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Una descripción simple sobre esta red social que te permitirá conocer para qué es utilizada.
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      Social MediaOnline MarketingSocial Media MarketingPinterest
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      Redes socialesEducación InfantilDidáctica de las Ciencias SocialesPinterest
The everyday use of smartphones with high quality built-in cameras has lead to an increase in museum visitors' use of these devices to document and share their museum experiences. In this paper, we investigate how one particular photo... more
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      PhotographyMuseum StudiesMobile TechnologySocial Media
The project aims to design and implement a website that displays user uploaded data and allows infinite scrolling. We are developing the project using Django framework, where every user from anywhere around the world can share their... more
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      Human Computer InteractionPinterest
To Pinterest or not to Pinterest? – that is the question: Evaluating the usefulness of Pinterest as online self-access material at Southampton Solent University, UK. Whistance (2015) puts forward that the use of Pinterest at... more
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      Higher EducationOnline LearningMaterials developmentSocial Media and Higher Education
Social media skills are used in nearly every organization so students should be prepared in a strategic way to compete in this environment where their careers are enhanced or eliminated by their social media use (Preston, 2012). One... more
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      Visual LiteracySocial MediaVirtual HRDVirtual
In the present world, the role of social media, as the important and actual tool of marketing communication is relevant for operation of commercial organizations, since according to various studies, the number of social media users... more
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      ContentFacebookTwitterSocial Media Marketing
La comunicación organizacional se encuentra en un proceso de transformación. Evoluciona de una comunicación de masas controlada, destinada a la promoción asimétrica y unidireccional a una nueva era de la información multimediática... more
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Oltre al miglioramento del programma in sé, Sky ha investito parte delle sue risorse nella promozione e marketing per riuscire sia a mantenere i suoi clienti sia ad attrarne dei nuovi. Per farlo, oltre a evidenziare il miglioramento... more
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      Social MediaFacebookTwitterSocial Media Marketing
Many companies are following and adapting the technological developments in communication area, with high percentage usage ratios of web page and mobile applications based services, even as linking them on the social media channels.... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingSocial NetworksSocial Media
PANDUAN PENULISAN LAPORAN AKHIR OJT Penulisan Laporan Akhir OJT adalah salah satu elemen penilaian yang menyumbang markah sebanyak 20% dari keseluruhan penilaian OJT. Pelajar dikehendaki menyediakan laporan ini berdasarkan panduan... more
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      GoogleGoogle.comOn the Job TrainingPinterest
Since its beginnings in the middle of the 19th century, fashion has been narrated through multiple media, both visual and verbal, and for such different purposes as marketing and advertising, art, costume history, social research and... more
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      Fashion TheoryHuman RightsThe BodySecond Life
La irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías en el ámbito académico se ha convertido en los últimos años en una de las novedades más interesantes en la enseñanza universitaria. La posibilidad de apoyarse en recursos de Internet, redes sociales,... more
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      Redes socialesHistoria del ArteColeccionismoImágenes
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      Public RelationsFacebookTwitterOnline Marketing
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      ImagenCreatividadPinterestInnovación Docente
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      Redes socialesHistoria del ArteColeccionismoPinterest
Seleccionar un nuevo medio para el análisis y plasmar sus ventajas y desventajas en relación a los medios tradicionales teniendo en cuenta conexión, comunicación, branding y reputación de marca, información, relaciones, confianza /... more
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      PinterestInstagramSocial Media PhotographyThe Photographer and Everyday Life
Bu çalışmada, TÜBİTAK`ın Bilimsel Eğitim Etkinliklerini Destekleme Programı desteğiyle gerçekleştirilen “Öğretmen Adaylarına Yönelik Web 2.0 Araçlarının İncelenmesi ve Öğrenme Ortamlarında Kullanımı Semineri’ne katılan öğretmen... more
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      Web 2.0MOODLEFacebookTwitter
At this time, as we find ourselves within the 200th anniversary of the photographic experiments of Wedgewood, Davies, Neipce and, if Geoffrey Batchen is right, a host of other inventors, we are witnessing a transfer of the power of... more
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      Contemporary PhotographyPinterestInstagramSocial Media Photography
This study explores social media users' personality traits and motivations for the usage of two different social media platforms, Facebook and Pinterest, as well as how the varied uses impact users' negative emotional experiences. The... more
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      Social MediaFacebookEmotionsMotivation
This graduation dissertation delves into the current craft revival, and aims to find connections with medieval guilds and the 20th century revivals to further understand how the era of Social Media has affected its course.
