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How should New Testament scholarship theorize enslavement mainly when the victim's experience is both linguistically unrepresentable (the very essence of pain) and, more relevantly, when primary sources do not contain first-person... more
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This paper is concerned with frontiers as spaces of disputed, ceded, suspended, or imposed forms of rule, that challenge the integrity of bounded territorial polities and their jigsaw puzzle-limits. In recent decades, frontiers have... more
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      CapitalismPolitical OntologyBorders and Frontiers
Çağdaş siyaset düşüncesinde bir süredir ontolojik kabul ve varsayımlardan uzak durmaya yönelik bir yaklaşım dikkat çekiyor. Toplumsal yaşamı düzenleyecek olan siyasi ilkelerin aynı zamanda evrensellik vasfını da taşıyor olmasına duyulan... more
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      Political OntologyOntological Politics
М. А. Подлесная, О. К. Шевченко. Исследования социокультурных процессов в гражданском обществе Аннотация. В статье рассматривается понятие героя применительно к концепту фронтира, который авторы статьи понимают как «контактное поле»,... more
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    • Sociology of Culture
e-textualidad geológica deseablemente desantroponizada, descolonializada, xenodescentralizada y multimundanizada
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      GeopoeticsDecolonialidadFeminismo DecolonialCiberfeminismo
The theoretical discussion of the present paper is particularly based on the insights of Giorgio Agamben contextualized in Iris Murdoch’s novel, A Word Child (1975), written in the transitional period of the seventies England. It will... more
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      Bare LifeHomo sacer
This work considers what ontology might be after the deconstruction of arché in Reiner Schürmann's and Giorgio Agamben's thinking. It addresses the question by reading Schürmanns historical deduction of the categories of presencing in his... more
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      Martin HeideggerGiorgio AgambenImmanuel KantAnarchy
Cuadernos de Antropología Social / () ()) 25 [25-38] Territorios de diferencia: la ontología política de los "derechos al territorio" " Arturo Escobar* Resumen El presente trabajo presenta las bases del enfoque de ontología política para... more
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      Social MovementsOntologyPolitical SciencePolitics
El presente trabajo analiza las expresiones del don / reciprocidad en las experiencias comunitarias de los ayllus del altiplano boliviano con el objetivo de reconsiderar los horizontes de posibilidad y los “límites” del don como... more
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      BoliviaGift economyPueblos indígenasAyllu
Has soccer favoured the integration processes of Amerindian peoples in the different national societies to which they belong, or has it rather permitted their cultural assimilation? Based on this general question, four different scenes... more
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The question of how the relationship between metaphysics and theology should be understood is one of the main topics of debate on the agenda of philosophers and theologians from Aristotle (d. 322 BCE) to Avicenna (d. 428/1037), from... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionIslamic Philosophyİbn Sina(Avicenna)
Sea en los debates académicos o en las noticias, se nos recuerda constantemente que el mundo enfrenta retos trascendentales, efectos de un mundo común globalizado donde las infraestructuras de desplazamiento (de mercancías, ideas, gente)... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsCommonsPolitical OntologyLos Bienes Comunes (the Commons)
This article aims to demonstrate that the dimension of the sacred is constitutive of politics. First, abandoning any substantive view of the sacred that confines it to the exclusive jurisdiction of religions is necessary, reaching a broad... more
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      Religion and PoliticsPolitical AnthropologyPolitical CultureSacred (Religion)
Abstract: Communitarian thought could be a noteworthy alternative to the prevailing moral-political realities established by liberal assumptions and presuppositions, as its interpretations on issues it broaches in the realms of being,... more
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      OntologyPolitical PhilosophyEpistemologyAxiology
En el libro: Bolivia: atreverse a interpretarla (2018), Don Pedro había señalado que los aymaras actualizan constantemente su identidad, sin perder su núcleo civilizatorio, y así en los últimos tiempos habrían desarrollado un... more
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    • Political Science
Pensatore sempre controcorrente, nella sua opera Claude Lefort ha proposto un metodo di interrogazione dell’enigma del sociale. La sua eredità, senza mai dar vita a una scuola, ha influenzato profondamente pensatori politici della... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical AnthropologyTotalitarianismContemporary French Philosophy
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryConservatismPopulism
