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The article decribes a few of the channels to learn Polish as a foreign language on YouTube. It displays how YouTube videos can impact the human brain and how they can help students in the learning process. Moreover, the article shows... more
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      E-learningYoutubePolish language, literature and cultureGlottodidattica
Temčinas S., Języki kultury ruskiej w Pierwszej Przeczypospolitej, in Kuczyńska M. (ed.), Między Wschodem a Zachodem: Prawosławie i unia, Warszawa, 2017 (Kultura Pierwszej Przeczypospolitej w dialogu z Europą: hermeneutyka wartości, t.... more
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      Slavic LanguagesBelarusian StudiesSlavonic LanguagesUkrainian Studies
Essay from the book "Halka/Haiti 18°48'05"N 72°23'01"W: C.T. Jasper & Joanna Malinowska", the publication accompanying the official Polish representation at the 56th Venice Biennale. This essay provides conceptual framework to the... more
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      Music HistoryAnthropologyPostcolonial StudiesContemporary Art
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      RussianSlavonic LanguagesCzechBulgarian
[Polish only] Jacek Dukaj jest pisarzem powszechnie znanym z powieści z gatunku szeroko pojmowanej fantastyki. Zadziwia i zaskakuje eksperymentami językowymi, ujmuje rozmachem swoich powieści, imponuje olbrzymią wiedzą i wglądem. Jego... more
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      Cultural StudiesLiteratureLiterary CriticismLiterary Theory
During the classes were presented basic elements of speech therapy workshop, which can be used by glottodidactists in teaching correct pronunciation of bilingual children. The degree of mastery of the phonetic system of a new language has... more
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      Multi- & Bilingualism & BiliteracySpeech-Language Pathology/ Communication DisordersBilingual EducationPolish Studies
Translation of  the Fraszki in Kochanowski. Kto mi dał skrzydła. Who hath bewinged me (2000), pp. 69-102
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      Translation StudiesRenaissance StudiesTranslation of PoetryPolish Literature
Poe - Gombrowicz. Crime and parody The aim of this text is to compare Gombrowicz's story "Zbrodnia z premedytacją" ("Premeditated crime") with Poe's stories. The main thesis of this article is that Gombrowicz's text is a parody of the... more
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      Comparative LiteratureDetective FictionPolish LiteratureParody
A "Small" History of Translation. The Golden Age of English Literature for Children in Polish Translations: An Outline The Golden Age of English-language literature for children began about 1865, when Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was... more
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureChildren's literature (Classics)Literary translationChildren's literature in Translation
W artykule przedstawiono sytuację, wyzwania i problemy współczesnej chińskiej polonistyki. Przez ponad 50 lat na terenie Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej funkcjonowała jedna polonistyka — na Pekińskim Uniwersytecie Języków Obcych (Beijing... more
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      Polish language, literature and culturePolish LanguagePolish Language TeachingGlottodidactics. Teaching strategies
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      Literary TheoryPolish language, literature and cultureTeoria LiteraturyLiteratura Polska
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      Graphic DesignRadioJournalism HistoryFeminism
In the article, the author challenges the Polish verbs with prefixes created on the basis of -kładać (imperfect verb form) and -łożyć (perfect verb form), e.g. złożyć: składać (to fold, to deposit). Many foreigners have problems with... more
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      Polish language, literature and cultureGlottodidatticaPolish LanguagePolish Language Teaching
Amid the turmoil the bell tolls of hope - translated by Teresa Bałuk-Ulewiczowa, first published in 'Stereotyp a nieprzekładalność bezwzględna.' In: Między oryginałem a przekładem VIII: Stereotyp a przekład. Eds.U. Kropiwiec, M.... more
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      Translation StudiesRomanticismNineteenth Century StudiesPolish History
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      HistoryPolish Migrationhistory of PolandPolish language, literature and culture
Marriage, whose origins in Poland are not exactly known, is an extremely complex ritual described from the perspective of anthropology, ethnology, law, history, sociology and religious studies. Some of the aspects of marriage (mainly... more
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      Anthropological LinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsPolish language, literature and culturePolish Language
