Polish poetry
Recent papers in Polish poetry
[w:] T. Dalasiński, T. Cieślak [red.], Nie w pierwszym szeregu. O poetach lat 90., Toruń 2015.
The paper deals with the topic of ecologically oriented poetry of Krystyna Miłobędzka as a vital tradition for 21st-century Polish ecopoets. The author tries to trace the changes in the poetic canon after 1990 and shows the increasing... more
Bolesław Leśmian is an impossible writer – according to Edward Balcerzan, “a poet with no masters, a master with no followers.” Additionally, he is usually considered as an untranslatable poet: the creator of his own idiomatic language,... more
aksjologiczne preferencje humanistów stały się naturalnym kontekstem utworów poetyckich. Czymś oczywistym jest to zjawisko w renesansie, ciekawi jednak również, co z etycznego dziedzictwa humanistów przetrwało w twórczości poetyckiej... more
Artykuł poświęcony został literackiej zagadce Jana Kochanowskiego (Fraszki III 78) z XVI w. o zwierzęciu z jednym okiem, do którego strzela się pozba-wionymi grotu strzałami. Jej rozwiązanie do dziś sprawia bowiem badaczom egzegetom... more
The article focuses on the poetry of Polish-Canadian writer Wacław Iwaniuk in his only volume in English Evenings on Lake Ontario [Wieczory nad jeziorem Ontario]. The aim of the essay is to highlight the book’s distinctness and importance... more
Amid the turmoil the bell tolls of hope - translated by Teresa Bałuk-Ulewiczowa, first published in 'Stereotyp a nieprzekładalność bezwzględna.' In: Między oryginałem a przekładem VIII: Stereotyp a przekład. Eds.U. Kropiwiec, M.... more
W tej książce spróbuję na przykładzie wierszy wybranych poetów opowiedzieć, na ile to możliwe, o wywodzącym się z lat 90. liryczno-narracyjnym projekcie; o tym, jakie efekty przynosi jego realizacja na trzech, najważniejszych dla liryki... more
Among numerous books of poetry for children written by Danuta Wawiłow – famous XXth century Polish poet and writer – one book is special: Poems for Naughty Children [Wiersze dla niegrzecznych dzieci] published in 1987. The book is... more
‘But – Grandson – Thou Shalt Remember’. Reception of Norwid’s Poetry between 1939 and 1956. The outbreak of the Second World War was a turning point in the reception of Norwid and his literary output, which shared the fate of other... more
Tradução de livro poético de Anna Świrszczyńska, um relato testemunhal do Levante de Varsóvia. O livro pode ser adquirido em http://dybbuk.iluria.com/pd-4BC1E0.html
This article is an attempt to interpret the culminant work of the collection of poems Imiesłowy by Krystyna Miłobędzka. In this paper, based on cultural and philosophical contexts, the analisys of different meanings of text (especally... more
Transcription and translation: parallel experiences in music and poetry – Referring to some personal experiences and some statements by Norman Davies, Umberto Eco and Fabio Scotto, the author tries to find analogies between translating... more
The first in Polish humanities study on litany written by an academic in the field of theory of literature with the use of the methods of historical and theoretical poetics. The book contains a concise reconstruction of origins of litany... more
Given the universal myths in conjunction with national myths and literary dialogues, out of which Las Ardeński is built, the article points to the sources of inspiration presented in the poem: the memory of the fallen, the mission of the... more
About the author's textual variants of Campo di Fiori by Czesław Miłosz and their rather heavy implications in the six different italian translations of one of the most important Polish 20th century poems on Shoah. inc. Campo di Fiori... more
Bibliografia rozprawy doktorskiej "Psalmiczność w poezji polskiej XX wieku" złożonej w 2017 roku.
The article discusses the role of vermin in the vanitas discourse in the Polish poetry from the late 16th until the 18th centuries. The introduction, using the example of Żale nagrobne by Sebas-tian Fabian Klonowic, shows the change in... more
This is part of the master degree thesis. It shows one of many concepts of Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna biography. It tries to answer questions about many holes in eccentric and rich life of Polish poetess.