In this zine I explore a way to communicate the book project I am currently working on. The care of territory is an idea that has resonated in my research on processes of community organization in peasant contexts, when my questions refer... more
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      Political OntologyCaring / Care EthicsTerritorioEcofeminismos
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      PhilosophyZizek studies
The twentieth century was the century of the deconstruction of all absolutes: of liberation understood as a critique of every meaningful structure. In this sense, conflict was understood as an instrument of the rupture of every form,... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryRenaissance StudiesHistory of Political Thought
This article explores the meaning of infrastructural changes resulting from the Corredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec (CIIT) infrastructure project for the cultural survival of Indigenous peoples resident in the Isthmus of... more
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      OntologyPolitical OntologyIndigenous PeoplesMexico
Este articulo analiza los roles y la legitimidad de los envarados en la hacienda Q’ero (Paucartambo, Cusco) y en dos de las comunidades Q’ero que se formaron a partir de esta. A pesar que su relación con la hacienda y el estado se remonta... more
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      Political AnthropologyPolitical OntologyAndesQuechua
This essay discusses the recent works of Jean-Luc Nancy and Giorgio Agamben on the coronavirus. Quite some continental thinkers, such as Peter Sloterdijk and Slavoj Žižek offered their take on the epidemic already, yet those of Nancy and... more
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      SovereigntyJean-Luc NancyGeorgio Agamben
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      Indigenous StudiesHistory and MemoryIndigenous KnowledgeCollective Memory
I instead demonstrate how plant beings become protagonists in struggles for Shipibo-Konibo sovereignty in order to resist targeted de-existence in the Peruvian Amazon. Moreover, instead of analysing hope as a positive affective attachment... more
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      Political EcologyNecropoliticsAmazoniaPolitical Ontology
The aim of the work is to explore the logic of the populist phenomenon by analysing the analogies between Ernesto Laclau's political hauntology (as O. Marchart defined it using the Derridean concept) and the Political Theology as... more
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      Political TheoryHauntologyPolitical TheologyPolitical Ontology
Globally, environmental degradation has reached unprecedented levels. In South Africa, indigenous forest have beenlost to mass land conversions under previous colonial and apartheid administrations. These changes have affected social... more
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      Gender StudiesColonialismThematic AnalysisFocus Group
Globally, environmental degradation has reached unprecedented levels. In South Africa, indigenous forest have beenlost to mass land conversions under previous colonial and apartheid administrations. These changes have affected social... more
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      Gender StudiesColonialismThematic AnalysisFocus Group
Este artículo repasa el análisis de Pierre Clastres sobre lo que él llamó “sociedades contra el Estado” y su objetivo es provocar una discusión sobre la manera en que la teoría política occidental pensó la noción de diferencia. En primer... more
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      PolíticaPierre ClastresDiferencia
Статья посвящена переосмыслению государства как политической формы с позиций психоаналитического понимания идеологии Славоем Жижеком и теории государства Михаила Рейснера. В работе последовательно излагаются идеи Жижека раннего периода... more
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      PsychoanalysisIdeologySlavoj ŽižekPolitical Ontology
Varias décadas han pasado entre los inicios y la terminación de la represa de Yacyretá. Pero ahora genera aportes en electricidad para una Argentina con necesidades energéticas crecientes y tiende a modificar la realidad y el potencial de... more
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      DesarrolloCiencias SocialesTerritorioEnergía
Inspired by decolonial and postdevelopment theories applying political ontology, this study analyzes – from an engaged anthropological perspective – strategies implemented by Zapatista coffee producers and solidarity activists to build... more
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      AnthropologyPolitical EcologyPolitical AnthropologyCoffee
El presente artículo aborda la cuestión del sentido del replanteamiento de la pregunta por el Ser en cuanto eje vertebrador del pensamiento de Heidegger, y más en concreto, de aquello que es denominado como el Segundo Heidegger. Ello... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsOntologyPolitical Philosophy
Semantic Web is, without a doubt, gaining momentum in both industry and academia. The word "Semantic" refers to "meaning"-a semantic web is a web of meaning. In this fast changing and result oriented practical world, gone are the days... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation RetrievalOntologyKnowledge Management
Los norteños de la costa peruana responden a la corrupción política, al cambio climático y a la devastación medioambiental comprometiéndose con los Apus indígenas como líderes de movimientos ecológicos y cocreadores de un mundo... more