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      Polish LiteratureLiteraturaPolish language, literature and culturePolska Literatura Współczesna
У статті висвітлено питання рецепції збірника «Pieśni polskie i ruskie ludu Galicyjskiego» Вацлава з Олеська польськими, чеськими та словацькими ученими, культурними діячами та письменниками. Ключові слова: аналітична рецепція, творча... more
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      FolkloreSlavic StudiesPolish language, literature and cultureUkrainian folklore
The start of learning in a new group is often stressful, especially in the beginning of the course. The paper presents some practical and methodological techniques on how to integrate new students with each other and reduce their stress.... more
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      Polish language, literature and cultureGlottodidatticaPolish LanguageIce Breakers
„Rozprawa Karola Jachymka jest niezwykle rzetelnym tekstem o filmie polskim lat sześćdziesiątych, dającym z jednej strony bardzo szeroką panoramę tego zjawiska, z drugiej zaś szereg pogłębionych i ciekawych analiz […]. Lata sześćdziesiąte... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesSex and GenderWomen's Studies
nie był twórcą zamożnym. Jego Muza zmuszona była szukać wsparcia u magnatów skłonnych do objęcia opieką utalentowanego szlachcica z Wielkopolski. Stąd w dorobku poety przewaga utworów o założeniach panegirycznych, zarówno takich, które... more
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      Polish HistoryPolish LiteraturePolish StudiesEpic poetry
Polska kultura wizualna wciąż jest obszarem słabo rozpoznanym i niedowartościowanym. Obraz historycznie ustępuje znaczenia słowu, nieczęsto stając się przedmiotem rozważań teoretycznych, wizje i widzenia są raczej domeną literatury,... more
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      Visual CulturePolish language, literature and culture
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      Lesbian StudiesPolish language, literature and culture
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      Literary JournalismContemporary Polish LiteratureReception of AntiquityHerodotus, Thucydides, and Historiography
As was the case with many newly independent African nations, Somalia was beset by a language problem whose complexity had begun well before independence and the unification of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland in 1960. With three... more
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      Critical TheoryLanguagesCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Dal volume "Un ebreo resta sempre un ebreo". Vicende dell'ebraismo e del messianesimo nella cultura polacca. Con saggi di Jan Doktor, Irena Grudzinska-Gross, Joanna B. Michlic... more
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      Jewish StudiesAntisemitism (Prejudice)Jewish heritage, Polish-Jewish / German-Jewish Relations, klezmer revival, Jewish heritage tourism, Holocaust commemoration, antisemitism, social identity, oral historyPolish language, literature and culture
Raport z badań poświęconych polu literackiemu w Polsce. Nadrzędnym celem projektu był naukowy opis dwudziestu pięciu lat rozwoju pola literackiego w Polsce (1989–2014) i zachowań jego głównych aktorów (pisarzy i pisarek, wydawców, agentów... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSociology of CultureContemporary Polish Literature
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      Theatre StudiesFilm StudiesLiteratureFilm Analysis
Wypada rozpocząć od wyjaśnienia: śródtytuł jest wykładnią sposobu interpretowania terminu "felieton" jako komunikatu posiadającego uschematyzowaną formę zewnętrzną i formę wewnętrzną. Autorce bliskie było stanowisko Jacka Maziarskiego,... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismGenre studiesGenre
and others
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      Bilingual EducationMigration StudiesPolish MigrationBilingualism
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      Multi- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyIdentity (Culture)Multicultural EducationBilingual Education
The first Polish translation of Charlotte Brontefs widely popular Victorian classic Jane Eyre was published between 1880-1881, exactly 33 years after the original novel came out. It was being issued under the title "Janina. Powieść z... more
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      Translation StudiesDigital HumanitiesVictorian LiteratureCharlotte Brontë
This paper investigates the genetic relationship between derivational affixes or morphemes like ensure, whiten, opinion, activity in Arabic and English mainly as well as German, French, and Latin. Applying the lexical root theory as a... more
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      Russian StudiesGreek LiteratureEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second Language
The use of light and shadow, colour and contrast, camera choice, placement and movement, composition, measure and rhythm, time and space, the application of the most sophisticated digital, logistical, financial tools available, the... more