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      DesignPottery (Archaeology)Ceramics (Ceramics)Product Design
With more tourists researching and booking their travel entirely online, the use of social networking sites (SNSs) has gained popularity amongst both tourists and destination marketing organizations (DMOs). This study examined tourist... more
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      Heritage TourismSocial Media MarketingTourismVisual Research Methods
Sociological studies show that Internet access, skills, uses, and outcomes vary between different population segments. However, we lack differentiated statistical evidence of the social characteristics of users of distinct social media... more
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      SociologyCommunicationDigital DivideNew Media
Many companies are following and adapting the technological developments in communication area, with high percentage usage ratios of web page and mobile applications based services, even as linking them on the social media channels.... more
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      MarketingTourism StudiesNew MediaTourism Marketing
Nowadays, people share a lot of information in social media in the form of videos, news, photos, posts, likes, etc. This large amount of generated information reflects the opinions, emotions and preferences of the users. As an example of... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningSocial MediaSocial Media Marketing
E-learning 2.0 has marked the change from individual, passive learning, to student’s collaborating to improve their knowledge. Multitasking and ubiquitous computing represented a turning point in learners’ using various devices to gain... more
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      Computer Assisted Language LearningE-learningSocial MediaLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
“Kriz İletişim Yönetimi Rehberi”, İçişleri Bakanlığı İç Güvenlik Stratejileri Dairesi Başkanlığı tarafından; kriz iletişim yönetimine ilişkin kavramları açıklamak; terör, güvenlik, doğal afet, iş kazası, halk sağlığı, yangın gibi kriz... more
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      Digital Media & LearningSocial MediaFacebookTwitter
This article will give an overview of my Pinterest project, outlining a rationale for using social bookmarking sites and specifically Pinterest. It will then outline the aims of my practice, linking to research and implementation by other... more
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      EngineeringEmployabilityHigher EducationStudent Motivation And Engagement
User experience in modern content discovery applications critically depends on high-quality personalized recommendations. However, building systems that provide such recommendations presents a major challenge due to a massive pool of... more
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      Graph/Network AlgorithmsRecommendation SystemsPinterest
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      Social MediaPinterest
El objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar una herramienta TIC que facilite el seguimiento y evaluación del ePortafolio en las Prácticas Externas contempladas (Pérez, 2015), como obligatorias con la implantación del Espacio Europeo de... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesSocial Networking & Social MediaPinterest
Marketers have paid a huge price for their inability to decipher which trend has come to stay and which one is a fad. Such a challenge has jeopardized the survival of blue-chip brands, as marketers anticipated in vain the end of existing... more
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      MarketingWeb 2.0Internet StudiesSocial Marketing
In 2015, the Undergraduate Library (UGL) of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a public research university home to one of the biggest research libraries in the country, which focuses on undergraduate students, began an unusual... more
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      Library ScienceAcademic LibrariesLibrary and Information ScienceSocial Media
To learn about pediatric vaccine decision-making, we surveyed and interviewed US parents with at least one child kindergarten age or younger (N=53). Through an anthropologically informed content analysis, we found that fully vaccinating... more
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      Web 2.0VaccinesVaccinationVaccination Controversy
Over the past decade, social media have become an increasingly important component in the ways broadcasters communicate with their audiences. A relative newcomer to that mix is the social network Pinterest, which enables followers to post... more
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    • Pinterest
This paper first provides a historical overview of Internet use in French and American electoral campaigns. It then studies political practices on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest in the 2012 U.S. and French... more
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      Social NetworksInternet StudiesFacebookTwitter
Toda vez que la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) es ya una nueva realidad que ha influido en los hábitos de trabajo tanto de los docentes de Historia económica como de nuestros alumnos, hemos de encontrar... more
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      Redes socialesPinterestInnovación Docente
Pałasz, M., 2012. Jak prowadzić profil na Pintereście? - case study Muzeum Erotyzmu. Nowy Marketing. Available at:,jak-prowadzic-profil-na-pinterescie-case-study-muzeum-erotyzmu [Udostępniono sierpień 25,... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseumMedia ManagementSocial Media
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    • Pinterest
This article will give an overview of my Pinterest project, outlining a rationale for using social bookmarking sites and specifically Pinterest. It will then outline the aims of my practice, linking to research and implementation by other... more
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      EmployabilityHigher EducationStudent Motivation And EngagementSocial Media
Today, technology is advancing very quickly. While the speed of development and dissemination of technological tools occurred in the form of centuries in the previous periods, it has become possible to express this with decades or even... more
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      FacebookTwitterFacebook StudiesOkul öncesi Eğitim
Docentes: Rita Espanha e Fausto Colombo Mestrado em Comunicação, Cultura e Tecnologias de Informação RESUMO O advento da internet aliado à avalanche tecnológica trouxe consigo diversas categorizações de gerações mediante a domesticação... more
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      MarketingSociologyCultural StudiesCommunication
Teaching and learning problem Students routinely use social media. How, then, can they develop the skills to enable themselves to use social platforms like as Pinterest to help them search more judiciously to create and curate useful... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyReflective PracticeTeacher Education
This session will cover: • Social media as a common language both inside and outside the classroom; • Key platforms for learning: Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook; • Applications in EAP and ESP; • Using your online presence for... more
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      Digital LiteracySocial MediaFacebookTwitter
The everyday use of smartphones with high quality built-in cameras has lead to an increase in museum visitors’ use of these devices to document and share their museum experi- ences. In this paper, we investigate how one particular pho- to... more
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      Museum StudiesSocial MediaPhotography (Visual Studies)NEW TECHNOLOGY IN THE MUSEUM
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      Library ScienceDigital LibrariesSocial MediaPinterest
La irrupcion de las nuevas tecnologias en el marco academico ha permitido incorporar en los ultimos anos toda una serie de recursos de Internet en las aulas universitarias, profundizando de manera dinamica y colaborativa en los contenidos... more
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      ArtRedes socialesHistoria del ArteColeccionismo