivity, among other channels. Geography also seems to affect economic policy... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyEconomicsEconomic Geography
Land degradation is a phenomenon that threatens food security and ecosystem balance observed on a global scale. At the beginning of the 20th century on a global scale, its importance was not yet understood due to low climate change,... more
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      Climate ChangeEnvironmental SciencesLand UsePopulation Growth
The Red River Delta (RRD) (Vietnam), a region experiencing rapid population growth, industrialization, and economic development, concentrates 54% of the population of the whole Red River watershed in less than 10% of the basin area. Our... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceGeochemistryBiogeochemistry
Because most principles for evaluating policies which result in population change require information about individual well-being as well as interpersonal comparisons, some way of assessing levels of well-being is essential to their use.... more
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      Interpersonal CommunicationPopulation
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      SociologyModernizationDeveloping CountriesEconomic Development
The study investigated the direction of causality between population variables and economic growth in Nigeria between 1986 and 2020 using VAR Granger Causality/Block Exogeneity Wald Tests. The results of the findings revealed the... more
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      EconomicsPopulationGranger causalityPopulation Growth
The effects of leaves cut during fibre harvesting of Attalea funifera under contrasting irradiance availability were evaluated, studying defoliation-induced changes in photosynthetic and growth characteristics and fibre production in... more
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We use crosscountry observations on the effects of population growth to show why differences in rates of growth in working age population may be a key to understanding differences in economic performance across industrialized countries... more
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      EconomicsWorking TimeTechnological changePopulation Growth