Nieobecność Niewiele brakowało, a moja matka mogłaby poślubić pana Zbigniewa B. ze Zduńskiej Woli. I gdyby mieli córkę -nie ja bym nią była.Może z lepszą pamięcią do imion i twarzy, i każdej usłyszanej tylko raz melodii. Bez błędu... more
The article focuses on the representations of the body in Zuzanna Ginczanka's poetry. There are four crucial poetic constructions in this respect that need to be properly contextualized: the Jewish body (Ginczanka's beauty and stigma, her... more
Byłem na odczycie strukturalisty, mówił nadzwyczaj inteligentnie i jego francuskie łapki nadzwyczaj inteligentnie trzymały papierosa.
Published as an attachment to the essay ‘Zbigniew Herbert – klasyk nieprzekładalności.’ Arcana. Dwumiesięcznik. Kultura – Historie – Polityka 110 (2/2013). pp. 53-59.
Różycki’s dark metaphors. The article is concerned with the characterisation of Tomasz Różycki’s art of poetry, especially the qualities of his style and the structure of the world presented in his poems. The author argues that Różycki’s... more
About Jan Kochanowski's three first sonnets of polish poetry and their collocation within the european literary context.
Co mają wspólnego etyka i literatura? Książka Michała Kozy proponuje świeże spojrzenie na to, jak teksty literackie włączają się w kulturową produkcję projektów i granic tego, kim jesteśmy i kim możemy być. Część metodologiczna książki... more
Referring to the symbols and myths connected with a mirror, the author of this essay presents Polish translations of Brazilian and Uruguayan poetry and Brazilian translations of Polish poetry. Selected poems that refer to the mirror... more
This is my translation of a poem "Widokówka z tego świata" into English
Looking through poems of Szymborska that concern destiny, casuality and love, this paper tells the story of a poem that was adapted as a graphic novel, song and film. The intertextual and interartistical dialogue is also one of the topics... more
The starting point of the sketch are the motifs of days and nights (as well as sleep, insomnia and light) in the works of Andrzej Sosnowski. These are presented to indicate essential observations for his texts about work, productivity,... more
Wisława Szymborska não pertence aos escritores que expõem os eventos de suas próprias vidas e contribuem assim para o surgimento do mito literário. Ao contrário dos costumes vigentes atualmente, a poeta protege a privacidade: evita... more
Poesia: sussurro, grito e silêncio -sobre três poemas de Iossif Brodskii, Aleksander Wat e Zbigniew Herbert[1] Piotr Kilanowski[2] Quando Theodore Adorno escreveu a célebre e terrível frase: "Escrever um poema após Auschwitz é um ato de... more
"Life Without God Is Impossible”: On the Human Need of Metaphysics in Rozewicz’s Poetry Something has changed in Rozewicz’s world, as poetry turns out to be helpless against modernity. It appears that in childhood, in times of clear... more
TOWARDS THE POST-HUMAN BODY... POLISH POETRY AFTER 1989 IN THE FACE OF NEW MEDIA AND NEW REALITY The subject of the study is to analyse, on the basic of contemporary young poetry, changes taking place in the contemporary world. They go... more
Experience and Hermeneutics. Papers on Non-contemporary Polish Poetry A methodological basis for this book is hermeneutics (especially works of P. Ricoeur and H.G. Gadamer) which is one of the most important models of scientific discourse... more
Anna Świrszczyńska (1909-1984) já é conhecida pelo leitor brasileiro do livro Eu construía a barricada (2017). Além da autora daquele testemunho poético potente também foi uma das mais importantes poetas femininas e feministas da Polônia.... more
W części trzeciej Zasłony, zatytułowanej Iść ku duszy rzeczy, Milan Kundera snuje rozważania o "powieściach, które myślą". Aby wyjaśnić swój koncept, odwołuje się do dzieł Hermanna Brocha i Roberta Musila. Wiemy dobrze, że obaj pisarze... more
Zbigniew Herbert's "Pan Cogito" in German. Remarks on imperial translation This short analysis of Karl Dedecius's work, especially of his translations, and German-language edition of Zbigniew Herbert's Cogito-poems focuses on aspects of... more