Philosophy of the Body
Recent papers in Philosophy of the Body
The body has always been considered to be significant since the existence of humanity. It has not merely been analysed as the body, a living organism; rather, it has also been analysed in terms of its socio-cultural facets and political... more
L’histoire de la philosophie mérite d’être psychanalysée. Car elle a ses refoulés et ses oubliés suspects. Dans le cas particulier qui nous concerne, l’oublié ou l’écarté est une femme : Elisabeth de Bohème. On a écrit des ouvrages... more
This is the introduction to Seeing Wittgenstein Anew, a collection of essays on Wittgenstein and Seeing Aspects. Awareness of what Stanley Cavell called Wittgenstein’s “spiritual fervor or [the] seriousness of his writing” reached a... more
בקורס ״לחשוב מהגוף - מחוויה חושית ליצירה״ נעסוק ביצירה הנובעת מן החושים. הפילוסוף מוריס מרלו-פונטי הגדיר והבהיר את הגוף כמדיום המכונן עבורנו את הידיעה. בהשראת מרלו-פונטי ותיאוריות אחרות העוסקות בגוף כמקור למחשבה ולגילום תרבותי, נבדוק... more
The invention of politicis, between the fall of reek tribes and the rise of what Nietzsche called the "Greek enlightment". Society as a body. Polis, and geometry. The end of the social body and the rise of an economy of the human.... more
The paper proposes a rethinking of the “Techniksfrage” and the “post-humanism” focused on the discussion of the human nature and the man’s place in the world. 0) “Philosophy of technology” went in search of an Universal Essence of The... more
Il corpo è il «carcere» (φρουρά) dell’anima: questa definizione che Platone dà nel Fedone è spesso interpretata come quella che maggiormente riassume la concezione platonica della corporeità. Anima e corpo sono due elementi antagonistici... more
Unity of mind, body, soul, spirit is necessary for our thriving, for actualising our potentials, for being an exemplar, for living a truly human life. We all bear the potential 'megalopsychia', to be an exemplar. As part of our being... more
Si la ciencia ficción ha sido siempre un espacio abierto a la deconstrucción de los discursos dominantes y a la exploración de planteamientos no-hegemónicos, el anime de ciencia ficción se caracteriza especialmente por la profundidad con... more
This article focuses on the transformation of the female reproductive body with the use of assisted reproduction technologies under neo-liberal economic globalisation, wherein the ideology of trade without borders is central, as well as... more
An attempt to define a physical being as opposed to the mental being that we, as creatures, are most of the time. This is not entirely a purely physical being, but with a very reduced component of thought and an underdeveloped mental... more
Continuing the project that Hans-Ulrich Gumbrecht started with In Praise of Athletic Beauty (2006) and benefiting from much that has been put forward in Production of Presence: What Meaning Cannot Convey (2004), Crowds (2021) intends to... more
This article focuses on the transformation of the female reproductive body with the use of assisted reproduction technologies under neo-liberal economic globalisation, wherein the ideology of trade without borders is central, as well as... more