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      Sociology of ReligionIntercultural CommunicationMeaning of LifeSymbolic Interaction
W części trzeciej Zasłony, zatytułowanej Iść ku duszy rzeczy, Milan Kundera snuje rozważania o "powieściach, które myślą". Aby wyjaśnić swój koncept, odwołuje się do dzieł Hermanna Brocha i Roberta Musila. Wiemy dobrze, że obaj pisarze... more
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      Contemporary Polish LiteratureLiterary TheoryModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Giorgio Agamben
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      Eastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryPolish LiteratureJewish heritage, Polish-Jewish / German-Jewish Relations, klezmer revival, Jewish heritage tourism, Holocaust commemoration, antisemitism, social identity, oral historyKraków
The Passenger is based on the 1961 novel by Zofia Posmysz, which depicts her own experiences as an Auschwitz prisoner. The novel was inspired by a 1959 incident on board the Place de la Concorde when, while travelling, Posmysz overheard a... more
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      MusicologyPerformance StudiesOperaHolocaust Studies
Translation of part of Jan Kochanowski's play Odprawa posłów greckich. Published in Kochanowski. Kto mi dał skrzydła / Who hath bewinged me (Kraków: Collegium Columbinum: 2000, pp.5-13)
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      Translation StudiesRenaissance StudiesTranslation of PoetryRenaissance drama
Only Polish words from Marcin Paszkowski’s “Dictionary” have been published up to now while their Turkish equivalents have never been edited although two scholars (Ananiasz Zajączkowski 1938 and Stanisław Stachowski 1989) intended to do... more
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      History of LinguisticsPhilologyLanguagesGeography
The discussion concerned four interrelated topics. The panelists talked about the illusory nature of 1948 as a breakthrough year in the history of the Polish People’s Republic, a separation point between the announcement of the... more
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      Polish HistoryPolish StudiesPolish Culture and HistoryHistoria Cultural
Roman Krzywy -doktor habilitowany, adiunkt w Instytucie Literatury Polskiej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, w którym kieruje Zakładem Literatury i Kultury Epok Dawnych. Ostatnio opublikował książkę Sztuka wyborów i dar inwencji. Studium o... more
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      Polish LiteratureOld Polish literaturePolish language, literature and culturePolish poetry
Emotions called as the negative ones may be recognized in other people through signs sent verbally or non-verbally. Language enables communicating emotions which are related to the particular situations and other persons’ statements.... more
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      EmotionsLanguage and EmotionPolish language, literature and cultureGlottodidattica
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      Baltic languagesHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthPolish language, literature and cultureBaltic Mythology
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      RomanticismPostcolonial StudiesSiberiaExile
Czy we współczesnej polszczyźnie istnieje forma widziawszy? (rekonesans badawczy) Y stáło śię, gdy Dawid przyszedł áż ná wierzch gory, áby śię tám pomodlił Bogu: Oto, potka śię z nim Chusáj Aráchitá, miawszy rozdárte száty swe, á proch ná... more
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      Polish language, literature and culturePolish Language
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      Comparative LiteraturePolish LiteratureCentral and Eastern EuropePolish language, literature and culture
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      Visual StudiesPopular Music StudiesPopular MusicPopular Culture
The aim of the paper is to present the chosen aspects of teaching Polish as a foreign language at the very basic level which is often called the survival one. There is more and more foreigners who begin to work and live in Poland. They... more
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      Teaching and LearningPolish language, literature and cultureGlottodidatticaPolish Language
Obraz Marii Konopnickiej wyłaniający się z Listów do synów i córek odbiega znacznie od wizerunku publicznego wieszczki narodowej. Poetka miewała nastroje antysemickie, bywała nadopiekuńczą matką a także zrzędliwą starą kobietą. Trudno... more
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      Cultural HistoryNew HistoricismNineteenth Century StudiesPolish History
The article discusses the usage of the classical topos Graeca fides to describe the citizens of the Grand Duchy of Moscow in early modern Polish literature (chronicles, diaries, journalistic writings, diplomatic reports etc.). This way of... more
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      Polish HistoryPolish LiteraturePolish StudiesOld Polish literature