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      Indigenous StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyEnvironmental AnthropologyRace and Ethnicity
Pan-Indigenous Peruvian norteños respond to political corruption, climate change, and environmental devastation by engaging Indigenous sentient landscapes as leaders of environmental movements and cocreators of a pan-Indigenous... more
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      OntologyIndigenous StudiesClimate ChangeSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Esta comunicación se propone analizar el impacto de la pandemia por COVID 19 en la preexistente crisis global del cuidado, que afecta también a sociedades latino-americanas. Seguidamente, se realiza análisis prospectivo buscando... more
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    • Comparative Social Policy. Welfare State Research. Sociology of Work. Migration and care
Campesinos (peasants) and norteños (northerner entrepreneurs) in highland Huamachuco, la Libertad, northern Peru-reconcile their mining within Andean practices about the perceived sentience and agency of mountain-ancestors (apus). They do... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyEnvironmental AnthropologyCannibalismIndigenous Knowledge
This article attempts to elucidate the Deleuzian philosophy of the event between The Logic of Sense and A Thousand Plateaus, where it acquires clearly political nuances. With regard to The Logic of Sense, I show that (i) it takes up the... more
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      Social ChangeGilles DeleuzeFelix GuattariPolitical Ontology
Philosophical and theoretical research on tourism is ever more pertinent in an age of increased uncertainty, manifold vulnerabilities, and determination to promote justice, fairness, and equality. The pluriversal challenge facing tourism... more
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      Critical TheoryTourism StudiesQualitative methodologySustainable Development
If the ontological is political, as theorists say it is, then the ecological is already geopolitical. More accurately, ecology dooms us to eternal geopolitics. There are big political processes in the series of unimaginable catastrophes... more
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      GeopoliticsPolitical EcologyPolitical Ontology
In this chapter, we spell out what we mean by reconstruction. The purpose of reconstructing the theoretical traditions including their main characteristics, origins and trajectories as they have evolved in Europe in the twentieth century... more
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    • Springer Ebooks
Resumo: O propósito deste artigo é explorar o modo como Hannah Arendt compreende a condição de crise como condição subjacente à existência humana no mundo moderno. Para esse fim, serão analisadas passagens de obras arendtianas, bem como... more
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsPhenomenologyPolitical Ontology
В статье рассматриваются теоретические истоки и идеологические обоснования концепция «когнитивной свободы». Предметом исследования выступает авторский подход Р. Сентенция и Р. Буар к проблематизации феномена «когнитивной свободы» в период... more
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      Политическая философиясоциальная философияСоциальные медиаинновации
This essay explores Jacques Lacan's theory of desire as functioning according to the logic of tragedy and compares it with Alenka Zupančič's concept of love as comedy, demonstrating however that the latter remains too caught up in the... more
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      PsychoanalysisJacques LacanPsychoanalysis And LiteraturePhilosophy of Love
The lifeworlds of the eastern European peoples have changed by the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war. Even though the military actions are so far limited by the territory of Ukraine, this war is an event of the history of entire humanity. In... more
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      OntologyPhilosophy of HistoryPolitical Ontology
Anders Burman reseña Lugares Parientes en Estudios Atacameños
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      AnthropologyAnthropology of FoodPolitical OntologyMining
В статье рассмотрен процесс вхождения слова справедливость в русский язык от его первых употреблений в XV в. до конца XVIII в. Слово справедливость приходит в русский язык из польского, и значения слова вплоть до XVIII в. реализуются в... more
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      Intellectual HistoryJusticeHistory of Political ThoughtRussian Intellectual History
This chapter interrogates the concept of the subject of rights and questions whether Jacques Rancière’s work could be used to understand and mobilize the subjectification of non-humans in the context of a ‘pluralization of ontologies’ or... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsJacques RancièreAnimal Rights/Liberation
This article investigates the role of scenographics in staging climate crisis cultures. The art collective SUPERFLEX's installation It Is Not The End Of The World (Copenhagen 2019) explored human-world relations through techniques of set... more
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      Cultural GeographyInstallation ArtScenography